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Commit to Your Relationships; Grow Your Network


Commit to Your Relationships; Grow Your Network

It’s February and love is in the air. Not just love for your significant other but also love for everyone in your network. Now is a great time to commit to the people in your network, especially your top advocates, who are the people who help drive your business. Whether you’re new to network marketing or you’ve been doing it for years, you should always take the time to commit to the people in your network. That is, reach out to them and renew your relationships with them. Today, we will help you do so.

Commit tip: Build your business on love

Network marketers build their businesses in several ways. Some network marketers go the traditional sales route, pestering people to buy. Others go the relationship marketing route, which involves building relationships with people that you know and finding ways to help and serve them. It’s no secret that the latter tends to be more successful and conducive to growing network marketing businesses. 

Those who work with relationship marketing build their businesses on love. Their love of service to others permeates every aspect of their business. They’re always looking for ways to help people in their networks, regardless of whether the person buys from them at the moment or some point in the future. They want to help them achieve their goals and as a result, they build the trust necessary to have a successful business. The basis of all lasting relationships is love, and this extends to business relationships as well. The more you show love to the people in your network. The more likely they are to work with you and introduce you to others who could benefit from the services you provide.

How to build a business on love

  • Connect with your network consistently
  • Every time you connect look for a need to fulfill
  • Introduce the people in your network to one another especially if there is a need
  • Look for ways to share the love, whether it’s making a connection between people and your network or recommending a new product or service
  • Build trust
  • Be a resource of information about your vertical

Commit tip: Lead with a heart for service 

Service is at the heart of every successful network marketing business. It’s more than just wanting to help others. It also includes listening to their needs and finding ways to serve. This could be recommending your products to them or it could be connecting others in your network. It also includes just listening to people. Sometimes people just need to be heard and need to get something off their chest. When people in your network know that you are there to listen and lend an ear, they are more likely to want to work with you and recommend others. They’ll sing your praises from the rooftops. Before you know it, everyone will want to work with you because they know you’re great!

Leading with a heart for service doesn’t just protein to your customers, it also includes your team members. It’s important to serve them as well. What do they need? What are their goals for the year? How can you help them reach their goals and build a network marketing business that they love? Commit time to helping them build their businesses. Meet with them consistently to check in and listen to their successes and their struggles. Listen for ways that you can help them even if they do not ask you directly. Sometimes the people in your team may not feel comfortable asking for help. Or they may not know that they need help. It’s your job as their leader to help them recognize this and point them in the direction of resources that can help them, even if that involves mimicking you. That’s right, by leading with a heart for service you can show your team how to serve their networks better.

How to lead with a heart for service

  • Listen
  • Connect with your customers and team members consistently
  • Commit to personal development
  • Become an expert in your vertical
  • Build trust
  • Look for ways to serve the people in your network and your team
  • Find opportunities to be the example for your team to follow regarding serving networks
  • Always go the extra mile whether it is taking an extra step, making that extra connection or taking the time to listen

Commit to relationship marketing

In network marketing your relationships matter. If you want to grow your network or even maintain its size, you have to tend to your relationships. This Is much easier to do if you commit to relationship marketing. Relationship marketing is the opposite of traditional sales methods in which the sale is more important than anything else. In traditional network marketing these aggressive sales tactics only created a bad reputation for the industry and burned a lot of bridges for those who were involved in it. Relationship marketing is far more nurturing and focuses on building trust with the people in your network. Of course, you want them to buy from you and become dedicated customers who recommend your business to others. However, what’s more important is growing in sustaining the relationship with them. After all, you want them to be lifelong customers and continue to buy from you year after year. 

Relationship marketing involves making consistent contact with everyone in your network. You don’t have to contact everyone at the same time. Instead, you will contact them on a schedule based on your level of relationship with them, meaning you will contact your best customers more often than you would new customers or people you don’t know as well. This allows you to focus your time wisely while you build relationships with everyone in your network.

At the core of relationship marketing is continuous improvement. Make an effort to commit to growing your skills and improving your knowledge. This will help you serve your clients and prospects better. It will also allow you to be a positive example for your team. They will be much more willing to follow your lead if they know that you are achieving success with the tactics that you preach. 

Teamzy can help you commit to relationship marketing

We developed Teamzy with relationship marketing in mind. If you have been in the network marketing business for a while, you likely have developed your system of keeping track of your network to mixed results. Teamzy takes the guesswork out of sorting your contacts and knowing who to contact and when. Simply load your database and assign a ranking to each relationship. Once you’ve set your goals for the year, Teamzy will use its algorithm to develop a list of who to contact each day. You’ll contact your biggest advocates more often than you’ll contact anyone else. But rest assured you will contact everyone in your network throughout the year. If you login consistently and reach out to your list daily or near late daily, you can start to develop solid relationships with people in your network. If you’re not using Teamzy what are you waiting for? Click here to learn more and start using Teamzy today!

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.