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How Teamzy Can Help You Grow Your Business


How Teamzy Can Help You Grow Your Business

What are your biggest concerns as a network marketer? The most common concerns we hear are about adding new customers and prospects to the database; keeping track of contacts and staying organized (especially when life gets hectic), and staying in touch with current customers and team members in order to deliver a high level of service. What do all of these concerns have in common? They’re all essential to the growth of a business. What else is essential? A network marketing CRM.

When you start a business, you may not initially think about growth; after all, you’re likely only focused on launching and building the foundation of your business. However, once you’ve been in business for a while – it could be a few months or a few years – your focus is able to shift. You begin to think of ways to grow your business and may decide that you need to expand your reach. In relationship marketing, this means tapping into your network, both for more business and for introductions to new customers. Sounds easy, right? Without a system, though, you may not know where to start.

Grow your business with Teamzy

Teamzy is more than network marketing CRM; it’s a relationship marketing system that helps you build a lasting, thriving business.

Consistent contact

Relationships are the key to any network marketing business and all relationships are built on trust. When your network trusts you, not only will buy from you and want to be on your team, they’ll also refer the people they know to you. They appreciate the great service you provide and know you’ll also provide it to the most important people in their lives as well.

However, trust isn’t automatic. It takes time and consistent contact to earn. You see, your customers and prospects will begin to trust you when they know they can rely on you – when they understand that you care for them and don’t see them as a potential sale. Consistent contact allows you to get to know them better so that you can find ways to help them, whether it’s with your products or services or by connecting them with an expert in your network. But, how do you know who you should contact and when? If you have a large network, this may feel like a daunting task.

Teamzy ensures you stay in touch with the right people at the right time. Once you import your contacts and sort them, Teamzy generates an algorithm to tell you who to contact every day. You’ll contact your top people more often so you can stay top of mind and, over time, contact everyone in your network. No more wasting time trying to figure out who to connect with – just refer to your Dashboard and get connecting. That’s it!

Pro Tip: Consistent contact is a way to build trust.

Manage your time

Time management is one of the biggest struggles business owners face. As your business grows, so does your to do list. It can become more and more difficult to focus on the tasks you need to complete when distractions are keeping you from being productive. Combine that with your already demanding schedule and it can be a frustrating experience.

Teamzy not only helps you manage your time better, it helps you prioritize what’s truly important from what can be dealt with later. First, it walks you through the process of setting goals for your business; after all, if you’re not sure where you’re going, how will you know when you’ve gotten there? Next, it takes those goals and breaks them into weekly and daily targets to reach. That way, you can be sure you’ll achieve your business goals as long as you do your activities daily. You can maintain total control of your business.

Click on the University tab to see short videos to help you prioritize the rest of your day and become more productive both in and outside of business.

Pro Tip: Manage your time so you can manage your business.

Engage with your network the right way

Technology has made it so much easier to connect with one another. However, we all have our preferred modes of communication. We’ve all experienced annoyance when someone tries to connect with us in a way we don’t prefer – like when they leave a voicemail and you think “don’t they know I’m never going to check that? Why didn’t they just text me?”

Teamzy helps you connect with people the way they prefer – through text and social media messaging. Communicating in this way is preferred because it doesn’t catch anyone off-guard or annoy them. You can pop into their messages with a few words to make their day and then duck out. If they want to chat, they can text or call you back. Each connection is a way to build trust, show you’re reliable, and place you at the top of their minds.

Pro Tip: An engaged network creates advocates who introduce you to their networks.

Generate new leads

This is a challenge for many business owners, especially if they feel as if they’ve totally tapped their networks. If you live in a small town or have a small network, you may struggle with finding new people to help and serve.

However, as a relationship marketer, your secret weapon is the great service you provide to your current customers and team members. By providing great service to them, you continue to build trust and the relationship. As a result, they’re more likely to rely on you and may introduce you to their networks if you ask.

Many people struggle with the process of transitioning a conversation to sale. After all, they may have been burned before. Teamzy gives you the tips, strategies and scripts to use to help you through the process. We promise – turning a conversation into a sale isn’t as scary as it seems, especially when you have proven tools on your side.

Pro Tip: Generating leads isn’t as intimidating as it seems. Just sign into your Dashboard and get contacting.

Master the follow up

Following up is essential to any business, yet many network marketers don’t do it. Why not? After reaching out two or three times, they give up in frustration or they simply don’t want to be a pest. However, most sales don’t occur until after the seventh contact, at the earliest. Most people have their defenses up before then and need the time to mull it over. That’s why following up is an act of love; it shows that you care about them enough to keep checking in.

Teamzy makes following up easy, too. Once you’ve connected with someone, set a follow up to circle back. Simple, right? Teamzy will track it all. And, if you’re nervous or not sure what to say, Teamzy is full of scripts to use to get the conversation rolling.

Pro Tip: Remember, following up is an act of love.

Grow your downline and help them succeed

Although a large part of network marketing is making sales, the other part is building a strong downline. The more successful they are, the more successful your business will be. However, like you, they need support to help them manage their time and businesses. The best way to help them sharpen their skills and

Teamzy helps you stay in touch with your downline so you can help them along the path to success. By modeling the relationship marketing system, you can assist your downline with the process of building a successful business and help them with any pain points they’re struggling with. Additionally, Teamzy offers additional video training to help you and your team master the relationship marketing system and surpass all of your goals.

Pro Tip: The more successful downline makes you more successful, too.

Build a business in less than an hour a day

If you’re like many people, you got into network marketing to escape the 9 to 5, not be dragged back into it. Instead of spending all of your time working on your business, build it in less than an hour a day – that’s all it takes to connect with your customers, prospects, and distributors and build relationships. You have everything you need to stay organized and effectively and efficiently build a successful and thriving business. Having a proven system on your side gives you the freedom to spend the rest of your time as you wish instead of plugging away at your business. Then you have more time to spend with the people who matter and do the things you love whenever you wish. What’s better than that?

Visit to learn more and begin your free trial today.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.