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Advocare: Import Back Office

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To get a copy of your downline list:

  1. Click on the My AdvoCare Tab
  2. Select Reports
  3. Select Complete Downline
  4. Click Hierarchy
  5. Highlight entire sheet, including headers and click copy (do not highlight anything else)
  6. Open a new sheet in either Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets (it’s free!) and click paste (do not use Apple Numbers)
  7. Save the file to your desktop

Follow the same steps for your Retail Customers and your Preferred Customers

  1. Highlight entire sheet, including headers and click copy
  2. Open a new sheet in either Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets and click paste
  3. Save the file to your desktop

To Clean Up your exports before importing them into Teamzy:

  1. In Microsoft Excel:
  2. Open your Downline export in Excel
  3. Click on Column B and Insert Columns from the Insert menu
  4. Click on Column A and from the Data menu select Text to Columns
  5. Select Delimited and click Next
  6. Select Comma and click Finish
  7. For the header of column A, rename it to Last Name
  8. For the header of column B, rename it to First Name
  9. Save as .CSV

Do the same with your Customer Exports

  1. In Google Sheets:
  2. Open your Downline export in Sheets
  3. Click on Column B and Insert Column Left from the Insert menu
  4. Click on Column A and from the Data menu select Split Text to Columns
  5. For the header of column A, rename it to Last Name
  6. For the header of column B, rename it to First Name
  7. From the file menu, choose Download as Comma Separated Values .CSV
  8. Do the same with your Customer Exports

To Import Your Files into Teamzy:

  1. Go back to Teamzy
  2. Go to Team page
  3. Click Import
  4. Click Import Contacts
  5. Select one of the .CSV files you just prepared.
  6. Toggle Advanced Import Options
  7. Select Distributors for your Downline Report (Select
  8. Customers for your Customer Reports)

Map Your Columns in Teamzy:

  1. On the columns where you see a red X, select Ignore from the dropdown
  2. One exception: Under Contact, select Contact: Email
  3. Click Continue