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Motivation: Get Ahead of Your Momentum

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Motivation: Get Ahead of Your Momentum

Motivation may not be a problem now, however, you may find that it begins to wane as the year goes on. There’s a reason why many gyms are packed in January then it becomes impossible to find a machine to work out on, but by March or April, there are tons of open machines even at peak times. In January, we are super motivated to achieve all of our goals. However, as the weeks go on our motivation begins to decrease. Suddenly it’s harder to do the activities that we were so motivated to do in those first weeks of January. It becomes easier to slack off just a bit.

To use the gym example, we find it easier to miss a morning session here and there. Over time, one morning session might become two or three morning sessions missed. Sure, we may promise ourselves that we’ll go in the evening, or maybe we’ll do two gym sessions the next day. However it doesn’t quite work out that way, does it? And, once it’s easier to miss one, it’s even easier to miss more than one. Before you know it, you’re not going to the gym at all and something else is filling your time.

The same is true in business. You may commit to doing three or four Power hours a week, but by March or April, many Network marketers find that they’re only doing one or two Power Hours a week. Then they may wonder why they’re not seeing the results that they had hoped. What happened? It’s all a matter of motivation.

Why momentum falls

Momentum falls when your motivation slips. As humans, we’re not meant to be motivated all the time. Motivation takes a lot of energy. We need to rest as well. There is a time for rest. And, the most successful people build rest into their schedules so they can be sure to do so. In fact, they find that when they return from resting they are more motivated than ever to succeed. However, for most of us, we expect that motivation will last indefinitely.

We’re so amped to achieve everything we want to in January that we become disappointed and frustrated further on in the year. We get busy with life and business. It’s hard to feel motivated to work on your business when you have so many other demands tugging at you. This is when it becomes so easy to stop doing the activities you know you need to do. Although you may have committed to doing three or four Power bHours every week, once you miss one or two in a row if he comes easier to miss all of them. Soon, by mid-year, you may find you’re only doing one or two Power hours a week. How do you recapture your motivation and build the momentum you once had earlier in the year?

How to keep motivation steady

Although you may not be able to keep your motivation high all the time, it is possible to keep it steady. This takes work as well. However, you can make it easier by doing a few things.

Know your purpose.

This is also known as your Why. Once you know your Why it’s much easier to stay on task to achieve your goals. Think of your why as your own personal motivation to succeed each and every day. What is your Why? If you know what your why is, then now is the time to check in with it. It often helps to post a picture that represents your why somewhere where you can see it daily, especially where you do most of your work. This will boost your motivation, even on days when you’re just not feeling it. If you’re not sure what your Why is, we have resources to help you find it.

Once you find your purpose, then be sure to check in with it on a regular basis so that it can stay top of mind. Keeping it top of mind will help you stay motivated throughout the year.

Find a motivating quote, a song, or a saying.

Athletes use music to get them pumped up before a game. This helps them get in the right mindset to focus on the task at hand. The same is true for you as a network marketer. Reading a quote or listening to your favorite song can help you get motivated to do your Power Hour each day and work on your business. It sets the mood and helps you focus.

Set your expectations.

Constant motivation is impossible. Where many people get into trouble is that they expect to be motivated all the time and then become frustrated when they’re not. This makes it easier for them to quit because they feel that they’re just not meant to do whatever it is they need to do. This is not the right mindset to have. However, if you understand that motivation is a process and something that needs to occur on a regular basis, then you’re much less likely to quit and grow frustrated when you find that your motivation is lacking. Instead, you’ll take it as your cue to rekindle your motivation.

Motivational words to live by

“There is nothing impossible to they who will try.”

— Alexander the Great

“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”

— Stephen R. Covey

“You cannot plow a field by turning it over in your mind. To begin, begin.”

―Gordon B. Hinckley

“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.”

– Wayne Dyer

“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.”

―Jim Rohn

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

— Aristotle

Motivate those around you

If you’re having trouble staying motivated, then the people on your team may be having trouble staying motivated as well. Get motivated together. Share your motivational tips with your team and discuss ways to get motivated. Some people on your team may have rituals that they rely upon to get and stay motivated. This provides an opportunity for your team to share what works for them. This may inspire others on the team to adopt these tips as well.

Share a quote or a song that motivates you especially when you need that extra surge of motivation. Also, seek out and share stories of people who have overcome adversity to inspire your team to be at their best. Get motivated with your team. Open the conversation to them to keep them on track, especially as the year goes on.

Boost motivation with Teamzy

Teamzy makes motivation easy! Our CRM keeps track of your progress so you always know where you stand in relation to your goals, no matter what time of year. You can see how close you are to achieving them and see if you are on track. Reviewing your progress is one easy way to get motivated, especially before doing your power hour. If you know that you’re falling behind, then that can motivate you to work even harder that week in order to get back on track. Or, if you’re way ahead of the game, then it can motivate you to aspire for even more. Want to learn more? Click here.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.