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How to Grow Your Network When There’s No One Left to Add


How to Grow Your Network When There’s No One Left to Add

It happens to all network marketers eventually; they feel as if they have added everyone they have ever known to their network and there is absolutely no one else to add. In fact, this is a common complaint that we hear all the time. Network marketers will say I know I’m supposed to grow my network, but I just don’t know who else to add. They’ve added all of their family and friends. And all of their neighbors. Every one of the parents in their children’s activities. Everyone at their religious institution, their hobbies, and basically everyone they’ve come into contact with since they’ve become network marketers. They feel they’ve hit a wall and there is no one else that they could add to their networks. However, this isn’t entirely true. There are always new people to add to your network, you just have to know where to find them.

There is always room for expansion 

Although it may seem the opposite, there is always room for expansion. You can always grow your network. Even if you live in the smallest of small towns there are always more people you can add. The key is to tap into the networks of the people that you know. Chances are the people in your network know other people that you don’t know. These people are an untapped resource that you can use to expand your network.

Many network marketers are either unfamiliar with this resource or don’t feel comfortable tapping into it. They may feel as if they are bugging people by asking them for access to their networks. To clarify, most of the people you’ll be asking for access will be your top advocates. They are the people who are most likely to want to share this access with you. They want to see your business succeed. This is not to say that you won’t eventually end up asking everyone in your network for an introduction. However, initially, you will focus on your top advocates.

Tap into your current network to grow your network

The first step to growing your network is to tap into your current network. These are the people that you are connecting with throughout the year based on how you have sorted them within your network. That is, your biggest advocates are the folks that you will reach out to the most. They are also the first people to ask for access to their networks. By access to networks, we mean asking for introductions. They may know someone who would benefit from the products and services that you provide in your business. And, while they may be more than willing to introduce you to them, they may not realize that you are looking to expand your network.

Sometimes people need to be reminded to introduce you to others who may benefit from your business. Letting them know that you wish to grow your business and that they can help give them something to do so they can feel as if they are supporting your business.

The importance of introductions

This is one of the many reasons why it’s important to make introductions within your network. In addition to providing your network with excellent service, and helping them solve an issue that they’ve been facing, it also shows them how to introduce people to you. Oftentimes, people will mention that they have a friend who would be interested in your product or service. They may mention a name. Unfortunately, it often ends there. By asking them to introduce you, you not only get their contact information, but they also have a frame of reference that helps you build immediate trust. It shows that you both know that person that you have in common. Since they trust them they are more likely to trust you as well. And trust is the foundation for a strong network marketing relationship.

Encourage introductions to grow your network

We mentioned one of the best ways to encourage introductions is to introduce people within your network. That is, when you hear a need that you can fill such as making an introduction between two people in your network, this is your chance to show them how you would prefer to be introduced. That is, creating a message, either within text or social media messaging service, in which all parties involving the introduction are involved. It’s that easy. They can take it from there, and take it offline. However, making the introduction in this way allows you to connect to people and give them a framework in which they can introduce you to others that they know who would benefit from your business.

Ask for introductions

Another way to encourage introductions is to ask. Explain to people that as a Network marketer you’re here to serve everyone in your network. And the best way to do that is to continuously grow your network. No matter how busy you are or how busy they think you are, you always have time to serve the people they introduce you to. In conversation or when you reach out to them via a social messaging app, ask them if there is anyone who would benefit from the services that you provide.

Practice makes perfect

For many network marketers, especially those nervous about asking for introductions, this may seem awkward at first. However, over time, you’ll become more comfortable asking. One of the best ways to make it less awkward is to practice either by actively asking people for introductions or by practicing scripts in the mirror. The best part about scripts is that they provide a framework for you to use to ask for introductions for your business. Once you have mastered the script you can adjust it to suit your conversational style and to the person to whom you are speaking. Teamzy has many scripts that you can use to communicate with your network. Be sure to practice them so that you can use them in your own voice, whether you’re communicating digitally or in person.

Cultivate new customers

Once your network has introduced you, now is the time to cultivate that relationship and build trust. An introduction from someone they trust will establish the foundation to trust you. However, you still have to work to build trust and that comes through consistent communication. Now, that doesn’t mean that you will contact them all the time. After all, you don’t want to scare them off. However, you will reach out to them to explain your business and the products and services you offer as well as how your business can help them. Perhaps you have a product or service that can help them solve a challenge or problem that they are currently facing. Or, perhaps they are looking for ways to earn money and your business can provide the opportunity for them to run their own businesses. 

The importance of listening

Once you have explained what you can provide to them, take the time to answer any questions that they may have. Oftentimes, they will not have any comments or questions at that time. This is where you set a time to follow up with them in the near future. Following up is very important, in fact, it’s one of the most important things you’ll do to grow your business. Following up shows that you listen to them and care about them enough to reach out and check in with them.

This is your opportunity to not only answer questions and address comments and concerns but also show off your expertise about your industry and your business. It also provides an opportunity for you to build trust and establish communication with them so that you can connect with them again on a consistent basis. After this initial contact and the follow-up, you will have a good idea of where to sort them in your network. This will allow you to reach out to them appropriately.

Developing relationships

Over time, consistent communication will allow you to build trust and develop the relationship. These new introductions may eventually become your strongest advocates. Over time you’ll also become more comfortable asking them for introductions to people in their networks who would be able to benefit from the services that you provide. And so it continues. The best way to grow your business is to tap into the networks of the people in your network. Most people, especially your top advocates, will be more than willing to introduce you to the people that they know. All you have to do is ask for an introduction. It’s just that simple. If you’re not sure where to start, use the scripts to help you start the conversation.

Teamzy can help you grow your network

From helping you keep your network organized to providing scripts to use to add to your network, Teamzy has the tools you need to grow your network marketing business. We developed Teamzy to make it easier and more fun to build a business you love. Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.