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Goal Check-in: Are You on Track?


Goal Check-in: Are You on Track?

It’s the end of the first quarter of 2023. What better time to review your goals and make sure that you are on track? The benefit of reviewing your goals at the end of the first quarter is that it is a natural stopping point in the calendar. You’ve had three months to do the activities that will get you on track to achieving your goals. Now is the time to check your progress. This allows you to plan for the rest of the year. What do you need to do to ensure that you have completed your goals by December 31st, 2023? Here’s how to do a goal check-in.

Review your goals 

Just a few months ago you set goals to achieve this year. If you’re like most network marketers, you probably haven’t looked at them since you set them. And that’s okay. However, it’s always a good idea to read your goals from time to time so that you know what you are targeting. The most successful people read their goals at least once a month. This allows them to keep those goals top of mind so that when they’re doing their daily activities, they know why they’re doing them. However, if you haven’t looked at your goals since December or early January, this is still a great time to read them over and review your progress.

If you have ambitious goals this review becomes especially important. A quarterly check-in will help you check your progress so that you can make course corrections. After all, you don’t want December to arrive and be surprised that you have not completed your goal. A quarterly goal review prevents this disappointment. Even if your goals aren’t super ambitious, a quarter legal check-in will help you stay on track to ensure you achieve your goals.

Assess your goal progress with Teamzy 

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could check your progress automatically on your computer? You can with Teamzy. We created our CRM with your ambitious goals in mind. When you first create your account, you’ll be prompted to create goals. This is not only to help you create the foundation for your business, but it also helps the CRM to create your daily list of people to contact. If you’re new to goal writing, Teamzy has the tools to ensure that you create smart goals.

Smart goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals. It’s not enough to set a goal like I want to boost business this year. The SMARTer your goal the more likely you are to achieve it. SMART goals give you something tangible to aspire to. In addition to prompts on the screen, we also have training videos and blogs to guide you through the goal-setting process. 

Once you have your goals, each day when you do your power hour, be sure to document your activities. When you make a call or send a message, log in. If you get an introduction, log it. If you added someone to your network or your team, log it. This creates a habit of noting your progress. The more you track your activities, the clearer your progress becomes.

Over time you’ll be able to see your progress. You can see the progress to make each day as well as your progress toward achieving your goals. Reviewing this progress will allow you to plan for the rest of the year.

Create a plan for your goal

Once you have reviewed your progress, it’s time to create a plan to help you achieve your goals for the rest of the year. Keep in mind that you may alter this plan in quarters two and three depending on the progress you’ve made. For now, you’ll focus on a plan that works for now. You may find that next quarter you’ll have to revise your plan for many reasons. Perhaps you’ll do so well in quarter too that you’ll be able to ease up on the gas for quarters three and four. Or, you may find that you need to increase your activities in quarters three and four to reach your goals. The key is to create a plan that works for you.

If you’re on track, your plan may be to just keep doing what you’re doing. It’s working if you are on track to achieving your goals by the end of the year. Keep in mind that the year is still young and you may need to change direction mid-year. But for now, you don’t need to worry about that. Continue to do the number of Power Hours during your week that you are doing now. It seems to be working so if it’s not broken don’t fix it.

If you are way ahead of where you intended to be, then perhaps your goals could be more ambitious. You have two options for approaches to take at this point. You could revise your goal to make it more ambitious. For example, if you wanted to increase your network by 10% and you increased it by 20% in the first quarter you may wish to update your goal to 25%. Your second option is to just continue on the path that you’re on.

Although things can change during the year, you’re likely to exceed your goal by the end of the year. Of course, there’s a third approach that we may not recommend this early in the year and that is to let your foot off the gas and slow down your activities. Although it may be tempting to do this if you’re way ahead of where you intended to be, we would never advise easing up on your business unless you had to.

Build habits of success 

In addition to ambitious goals, your successor lies upon the habits that you have developed. Your habits can make or break you. The better your habits are, the more likely you are to achieve success and achieve your goals. What makes a habit a good habit? The habits in our best are the ones that are best for your business. The most important habit is consistency. 

Consistency in your business and your activities and in your communication with your network. Although Teamzy can help you achieve consistency it’s still up to you to do the activities that develop this habit. We can give you a list of people to communicate with, but it’s up to you to reach out to connect with them. And although we can give you the tools to help you keep track of your goals, it’s up to you to take that step to track them. In addition to building your business, consistency also builds trust with everyone in your network.

In this way, consistency is exhibited when you say that you’re going to do something. Will you tell a customer, team member, or distributor that you’re going to follow up with them with an answer to a question they had, this is an act of consistency. When you commit to doing three Power hours a week, or however many you do, this is an act of consistency as well. And consistent with your business. People know that they can rely on you. Your business knows that you can rely on yourself. And your team knows that they can rely on you to provide the model of behavior that they should emulate. These are the best habits, the ones that drive your business. Developing the habit of consistency takes time. However, it is worth it.

Are you using Teamzy to track your goals?

If you’re not using Teamzy to track your goals, what are you waiting for? We make it easy and fun to pursue your goals. Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.