Follow-up: Have You Followed up Today?


Follow-up: Have You Followed up Today?

Following up is one of the most important things you can do for your business. It’s more than just addressing concerns or answering questions from the people in your network. It’s also touching base with them to see if there is a need you can fill. As a network marketer, you know that you need to follow-up. However, if you’re like most, you don’t do it. Why? There are many reasons. Today, we’re going to delve into the importance of following up and give you some tips to make it a part of your daily routine.

Why following up is vital to your business

When you’re building a business based on relationships, it’s important to maintain contact with the people in your network. This is especially true of the relationships you have with your biggest advocates. After all, these are the people who help drive your business. But it’s not enough to just get in touch with them every once in a while. You have to stay in touch consistently. This helps to build trust, which helps to grow your relationships. As you grow your relationships, so grows your business.

Many of us network marketers only follow up with our people when they’ve asked a question or asked us to follow up with them. However, even in this situation, it can be easy to forget to follow up. We get busy or we just simply forget. This can hurt our business as we are ignoring an opportunity that is right in front of us to help build a relationship and show off our expertise. 

Following up Is about more than answering someone’s questions; it’s about showing the other person that we respect them enough to check in and see how we can help. Every opportunity we can take to that with the people in our network is an opportunity to grow our relationships and our businesses.

How to follow up

Here’s how to follow up with each type of person in your network.


Prospects are the new people in your network. They may be potential customers or potential team members. Chances are, they have a lot of questions about your business and your products and services. It’s important to respond to their questions as soon as you can. This shows that they are important to you. And also shows that you’re open to answering their questions. Once you’ve answered their questions, Schedule time to follow up with them in the future to see if there are any more questions or if they would like to act. How you sort them in your network will also indicate how often you connect with them.

After your initial contact with them, set a time a few days later. To follow up to answer any questions they may have. Once you can gauge where to rank them in your network, use Teamzy to remind you to keep in touch and check in consistently.

Current customers

Current customers may want to hear about new products or services or special deals that you’re offering. Follow up with them periodically and let them know what’s going on in your business. This is also an opportunity to answer any questions that they may have, schedule time to catch up or ask for an introduction. 

With Teamzy, you will contact your top-ranked customers more often than others. This allows you to check in more often with your top advocates than anyone else. After all, your top advocates help drive your business. The key is to remember to keep in touch with them. That means signing into Teamzy daily, or several times a week, to review your dashboard and connect with the people on your list.

Current team members

A consistent follow-up with your current team members not only shows that you care, it also provides an opportunity to check in with them and find out what they are currently struggling with. You can also hear about their most recent wins so that you can celebrate them together. A bonus, following up with your team members is that you show them how to follow up with the people in their networks. They can follow your example and copy what you do, what you say, questions you ask, etc.

Follow up with individual team members as well as your team as a whole. Teamzy will remind you when it is time to do so. However, When you follow up, it may help to schedule a time to check in before your next scheduled connect, particularly if your team member is experiencing a challenging situation.

Plant the seeds for future business

At this time of year, many of us are thinking about our spring gardens. Either you or your neighbors may be planting seeds or are planning what to plant this year. Think of your business as a garden and the plants within it are your network. Every time you reach out to people in your network, you are planting a seed. It is your responsibility to nurture that seed by watering it and applying fertilizer when necessary. 

Following up is the water and fertilizer for relationships with the people in your network. Every time you follow up, you’re applying the water and the fertilizer necessary to grow a strong relationship. The more you follow up the more vibrant and lush your garden, or network, will be. Following up is part of the care and nurturing you’ll provide to build a business you love.

Consistent follow up

Like plants, relationships are built through consistent nurturing. Plants thrive when they are consistently watered and nurtured. Your relationships thrive when you consistently follow up with them to check in and answer any questions. Consistency is key to strong relationships and a thriving business. 

To ensure that you’re reaching out to your network consistently, it’s important to schedule Power Hours into your week. That is, make room for an hour several times a week to work on your business. This is your time to reach out to people in your network, including the people you said you’d follow up with. This ensures they don’t fall through the cracks and you don’t forget. 

It doesn’t matter when you do your Power Hour. It only matters that you do it. Carve out an hour in your day several times a week. If an hour is impossible, break that hour up into 30-minute blocks or even fifteen-minute blocks, which may be more achievable. Then be sure to do it. 

Teamzy can help you follow up

Teamzy was developed to make building your network marketing business easier and more fun. Not only do we make it easy to keep in touch with your network, but we also have the tools you need to develop strong relationships, including scripts and personal development training courses. We have what you need to build the foundation for a network marketing business you love. If you’re not using Teamzy, what are you waiting for? See what all the fuss is about – click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.