Help Center

OptaVia: Import Back Office

To download a copy of your Clients :

  1. Log in to Optavia online office
  2. Select Customer than Client/Customer Support
  3. Select client report
  4. Choose Download as CSV

To download a copy of Health Coaches:

  1. Select Engage
  2. Select Reporting
  3. Choose define your own report
  4. Change client type to ‘Coach’ or ‘health coach’
  5. Choose to download as a CSV

To Import Your Files into Teamzy:

  1. Go back to Teamzy
  2. Click +Add contacts (upper right)
  3. Select the .CSV file you just prepared with your clients or coaches listed.
  4. Select Coaches under Member Type
  5. Click Continue to complete import
  6. Repeat until all contacts are added to Teamzy.