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Want to Double Your Income? Master Your Power Hour


Want to Double Your Income? Master Your Power Hour

One of the most common questions people have when they start out in the network marketing business is, can network marketing make you rich? The short answer is… maybe. But it’s more complicated than that. As with any business, it’s critical to put the resources into the business to help it grow and thrive. These resources – time, money, and energy – are the fertilizer for a seedling business.

The industry is full of stories of people who have become more financially secure from network marketing. They have added to their family incomes, often substantially, thanks to their network marketing businesses. However, no network marketing company can make the promise that you’ll earn a 6-figure income from making their products and services your business. Why? There are so many other factors that contribute to the success that results in a six-figure income. It doesn’t just happen overnight. That said, many people say the money they earn from their businesses does allow them to do the things they were unable to before. This may include taking the family on a once-in-a-lifetime vacation that’s paid for long before the departure date. It may also include paying off debt or buying a house. Or, it could mean paying off the next Christmas by June.

Getting to the crux of the issue

At the core of the question, “can network marketing make you rich” is will it provide a stable income. Will it allow you to create a steady side income and reduce financial stress? Will it allow you to add to the family coffers so that you can afford to do the things you’ve dreamed of? That all depends on you. If you want to become successful, you have to follow the example of those who have achieved success. So, what separates the most successful network marketers from the rest of the pack?

Work smarter, not harder

No doubt you’ve heard that phrase before, but what exactly does it mean? For network marketers, it means using a system that allows you to do all you need to do to succeed in less time. After all, you likely got into network marketing so that you could reclaim your time and escape from the stressful 9-5 of a corporate job. You want to spend more time with your kids, your spouse, your hobbies, your volunteer work and your other passions. Network marketing allows you to be your own boss, set your own hours and an earn a living on your own terms.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is getting sucked into the same work trap they felt stuck in when they worked a corporate job. They’re working around the clock trying to connect with and sell to current and potential customers, not to mention recruiting new team members. They begin to think that the more they work, the more successful they’ll be. However, working more will not make them more successful; it just makes them burn out quicker.

Tapping into your Power Hour

If you want to avoid the fate of the network marketers who burned out before they even got started, you need one thing: A Power Hour

A Power Hour is an hour (or often less when you get the hang of it) that you dedicate to your business each day. It’s a no-excuses thing – you show up every day for that hour, no excuses. During that hour, you connect with your customers, prospects, and distributors using your Teamzy Dashboard. That’s it; you’ll just work through your list.

Getting it all done, one hour at a time

Teamzy relies on an algorithm that uses your goals and how you’ve sorted your contacts to create a list of folks to contact every day. Some people you’ve connected with a month ago; for others it’s been a few months. Regardless, you’ll check in with both groups all the same.

If you’re not sure what to say, Teamzy has a ton of scripts you can use. You can copy and paste them verbatim – changing the names, of course. Or you can use them to inspire a personal message to your contacts. It doesn’t matter which you choose; all that matters is you follow up and connect with your network.

Pro Tip: An hour may not seem like much, but, in most cases, it’s all you need to get your business going in the right direction – the direction of success.

Why is it so effective?

The Power Hour is an important habit to adopt. It has so many benefits:

  1. You’ll always have time for your business. The downside of working for yourself is that you don’t have a boss breathing down your neck to do your work. Since you’re the boss, it’s up to you to make sure you get done all you need to do to reach your goals. Unfortunately, you may not always feel like it. Additionally, there are days when you have 99 things vying for your attention and your business ain’t one. (Well, it is, but since it’s the one thing you have total control over, it’s often the first thing to get shoved to the back burner.) Setting your Power Hour into your daily schedule will ensure that you make time for it.
  2. You’ll become consistent with your network. Consistency is the key to building trust with your relationships. When your customers and team members trust you, they know you can rely on you. Consistency shows that you’ll do what you say you will. The more they trust you, the more likely they’ll be to introduce you to new prospects.
  3. You’ll take your business seriously. Many network marketers complain that no one takes their businesses seriously. In order to be taken seriously, you have to take yourself seriously first! And, to do that, you have to carve time out each day to work on your business.

What if it doesn’t take an hour?

You’ll find over time that the business generating activities you do during your Power Hour, don’t take an hour at all. Some days you can get it all done in 20 minutes; other days it takes 45. So, what do you do with the rest of your time?

Pro Tip: If you don’t need the whole hour, still use it! Don’t pour a glass of wine and say, “Wooohoo! I’m done for the day!” Instead, use it to complete your other business activities.

  • Schedule your social media posts. Social media plays a huge role in showing your character and expertise. Use the time to read and post articles about your industry, funny memes and gifs, etc. If you’re scheduling your posts for the week or month, use an app like HootSuite or HeyOrca to help you plan.
  • Respond to posts. Reply to comments on your social media posts. Also, respond to people in your network who have connected with you. This ensures that you’ll take the time to connect with your people.
  • Work on personal development. Read or listen to that business book you’ve been hearing so much about. Take an online training like the Art of Creating Conversations that Convert or watch shorter training snippets. This is the perfect time to work on yourself. After all, the more you grow your self, the more you’ll grow your business.

How does this relate to doubling income?

Focusing on your business for an hour is far more productive than trying to work on it all day. During that hour, you’ll connect with the right people at the right time. This not only allows you to generate reliable warm leads, but it also helps you maintain consistency. Consistency and growth both provide a turbo-boost to your bottom line. That means you have the potential to double, triple and even quadruple your income, as long as you commit to that hour and commit to a system, like Teamzy.

Building a strong business over time

Success isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. Although it seems as though some folks achieved 6-figure-incomes overnight, there’s a ton of work behind-the-scenes that you don’t see. What you don’t see is the hard work and dedication to their goals. You also don’t see the commitment to connecting with their network, day in and day out. “Overnight success” often takes months or years to achieve. But, if you focus on your business and make it a priority, do your daily business activities, and connect with your network consistently, you will achieve your goals. You’ll achieve success, whatever it means to you, whether it’s more money, more time to spend with your loved ones, or just the freedom from working a traditional 9-5 job.

Teamzy can help you build a successful business

We developed Teamzy to help network marketers build lasting successful businesses. As a CRM, it allows you to maintain and update your database quickly and easily. But, it’s so much more than a CRM. It gives you the tools you need to run a successful business. You have all the scripts you need to connect with your customers, prospects, and distributors, whether you’ve just met or you’re old friends. You’ll always know when to connect with your people, based on how you’ve sorted them in your database. And, perhaps most importantly, Teamzy is designed to help you achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself and your business. Click here to learn more about Teamzy and how to use it more effectively.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.