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Leadership: How to Identify Leaders and Recruit Them


Leadership: How to Identify Leaders and Recruit Them

As a network marketer, if you want to grow your business you have to expand your network. Your business is reliant upon the health of your network. The larger your network, the more likely you’ll be to grow your business. Recruiting is one of the most important things you will do to grow your business. However, it’s one of the things that most network marketers are the most anxious about.

There are many reasons why. The most common being that they’re not sure how to recruit more people to their networks much less identify leaders who can join their team. Of course, they know they need to talk about their businesses; however, they may feel uncomfortable and salesy trying to recruit people to join them, even if they have a great relationship with them. The good news is, it’s much easier to identify and recruit people to your team when they already know you and what you’re about. It’s all about recruiting from within. Chances are, you already have customers and prospects and even people on your team with outstanding leadership abilities. Once you’ve identified who they are, it’s time to work on recruiting them to join your team. How? That’s what we’ll get into you today.

Recruit leaders from your team

Your team is the most natural first place to look for leaders. These are people who have already bought into the opportunities you are offering and are looking for ways to improve themselves. It doesn’t matter if your team is big or small, what’s important is to identify the members who have the biggest potential to become successful leaders. To start, ask yourself who on your team has influence and who has the best potential to lead? Are there people on your team that others are naturally drawn to or look up to? These people are your natural leaders. Whether they realize it or not, they influence others around them. Help them tap into their potential by helping them grow their leadership skills.

If you’re thinking about your team and no one seems to fit the bill immediately, don’t give up. Remember you’ve already recruited them to your team, now you want to assess who you should focus on and nurture their leadership skills. Sometimes these folks will jump out at you. Other times, these people are quieter and seem to hang out in the background. Either they don’t know that they have natural leadership abilities or they have not been shown how to use them. 

Identify your leaders

To identify these people, think about who has had success in the business already. Are there people on your team who seem to hit their numbers every month and consistently grow their networks? Or, are there people on your team who you don’t really need to worry about whether or not they will reach their numbers consistently, who you don’t have to hound to follow the system?

Are there people on your team who are just influential in general? Perhaps they had a large network going into joining your team or maybe they influenced others on the team to bring their A-game and produce consistent results. It’s important to nurture these individuals. And, since people who are natural leaders tend to know other people who are natural leaders, ask them for introductions. People who are willing to introduce you have what it takes to build a successful network marketing business. Tap into their skills. 

Recruit customers to your team

Customers are also a resource from which you can recruit leaders. You may have natural leaders among your customer base. How can you identify who they are? Think about who has introduced you to family or friends already. Maybe you prompted them by asking for introductions; however, if they were able to think of someone to introduce you to then they may be great leaders who are ready to join your team.

Also, look out for people who are adding more products to their orders or who are introducing new customers to your business. If they love your products and love working with you they are likely raving about you on social media. Or if they’re seeing great progress and results with the products they’re using, they’re likely reading about that as well. This has an influence on others. Others in their network will see these posts and begin to think about connecting with you to learn more.

Also, think about who your happy customers are. These are the people who consistently buy from you and are ideal people to recruit. They love your products and they love buying from you. Chances are, they’re already raving about you to their family and friends and encouraging them to buy from you. What better way to hone into their leadership skills than by helping them keep them sharp? Also, be on the lookout for customers who seem to be influential people in general. People with influence make excellent leaders. Simply asking them “Have you ever considered doing what I do? I think you’d be great at it,” is enough to plant the seed in their heads. Just be sure to follow up with them consistently.

Recruit your prospects

Your prospects could also make great leaders whose skills you may be able to amplify and happen to you in your business. For these folks, think about who is influential among your prospects. Is there anyone who holds a leadership position at work or as a volunteer with organizations in your area? Do they have real-life leadership experience gained in the military or as a first responder? Do they have a strong social media presence?

Now, this does not mean that they have a ton of followers, although they could. This means that they engage on a consistent basis with the people who follow them on social media. They’d be ideal to recruit. Sometimes you get a gut feeling about these people you may think oh so and so make a great leader. Trust your gut. If you think they’ll be a great leader, chances are they will be and you should consider recruiting them.

From prospect to leader

If you’ve identified people among your prospect list who would make great leaders then move these people to the top of the list. You’ll want to prioritize these contacts and start to connect with them on a more consistent basis. It’s all about building the relationship first and explaining how you can help them hone their leadership skills. Temporarily set them with five stars in Teamzy so that you’re connecting with them on a frequent and consistent basis. Present the opportunity you offer and don’t forget to follow up with them. Write down your top 10 to 20 prospects on a whiteboard to keep them top of mind.

Although you may feel that someone will become a great leader, they may not live up to your expectations. Some people you think will be great won’t be, While others you didn’t really consider may turn out to be the best leaders that you have. It’s important to hold everyone accountable to putting in the work. If they’re not putting in the work, let them know you’ll be there when they’re ready to invest that time and invest your time into someone else who shows an interest in developing these leadership skills now. Always reassess your team and look for signs of potential leadership. As the people on your team see that you are showering more attention upon those who are showing leadership skills, some may step up with interest to have those skills sharpened as well.

Let Teamzy help you find and develop your leaders

Remember you will find what you seek. Sometimes you just have to look around at your network, your customers, and your prospects to find the leaders that you want. The next step is to recruit them and help them develop their leadership skills. Teamzy can help you develop your relationships with your leaders, connect with and follow up with them consistently, and help them develop their leadership skills. Teamzy offers a variety of training, including leadership training, to help people develop these important skills. If you are ready to grow your team, what are you waiting for? Find out more about what Teamzy can offer you.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.