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3 Follow Up Rules that Will Make You a Better Friend

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3 Follow Up Rules that Will Make You a Better Friend

Following up is the biggest act of love you can offer your clients and team members, so why do so many people avoid it?  The reason is simple: they don’t want to seem “annoying.”

Let’s be real…While you’re working yourself into a whirlwind of anxiety that your relationships will see you as a pest, they’re just happy to see a text or message from you. They’re touched that you took time out of your day to make theirs.

They’re not thinking “Oh no! Not her again.” Instead, they’re thinking, “It’s so nice to hear from her!” or “I’ve been meaning to get in touch about a playdate for our kids.” or “Oh, that reminds me, I need more moisturizer/leggings/nutritional shakes.”

Repeat after me: It’s not annoying to show concern. Write that on a sticky note and post it to your bathroom mirror. Repeat it until you believe it!


It’s not annoying to show concern


1. Don’t ask them to do ANYTHING.

The only way you may come off as annoying is if you commit the ultimate sin of the follow up…asking them to act. People have enough on their plates to worry about: family, work, volunteering, etc.

They don’t want more added to the list. How do you feel when people ask you to add even more to your plate? Your mouth may be smiling, but on the inside, you’re coming up with a list of reasons you can’t do it and ways to get out of it pronto!

So, don’t ask them to do anything. Don’t ask them to buy from you, don’t ask them to join your team, don’t ask anything, unless it’s the phrase “How have you been?” If you want to maintain your relationships with your people, let them know they mean more to you than a sale. 

2. Show them you care.

It may seem like such a small, insignificant gesture, but texting or messaging a few words and emojis of care and encouragement can really make someone’s day.

Think about the last time you were having a crummy day; how would you feel if someone messaged you a positive message, like

Hey! I hope you’re having a great day! 🙂

Chances are, it put a smile on your face and helped you feel better.One of the best ways to help the people we care about is to make their day, whether it’s with an optimistic message of encouragement or just a simple “hello.” You’re not being annoying, you’re attempting to make their day just a bit brighter.

3. Keep it short.

Text and Facebook Messenger make it ideal to keep your follow-up short and sweet. Remember, you’re trying to make their days; not rival War & Peace in word count. Even the most voracious reader is likely to skim a long text or social media message – seriously. Say hello, express care and tie it together with a fun emoji or two. Super easy, right?

A system, like Teamzy, not only helps you determine who to follow up with, it also helps you keep track of your communication and organize all of your contacts and their information in one spot. 

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.