How to Eliminate Distractions and Focus This Summer


How to Eliminate Distractions and Focus This Summer

Summer is upon us. Whether you have grand plans for the summer or you just plan to take it easy, relaxation is probably in the forecast. Although you’ll be relaxing in all areas of your life, this is not the time to take your foot off the gas regarding your business. Given the social nature of the summertime in your summer activities, this is one of the best times of the year, no matter your industry, to connect with everyone in your network. However, it’s also the time of year when your focus is a bit fuzzy. After all, it’s more fun to spend your time outside enjoying the beautiful weather or with family and friends or doing fun activities than to spend time working on your business.

Working on your business is exactly what you need to do if you want to stay on track to achieve your goals. The good news is, you can tend to your business and still have time for fun. But first, you have to eliminate distractions and sharpen your focus. Here’s how.

Eliminate distractions 

Focus by sharpening your success habits 

Your habits can make or break your business. They are the difference between having a sharp focus and being distracted by everything that pops up on your radar. At the beginning of the year, it’s normal to focus on developing the habits that will help you run your business. However over time, sometimes these habits get a bit sloppy, especially if you lose motivation. The good news is it’s never too late to get back on track and reconnect with your habits. Habits are those things that you do every day whether you’re conscious of them or not. It’s like brushing your teeth but for your business.

One habit to get into is your daily Power Hour. Yes, I said daily. It’s important to do your Power Hour several times a week. But, if you plan on taking time off this summer, it’s important to ramp up those Power Hours so that you can prepare your business for the time you take off. This is your time to reconnect and connect with the people in your network, especially your top advocates. Your Power Hour is one of the most important things that you can do for your business. It’s time that you set aside to work on your business.

Schedule your day 

You may think, how am I going to get everything done and still do a daily Power Hour? When the distractions of the day come knocking at your door, keep them at Bay by sticking to a schedule. It’s not fun or exciting, however, the schedule will ensure that you stay on track and complete everything that you need to get done on your to-do list. The most successful people schedule their days. This is because they know that distractions will find them, no matter where they are and how focused they plan to be. To prevent falling prey to these distractions, they schedule their day, starting with the most important tasks first. They block out time to work on their business, and even to exercise, read, or do other tasks that will help them get closer to their goals. Some might say this is a secret to their success.

Instead of falling prey to distractions, they make sure that they have blocks of time to focus on their most important activities. Although you don’t have to block out every second of your day, block out an hour to work on your business. This is a non-negotiable time that you will spend focusing on your business and connecting with people in your network.

Once you have connected with everyone on your list, what do you do next? You can focus on improving your skills. Teamzy has several online training programs designed to help you improve your skills. If you haven’t taken them yet, now is a great time to sign up. Additionally, you can use the extra time to read an industry or business-focused buck. Biographies and memoirs are just one way to learn from the experiences of other successful business people. If you don’t feel like reading, audiobooks, and podcasts are another way to fly. The important part is you are working on improving yourself and your skills. The sharper you are, the better service you will be able to offer the people in your network.

Have a system

One of the reasons many network marketers do not succeed is that they don’t have a system to follow. A system gives you tools and strategies to follow to support your success. Relationship marketing is a system that many social sellers follow. Instead of solely focusing on the sale, those who use the relationship marketing system focus on building the relationship. That’s because they know that the majority of their business will come from their top advocates. The stronger the relationship with their top advocates, the more sales they will close, and the larger they can grow their teams.

Instead of pressuring the people in their networks to buy from them and then burning the bridge of that relationship for the near future, those who focus on relationships continue to nurture the relationship whether or not the person buys from them right now. They understand that most sales will occur after the 6th contact, so they continue to follow up, make the person’s day, and otherwise build the foundation for a strong relationship. They want to be seen as knowledgeable and of service to their networks. So, they connect consistently with the people in their Network to look for a need to fill. If they cannot find a need, then they focus on making the person’s day. We all want to feel as if others out there care for us. By attempting to make someone’s day, we show this care and concern. 

Additionally, the system takes the guesswork out of building your business. You always know what to do every day. At Teamzy, when you log into your dashboard, you know exactly who to contact based on your relationship with them. All you have to do is make the contact and log it in Teamzy. We can help you set goals, use scripts to follow, and improve your skills with training programs. You have everything you need at your fingertips to grow a successful business.

Reward yourself 

Hard work pays off. However, all work and no play will only lead to burnout. Yes, you should focus on building your business this summer. And, of course, you should avoid distractions and schedule your day. However, as you’re working hard this summer, don’t forget to reward yourself. Rewards help you stay focused, especially when you’re building good habits and the foundation for a strong business. It’s easier to stay on track when you have the promise of a reward to look forward to. So, when the weather is beautiful and you’re feeling the itch to run outside and enjoy the day but you have to do your power hour first, think of a reward for yourself.

You may say to yourself if you spend an hour working on your business every day, at the end of the week reward yourself with a special treat. Whatever that treat it is up to you; however, make sure the treat is proportional to the task. For example, you may want to reward yourself with a pedicure as a reward for a full week of Power Hours. Or, perhaps you’ll go out to your favorite restaurant. These little treats will do wonders to help you stay on track, especially when distractions are so tempting.

Teamzy can help you focus this summer

Teamzy can make it easier to help you avoid distractions this summer. Simply log in each day and begin contacting the people on your list. Then, take training, see how close you are to achieving your goals, and follow up with people. Before you know it, you’ll be on track to achieve your goals. Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.