Is Your Business Heart-Centered? How to Lead a Business with Heart


Is Your Business Heart-Centered? How to Lead a Business with Heart

Businesses consist of a lot of things: drive, vision, a hard-working leader, and heart. You might read the last word and think, what’s heart got to do with it? Like most business leaders, you want to lead a business you love. That love drives you to meet the needs of your customers, fulfill your goals, grow your team, and do the activities that drive your business. Heart is central to all that you do in business, whether you realize it or not. The key is to realize that you’re leading a business with heart and do all you can to foster it.

Leading a heart-centered business is more than just loving the products or services you offer. It’s showing your team, customers, and network that you value them. Your customers don’t feel like they are always being sold to and your team doesn’t feel like you’re on them to sell more than develop your relationships. They all appreciate that you’re trying to build your relationship with them, make their days, and finding ways to help. What better way to build a business? 

Why heart?

You put your heart into everything in your business. In the beginning, even more so. It’s what drives you. This heart is what your network feels whenever you connect with them. However, as time goes on, it’s easy to stop focusing on heart. Sure, you’ll focus on your habits and cultivating the right mindset, but heart not so much. Of course habits and mindset are important, but your heart is important too. It’s what drives your motivation to grow your business and thrive. Think of it as the soul of your business. 

What motivates you to get up and connect with your network during your Power Hour? Sure, habits get you started. But heart provides that motivation to do it in the first place. It’s central to your Why and helps to motivate you to work hard each day to build your business. It drives you to help your customers, prospects, and distributors and may even prompt them to buy from or work with you as well. They love your products and services and your whole love vibe as well. Since they feel appreciated and cared for, they’re more likely to become strong advocates of your business.

Leading with heart inspires your team to do the same. They also feel loved and cared for and have a model to refer to to do the same for their networks. By leading with heart, you’re spreading the love. This is how you grow a strong network marketing business.

How to build a business with heart

Want to focus on creating a heart-centered business? Here’s how:


Service is at the core of your network marketing business. You provide Service when you connect with your network on a consistent and regular basis. How often is that? The good news is, if you use Teamzy, we’ll let you know when to contact everyone in your network so you don’t feel as if you’re pestering them. Instead, you’re showing consistency, which helps to build the relationship.

Building connections is only part of it. The other part is finding a need to fill. Sometimes the need relates to your business and you can make a sale or gain a new customer. Other times it doesn’t and in those cases, you can connect them with someone who can help and who may also be in your network. In addition to helping your customer, the other person may introduce you to customers of theirs who may want to buy from you. By spreading the love, you’ve opened yourself up to another network. 

Cultivate your heart set

Did you benefit from the products and services you sell before you sold them? You’re already a believer and can use your story to help others. This naturally gives you the heart to help. Tap into it when you help your network.

This heart set is cultivated each time you connect with your network. The more consistently you reach out, the more opportunities you’ll have to flex this skill. Check-in with them and find areas where you can help, whether it’s by solving their problem or connecting them with someone who can. 

Extend this to your team as well. Your team relies on you and other team members for advice and support. Use your experience and expertise to help your team overcome the challenges they are currently facing or may face one day. Share your wisdom to help them gain perspective and inspire them to work through. You’re inspiring them to lead with heart as well and are providing them with an example to follow. 

Share the love

Each time you connect with your team, celebrate the wins of the team. And, when you connect with customers, celebrate their wins as well.  Congratulate your team when they have a great month or have completed their goals. Celebrate with your customers when they reach their own milestones in their lives. People love to be celebrated and recognized for their victories. 

Don’t forget to share and celebrate your wins as well. Your wins are also important to your business and your network would love to share them with you. 

Follow up

Following up is an act of love, straight from the heart. When you follow up with your team or customers, it shows you care about them as more than a sale. If you haven’t heard from them in a while, check in with them to see if things are going well. Again, this seems like a small action; however, it’s essential to building a business with heart. When you follow up with your team, you show them you care about their goals and success. You want to help them thrive.

Encourage your team to lead with heart as well

Heart-centered businesses are contagious. Once your team sees how you lead your business, they’ll be inspired and more likely to do the same. This is where it’s important to model the behavior you wish to see. If you want your team to lead with heart, practice it in your business and show them how. Be transparent about the challenges you may face and share how you’ve handled them. This will motivate and inspire them. 

Teamzy can help you lead a business with heart

We developed Teamzy with relationships in mind. We have made it much easier to build your network marketing business with heart. Consistently connect with your network and team, track progress, and get access to online training courses to help you build the foundation for a thriving business. Not using Teamzy yet? What are you waiting for? Click here to see how Teamzy can help you grow your business.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.