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Spring Cleaning: Review and Sort Your Network


Spring Cleaning: Review and Sort Your Network

Whether you’ve been in business for several years or you’ve just started, there’s one thing you should do: regularly sort your network. You’ve already done this once: When you loaded your database into Teamzy, you had to assign everyone a ranking. Many network marketers leave it at that. They never revisit the ranking and revise it based on the evolution of the relationship. Although they will continue to check in with the people in their networks, they may not be connecting with them at the right frequency for the relationship. 

Spring is the best time to review your relationships. You may be in the headspace to clean as you pack up your winter stuff and replace it with your summer stuff. Here’s how to review and sort your network.

Review your relationships

As you connect with the people in your network your relationship with them will grow. The level of relationship you have will likely not be the same as it was when you first put them in Teamzy. Once a year, or even twice if you have a large network, it’s important to review your relationships and reassign how you sort them, if necessary. This will ensure that you are connecting with everyone at the right time. That is, you are connecting with your biggest advocates more often than you are connecting with anyone else. Of course, you’ll contact everyone in it at work at least once a year; however, you will be contacting them within a more productive time frame.

When you first added someone to your network, they may have been an acquaintance. However, as you connect with them and develop a relationship, you’ve gotten to know them better and have learned more about their needs and goals. You may move a person up or down in rankings as your relationship develops. For example, you may boost someone’s ranking if they have introduced you to people they know throughout the year. 

When is the best time to review and sort your relationships?

Many network marketers think that they will update a ranking on an as-needed basis. Meaning, if someone introduces them, they may consider moving them up in rank. However, it’s easy for people to fall through the cracks this way. Instead, choose a time every 6 or so months to review your network and see if anyone’s ranking needs to be updated. Sometimes, you may not need to update anyone’s rank. Other times, you may have to change it for a large number of people. The key is to get in the habit of sorting your network at least once a year, or more often if your network is large.

Sort for your advocates 

Your advocates help to drive your business. Identifying them is one of the most important things you can do to support your business. Who are your biggest advocates? They are the people who talk about your business just to everyone that they know. They’re also the people who introduce you to people in their networks who can benefit from the products and services that you provide. As you grow your business these people will become more apparent to you. 

Throughout the year, your advocates will become clearer. Someone who started out with a lower ranking can easily become a top advocate. Keeping your ranking of top advocates up-to-date will ensure that you are connecting with these folks more often than anyone else in your network. This will ensure that you’re spending your time more productively on the people who help to drive your business. You want to contact them more often than anyone else to learn more about how you can serve them. Keeping your rankings current will help you to know who to check in with more often than anyone else. It’s all in how you sort them.

Who is an advocate?

Your advocates are your biggest cheerleaders. They may have sent you introductions or would be eager to if you asked. If you’re struggling to think of who would fall into that category, sit and think for a moment. Who would, if you called them right now, introduce you to someone they know in their networks? Who has been most vocal about supporting you and your business? Make a list of names and then see how you’ve sorted them in your network. If they aren’t ranked as advocates, be sure to update it. That way you’re reaching out and connecting with them more often than anyone else.

Sort smart and keep in touch

It’s important to keep in touch with everyone in your network. Ranking them will ensure that you’re reaching out at the right time. Teamzy helps you keep track of who to contact and when. Simply login and review your list of people to contact on your Dashboard. Then start connecting.  Teamzy has scripts to use when you’re not sure what to say or write. The key is to make their day. After all, you want to stay top of mind. 

Be sure to track your connections in Teamzy so you can keep an accurate record of it. Once you’re done, that’s it until the next day. It’s that easy!

When you sort your network, you know who to contact and when. This allows you to be more productive with your time and energy.  Instead of contacting everyone equally,  you can focus your energy on your top advocates. These are the people you’ll connect with once a month so that you stay top of mind. 

Make their day

When you reach out, you’re not trying to sell them something.  You’re trying to remind them you’re there to serve. That’s why we say to make their days. You’re not choosing a sale,  you’re saying hello. This helps you stay on their radar so when they think of a product or service you offer,  they think of you. Remember, your goal is to build the relationship, not necessarily to close a sale…yet. Be of service and you’ll build trust. People will not only love to buy from you,  but they’ll also introduce you to others who would benefit from your business as well. 

Teamzy helps keep your relationships sorted

Teamzy was created to help network marketers have fun building their businesses. Once you upload your database, rank your relationships. This helps you maintain consistency when you reach out to connect with them. We take the guesswork out of building relationships and connecting with your network.  Want to grow a business you love? Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.