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Build Relationships: Connect with Your Customers Today


Build Relationships: Connect with Your Customers Today

The most important part of network marketing is your network. In order to build relationships with your network, it’s vital to build relationships with your current and prospective customers and distributors. That means staying in touch with them and doing so consistently. After all, consistency builds trust, which is the foundation of any relationship. But, where does it begin? By connecting with your customers.

Why is it so hard?

You know that to grow your business it’s essential to build relationships with your customers, prospects, and distributors. However, even if you know the people in your network well, it can be challenging to connect with them. Why? You don’t want to feel like you’re bugging them.

You see, network marketing has gotten a bad reputation over the years. This is due in large part to the traditional sales methods other marketers rely upon. These sales strategies involve making the sale no matter the cost to your relationship. Friendships have been hurt due to these awful techniques. It leaves the other person feeling used and like they’re just another sale.

As a result, many folks have a tainted view of network marketing. Often, you can tell the ones who do. They’re the ones who may visibly wince when you mention you have a network marketing business. The biggest challenge is to show them that you’re so much different; that the way you do business is the total opposite of what they expect. You have to show them you’re more interested to build relationships than always making the sale. You genuinely wish to help them, even if they don’t necessarily buy from you; even if it means you’re connecting them with someone you know who can help them address a challenge they’re facing. At the core of your business is your heart to serve. THAT is what sets you apart from the average network marketer who abides by traditional sales methods.

So how can you drive this message home? That you’re all about service, leading with heart, and trying to brighten the day of everyone you connect with? Through consistent contact, you’re sure to build relationships.

Build relationships today

Connect consistently

It’s easier said than done. That’s why we created Teamzy. You’ll stay on top of communication with your network so that you can consistently grow your business. Simply log in to see your Dashboard. You’ll know who you need to contact that day in order to build your business and achieve your goals.

Teamzy uses an algorithm that takes your goals and your network into account. Set your goals and organize your network; Teamzy does the rest to let you know who to contact and how often. Not sure what to say? Teamzy has you covered there as well by offering proven conversation starters to help you stay top of mind. All you have to do is log in and Teamzy can help you do the rest.

Pro tip: Log in to Teamzy daily to see who you need to contact today.

Remember the little things

The term is a bit of a misnomer: little things. It’s those insignificant things that, in reality, end up having the most impact. It’s what your customers, prospects, and distributors mention in passing. It may be an upcoming promotion, their oldest child getting married, their youngest child looking at colleges or starting kindergarten, or even they or a loved one having surgery. Take note of these mentions. Even though they’re said in passing, they’re things that clearly mean a lot to the person mentioning them.

After the event, follow up to see how it went. If it’s a special event, send a card. People want to be seen and heard; by checking in with them about it at a later date, you’ll show them that you care about them. They’ll be honored that you thought of them and appreciate it, for sure.

Pro tip: Pay attention to what your people say in passing; it could be important!

Show an interest in their lives

Many of us are tempted to speak about ourselves instead of showing an interest in them. Take the time to ask questions. Open-ended questions allow you to get to know them better. And, listen to the answers. Then, ask more questions from there to learn more.

Since many of our conversations occur online, use the same strategy there as well. When you’re connecting with people through messaging, strive to make their day (of course) and attempt to learn more. Now, you don’t want to bombard them with questions; however, pepper a question or two into your online conversations to help you learn more about your network. This provides insight. What’s important to them? What are their pain points? How can you or your business help?

You can also do this, to a lesser extent, when you comment on their posts. If they post a photo from vacation or of their child, make a comment and ‘like’ the photo. Then, when you follow up with them, make a comment about it. For example, if they post a photo of the beach from their vacation, ask about their trip. What was their favorite part? Do they usually vacation there or was this their first time? Would they go back again? All of these questions give you the opportunity to learn more about them and earn their trust.

Pro tip: Take a tip from Jane Fonda, “Ask questions. Stay curious. It’s more important to be interested than to be interesting.”

Remember special events

This includes birthdays and anniversaries. Social media sites let us know when a friend is celebrating a birthday. It’s not enough to just say “Happy Birthday” on their pages and move on. Everyone does that and it’s no way to 1) show you truly care and 2) stand out.

Instead, take it old school and send a proper card. It takes all of 5 minutes to find a card and write a sincere personal message. However, it’s a personal touch that has a big impact. The person receiving the card will be happy that you took the time to send them an actual card. Plus, it’s just a nice personal gesture that lets the person know you care. 

Have a huge network or feel awkward sending a personal card to everyone in your network? Send personal cards instead to your top customers and distributors in your network. This is a good way to create advocates and strengthen your business.

Pro tip: Keep a stack of birthday and anniversary cards handy. When the occasion arises, a card is only a drawer away. 

Get more tips to build relationships your network

Your network is vital to your business. Often, once you reach a certain point, you feel as if you can’t expand your network any further. How can you overcome this? By tapping into your current network. 

We’re getting ready to launch the next Elite Business Bootcamp. Bootcamp is a 12-week training designed to help network marketers build a foundation for a strong, lasting business. You’ll learn to connect with your customers, prospects, and team at a deeper level. Plus, you’ll learn to prioritize and organize your business to foster your success. You’ll also meet other high-achieving network professionals and get the tools you need to thrive as a professional. If you’re curious and would like to learn more, click here.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.