How to Become More Effective at Social Selling


How to Become More Effective at Social Selling

Whether you are new to network marketing, also known as social selling, or even doing it for a while, chances are you want to learn how to do it more effectively. Even if you’re reaching your sales goals, there’s always room for improvement. You can always improve your skills and become even better and more effective at serving your network. Many people feel that because they are social and love helping people that it’s enough to build a successful social selling business. Well it’s important to be social in this industry, there are also other things you can do to become more effective. Let’s dive into that.

Rely on system designed for social selling

One of the most important things you can do to become more effective in your business is to rely on a system. Many network marketers don’t have a system and they wonder why they can’t keep track of anything. Whether it’s their goals or even how many calls they made that day, they’re just not sure where to start or where to end. They waste time wondering who to connect with each day. Store their network’s information on index cards and spreadsheets or on pieces of paper and a notebook.

This means they have to sift through all this information before they can even begin connecting with anyone. Additionally, they’re not sure how many connects they need to make each day in order to reach their goals if they set goals, to begin with. Instead of spending their time connecting with people in their Network, they waste time trying to stay on top of their businesses. In the end they’re left feeling frustrated and annoyed and wondering if there’s something better.

The good news is, there is. A system keeps you on track so that you can do more of what you love: socializing with your network. This is the core of social selling. Connecting with more people and finding out their needs so that you can help them. We created Teamzy to help Network marketers build the foundation for lasting social selling businesses. Instead of wasting time figuring out who to contact each day, users simply log into their Teamzy dashboard and see a list of who to contact that day. Additionally, they can set goals, track their progress towards these goals, and even sharpen their skills through online training courses. Teamzy gives you the structure with which to run your business so that you can do more of what you love: connecting with your network.

Continuous improvement and training

The best way to provide top quality service to your network is to keep your skills sharp. Many of us feel that once we gain skills, we don’t need to continue to improve them. But much like a knife that becomes dull over time, our skills can also dull over time. That’s why we encourage members to keep their skills sharp. The sharper your skills, the more effective you’ll be in your business. This includes more than sharpening your sales skills.

Although keeping those skills sharp is important, social selling requires you to keep your relationship skills sharp as well. Improving your communication skills will help you connect at a deeper level with everyone in your network. You’ll be able to serve them more effectively if you are able to improve your listening skills as well. There are so many things that people say through their tone or their word choice. By improving your listening skills and your communication skills, you’ll be able to pick up on this so that you are able to serve them at a deeper level.

Teamzy features a variety of training courses designed to help busy network marketers improve their social selling skills. We have short training courses to help you improve your communication, as well as longer courses to help you improve your leadership skills. In addition to training, you could also feel your mind with knowledge. This includes reading books from influential business people who you admire, as well as other business or industry related books. If you don’t have time to read, there are always audiobooks and podcasts. Whatever you do, look for ways to continuously improve your skills.

Get a coach

If you want to succeed in your business, a coach may be your ticket to success. The coach can help you identify areas of Improvement, as well as offer suggestions to help you achieve your potential. Often we don’t know what our potential is. So we spend time treading water and wasting our most precious resource: time. As a result, we may feel like we’re treading water instead of pursuing the path to success. The coach can get you out of this space. In the beginning, a coach can help you create routines that can set you up for success. They will help you develop the habits of the most successful people.

As you grow your business, your coach can provide advice and strategies to help you keep it all together. If you’re feeling overwhelmed as your network grows, a coach can help you create a plan to manage it all. Additionally, a coach can let you know if you’re heading in the wrong direction. They will provide unbiased advice intended to help you grow as a business person. Although it’s possible to reach success without a coach, it is often more difficult. The coach can provide perspectives that you may not see, especially if you are in the middle of a challenge. In short, if you want to succeed, it’s important to find a coach.

Share your knowledge

One of the best ways to make sure that you understand everything that you have learned and make it part of your DNA is to share what you know. Through your training, coaching, and experience, you have gained a wealth of knowledge. Now is the time to put it into practice. One of the best ways to do so is to share your knowledge with your team. Many of them may be new to network marketing and may not have the same level of knowledge and experience that you do. Even people on your team who have experience in network marketing may need to sharpen their skills and approach social selling differently to achieve their goals. 

Sharing your knowledge has two important benefits. One, you are committing what you’ve learned to memory. Once it’s part of your memory, it’s more likely to become a habit. For example, if you’ve learned that relying on a system will help you stay organized and keep track of your progress toward your goals, you’re less likely to go back to relying on your index cards and Post-it notes, and other things you used before. Second, sharing your knowledge helps build character and competence with those in your network. They will see you as an expert in your industry. It is showing they may become inspired to improve their knowledge and skills as well.

So who should you share your knowledge with? First, you’ll want to share your knowledge with your team. This will help them become better at social selling. It will also help to expand their knowledge and expertise. Second, you can also share your knowledge with the people in your network. New knowledge gives you an excuse to reach out to your network. For example, let’s say your business is related to fitness and health, when you learn something new within that vertical, you have a reason to share it with your network. Let’s say that you read an article about a study that connected more sleep with better fitness results. You could share that information with the people in your network when you connect with them. This also gives you a segue to sharing more information about your products and services.

Teamzy can help you become more effective in your social selling business

We’ve given you the benefits of using Teamzy to help you become more effective at social selling. So, what are you waiting for? Click here to learn more about Teamzy and see how it can help you become more effective each day.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.