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Crush Your Power Hour

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Crush Your Power Hour

Show us your routine and we’ll tell you if you’ll succeed. No, we’re not psychic; we can just tell a lot about you by looking at your habits.

What do you do every day that drives your business?

If you said “connect with my clients,” you’re on the right track.

If you want to market to your relationships it’s essential to have relationships to market to. By connecting with your clients regularly, you’ll not only build your relationship, you’ll also build your business.


I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Maya Angelou


When you make communicating with your clients part of your daily routine, you’re setting the stage for building a successful business.

What part of your daily routine helps build your business?

If you’re drawing a blank, it’s time to log into Teamzy and consult your Dashboard. Teamzy gives you a routine to follow that, if followed consistently, will drive your success.



All you need is an hour. The Power Hour helps you get everything done in an hour; less if you’re extra ambitious.

Here’s how:

1)Start from the top

Your Dashboard gives you everything you need to stay in touch with your relationships, including a list of people to call each day. You don’t have to agonize over who to contact first–just start at the top!

2) Stick to the script.

Teamzy also includes several scripts to help you get started when you’re just not sure what to say. No more staring at the screen, trying to think of THE PERFECT thing to say to someone. Choose a script and go! Then, copy and paste (replacing the name of course) the message to the next name on the list. Super easy, right?

3) Following up has never been easier.

You know you need to follow up, but with the busy life you lead, how can you remember who to follow up with and when. Don’t worry–Teamzy has your back. Don’t let any of your relationships fall through the cracks. Simply set the follow-up day and time and Teamzy will remind you!

4) Always stay on track

As you connect with your relationships, be sure to log your messages in Teamzy. Then you’ll always know who you reached out to and what you said. What’s better than that?



If you’re not using Teamzy yet, what exactly are you waiting for? An invitation? Well, you asked for it.

We cordially invite you to try Teamzy and see how much it streamlines your business each day.

Give it a whirl! Open your Dashboard and Power Hour it up! Before long you’ll be building relationships and your business in just an hour a day.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.