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How Building a Strong Business Can Help Your Team Succeed


How Building a Strong Business Can Help Your Team Succeed

Want to help your team succeed? Show them how!

It sounds really simple doesn’t it? It really is that easy when you get down to it; it’s just that getting there can be the challenging part. We all to see our team succeed in network marketing. When you start the journey as a network marketer, you probably don’t know what you’re doing, and you certainly don’t know if you’re doing it “right.” Unless you had a great mentor or a proven system to help you through it, you’re likely just fumbling through and figuring it out as you went. Over time, you gained your footing and began to build the great business that you love. 

With a growing network comes the need to build a team of distributors who you love to lead. And, that’s when things get tricky because they may be new to the business or they may not know how to leverage their relationships to grow their networks. Since your success is connected to the team success rate, you may wish to help them build businesses on the foundation of strong relationships as well. But, how do you do that? 

Model the behavior you want to see in them

This is the most important thing you can do and the foundation for all that follows. When they see you doing daily Power Hours, following up, serving your customers and team, and other acts of love and service, they’ll see how it’s done. Additionally, they’ll know it’s possible. For too long, many network marketers used aggressive sales techniques to close deals and in the process alienated everyone they knew. However, by respecting relationships and looking for ways to build the relationship first, it’s possible to build a network marketing relationship that is built upon strong relationships. By doing the work and being open and transparent about it, you’ll show your team that it’s possible to make sales and build a thriving business by growing relationships. And that example will help drive team success.

Do the work

Who do you respect more as a leader – someone who just tells you what to do or someone who does it? Many leaders are quick to offer advice but don’t do the work themselves. They don’t do their daily activities, but they expect their teams to. This isn’t fair and it isn’t good leadership. 

So, show them you’re doing the work by connecting with them regularly and following up. This not only shows that you’re doing your daily activities, it also gives them a template from which to model their own communications with their networks. If you message them a short message to wish them a fantastic day, they’ll understand that it’s most effective to keep it short instead of writing long messages. They’ll also understand the right tone of communication to use. Instead of coming in hot with deep questions right away, they’ll know to keep it light. If they mention an issue in passing or seem anxious or frustrated, follow up to see how they are. Not only does this show that you care, it also gives them the idea to follow up with their networks as well.

Mentor them

Challenges and failures provide excellent mentorship opportunities for your team. Share yours with your team. Don’t shy away from the gritty details. If you faced a challenge and failed spectacularly, give them the full picture and explain what you learned in the process. Explain what you would have done if you encountered a similar challenge now. Or, ask them what they would do if faced with the same situation. That way, they’ll learn how to handle it if they face a similar situation.

If they come to you with an issue they’re facing, take the time to listen before you respond. Ask open-ended questions to keep them talking and find out what they need. Sometimes they just want to vent and may not be open to solutions yet, and that’s okay. Listen and look for clues to see what level of support they need right now. When they’re ready, offer solutions. If they’re comfortable, bring it up when you meet with your entire team so you can all think of solutions to help. This will help your team succeed by being transparent with one another.

Be accountable

It wouldn’t be fair to insist that your team carve out time to do their Power Hours daily if you’re not doing them yourself. Or if you haven’t followed up with anyone in your network in weeks, but you complain that your team isn’t following up. 

Hold yourself accountable to the same standards you wish to hold your team. Have them pair up with another team member and text one another when they’ve completed their Power Hours. Or send a group text saying, “I’ve just finished my Power Hour. How’s everyone doing with theirs?” This will help them stay on track while letting them know you’re practicing what you preach. It will remind them to connect with their networks and build those relationships. Once they see you succeed, it’ll help the team succeed.

Commit to your Why 

What is your Why? Chances are you can talk about it in depth with very little prompting. You may even have a reminder of your Why where you can see it on a daily basis. But, have you shared your Why with your team?

When you have a Why, you have a reason to work hard to reach your goals and achieve success. Without it, it’s easier to slide into bad habits and forget to connect with your network consistently. To help your team stay on track, encourage them to figure out theirs. Then encourage them to post a reminder of it where they can see it to keep them motivated.

Commit to personal development

Personal development is essential for professional success. Become a more effective business owner and leader by filling your mind with informative and positive material. Read books by and about leaders you admire. Listen to podcasts and watch movies about them as well. Learn all you can about your industry so you can answer the questions your customers and team have. Take training courses to help you sharpen your skills and take your business to the next level. We’ve developed training resources to help you communicate better with your network and develop your sales and leadership skills. 

The next step is to share what you’ve learned with your team. If you’ve read a book or heard a podcast about an influential business leader, tell your team about it. If you come across an article that addresses an issue someone on your team is facing, send them the link with a note that you saw it and thought of them. If it features a business leader, your team member may be motivated to learn more about them. 

Invite your team to train with you. They may not be aware there are resources out there for them. It also shows them that even successful leaders seek out additional training. There’s a misconception that once you reach the top, that’s it. You don’t need to learn any more because you already know it all. However, the industry is always changing. To stay on top of these changes, you have to keep learning. Training prepares you to handle the changes ahead and gives you the opportunity to sharpen your skills, especially those that you may not realize have dulled. Training can help drive team success.

Help your team succeed: Sharpen your leaderships skills with our new training program

Do you want to become a more effective leader? Check out our new resource full of tips and guidance to help you become a successful leader. We created our Teamzy Lead 4-week leadership development course to help network marketers develop and improve their leadership skills so they can take their businesses to the next level. Take your business to the next level, sharpen your leadership skills, and grow your team. Click here for more information.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.