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Rest for Success: Why You’ve Got to Take a Break


Rest for Success: Why You’ve Got to Take a Break

The holiday season is upon us. This is a time when the kids are out of school, your spouse or significant other may be taking time off from work, and you may find that your own business is slowing down a little bit. Although this is a Time for socializing with friends and loved ones, it’s also a time for rest and reflection. Sure, you may be busy attending holiday parties and catching up with loved ones, friends, and Neighbors, but you may also be slowing down a bit yourself.

As the days get darker sooner, you may find your motivation waning slightly. After all, at this time of year, it’s more enticing to spend your time wrapped in a blanket with your hands around a mug of hot cocoa rather than working on your business. Instead of rejecting this feeling and avoiding time for rest, it’s important to lean into it and take a break. Here’s why taking breaks is so important to your own wellness as well as the success of your business.

Why is Rest Important?

Although it may seem contrary, rest is as important to your success as working hard is. Of course, it’s important to do your daily activities each and every day, including your power hour. However, working all the time can lead to burnout. This makes you less effective for your network as well as the people around you and even yourself. This is why we encourage network marketers to take time out during the year to rest, reflect, and recover from all the hard work they’re doing to build the foundation for a strong network marketing business. After all, you won’t be effective in your network if you’re feeling burned out.

Although it may be difficult for some network marketers, especially those who are highly motivated, to take time off for rest, it is vital that they do so. The most successful people, both in business in general and in network marketing, take time out to rest. While it may seem as if they work all the time, in reality, they make time to rest as well. They realize that rest is important for success. It gives their brain a break, allows them to reduce their stress levels and rejuvenates their energy, and allows them to focus on something other than their business even if it’s for only a short time. That way, when they get back to business, they feel refreshed and rejuvenated, and ready to take on any challenge that comes their way.

Luckily, the holiday season provides a natural opportunity for you to take some time off and recuperate. This is your time to take a few days off to focus on improving yourself, reducing stress, and looking for ways to improve your own well-being. But first, it’s important to prepare your business so that you can take some time off.

Prepare your business for rest

Ramp up Power Hours

Before you take time off, it’s important to shore up your business. The first thing you should do is ramp up your power hours in the week or so leading up to the time you plan to take off. For example, if you are doing three Power hours a week, perhaps at a fourth. Although it may seem small, this extra Power Hour will help you get in touch with the people in your network that you need to before you take a week or so off. Even though you’re taking time off to rest, it’s important to stay up to date on your business and even get ahead of things so that you are not behind when you get back to work. 

Tell your network

The second thing to do is to tell your network. Update your status on social media to let people know that you’re taking a week or two off for rest and relaxation during the holidays. Or, when you connect with people in your network before the holidays, you may mention that you’re taking a week or two off. You may also wish to tell your team that you won’t be as responsive during this time, and even encourage them to take time off as well. This just allows them to know that you will not be as responsive as you usually are. Check in with your messages once a day to make sure that you are not missing anything major.

Set goals

The third thing to do is to set goals. Over the last couple of weeks, we have given you tips to help you set the goals you want to achieve in 2023. Although you may not begin working towards them in earnest until the new year, it is important to have those goals in place so that when you get back to your business you can get started right away. What goals do you wish to achieve in 2023? Now is the time to put those in writing and post them where you will see them every day. Knowing what you’re aiming for in the new year will give you a firm footing to work towards them in the year ahead. It will also help to boost your motivation and put you in the right mindset as you begin the new year.

Ideas for rest

Although many Network marketers know that they need to rest, they may not know how to get started. This is especially true of those highly motivated individuals who have come to associate working all the time with success. However, rest is still super important to your mindset, your energy, and your overall success. Here are some ideas to help you get started.


Although our phones and tablets make it easier to communicate with our loved ones, friends, and networks, they also create stress. How often do you feel like you have to constantly be plugged into everything that’s going on? For many of us, our devices have become an extension of us. Many of us aren’t sure how to unplug. We may feel naked or just a bit out of sorts if we don’t have our phones in our hands. However, unplugging from our devices, even if it’s just for an hour a day, can do wonders to improve our stress levels, our mental clarity, and our overall well-being. 

When we put our phones down, we’re able to see everything that’s around us and connect better with our surroundings. We’re able to connect better and deeper with our loved ones and friends in those who we come in contact with each day. If unplugging from your phone for an hour seems like too much, then start with 20 minutes. You could even do 20-minute segments throughout the day. For example, unplug from your devices for 20 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes in the afternoon, and 20 minutes in the evening. If you wish, try to work up to longer time segments. Then take note of how you feel. Do you feel more relaxed? Is your mind clearer? At first, it may feel funny to be without your Gadget for even a short amount of time. However, you may find that you feel more relaxed and at peace.

Practice self care

Self care is personal for everyone. What is self-care to one person, may not seem very relaxing to another person. For example, some people find that running several miles is self-care. Other folks may find running even to the end of their driveways stressful. Whatever you think is self-care is important to practice. Make a list of things that you find relaxing and you want to do to take time out for yourself. Often, we don’t take time out to practice self-care. We spend much of our days taking care of everyone else, while our own needs fall by the wayside. How often have you put off doing something that you wanted to do, that you find relaxing, in order to take care of something or someone else? For many people, it’s a regular occurrence. 

In order to give others the best of ourselves, it’s important that we take time out to work on ourselves. It is not a selfish act to put ourselves first in order to keep our energy up and our minds clear so that we can offer our best selves to those around us. If you’re stuck, some ideas include:

  • Take a bath
  • Take a walk
  • Do some stretches or yoga
  • Read a book that has been on your list
  • Get coffee or lunch with a friend
  • Have a spa day
  • Take a hike

Whatever it is you decide to do, make sure you take the time to actually do it. It’s not enough to plan for it or to say that you’ll do it. You actually have to take the time to do these things that you wish to do to improve yourself and practice self-care.

Teamzy can help you prepare to rest

We know how important rest is. That’s why we’ve made it easier to prepare your business to take time off for much-needed rest and relaxation. We designed Teamzy to make it easier to build the foundation for a strong network marketing business. Whether you wish to keep your network organized, set goals, or improve your skills, Teamzy makes it easier to run a network marketing business that you love. If you volunteer dashboard regularly and do your activities consistently, it’ll be easier to take time off to rest. Find out how Teamzy can make it easier to run your network marketing business. Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.