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Want to Expand Your Network? Lead with Love


Want to Expand Your Network? Lead with Love

If you’re like many network marketers, you might be focused on finding new ways to build your network. In fact, many network marketers complain that it’s simply impossible to build their networks any more. They’ve totally tapped their network and have discussed their businesses with everyone they know. Although they may feel as if there’s no one left to add, they have to think beyond their immediate circle of friends to their friends’ friends. But, how do you do that without sounding salesy? Lead with love.

Increase your network: lead with love

The best way to expand your network is to tap into the networks of your friends and family. Basically, the people who comprise your existing network. You may be thinking, “I’d love to, but I don’t want to come off as salesy or like I’m only contacting them to gain access to their networks.” That’s a valid concern, especially if you go about it the wrong (or transactional) way. However, as someone who focuses on relationships, you’ll just keep on doing what you do best. That is, serving everyone in your network. In fact, the only thing you’ll do differently is ask them to introduce you to the people they know who would appreciate your business and the opportunity you offer… but we’ll get to that. First, you have to build trust with the people in your network, especially the ones who are your biggest advocates, or have the potential to become your biggest advocates. 

Lead with love: serving your network

As a business owner, you are the person your network relies on for information about your industry. Strive to become an expert about all things pertaining to your business. For example, if your business relates to fitness, become well-versed in all things fitness, from the latest trends in strength exercises to the most comfortable workout-wear. That way, you’re prepared for any questions your network may have about your industry or business. If they can rely on you to have answers, or know where to find answers, they’ll have more trust in you and your business. And, they’ll be more likely to recommend your business to people, especially when they hear people talking about that topic. 

Another way to serve your network is to be consistent. This includes following up with them on time, contacting them on a regular basis, and always providing excellent service. Your network must be able to rely on you if you intend to build trust and great relationships with them as a businessperson.

Why communication is the key to building trust

Relationships are built on connection. The easiest way to connect with people is to reach out to them. At Teamzy, we make it easy to reach out and connect with your network by not only providing you with a list of people to contact each day, but also gives you scripts to follow if you’re not sure what to say to start the conversation. There’s everything from a simple hello to scripts to use when you haven’t spoken with someone in some time. When you do your Power Hour each day, pull out the scripts and start reaching out to the customers, prospects, and team members on your list. 

The important part is to focus on making their day. It’s not about making a sale right then or getting them to connect you with everyone they know. It’s about reaching out, saying “hello,” and leaving a positive, encouraging message; something that will put a smile on their faces and make them feel good. For most people in your network, you’ll reach out every couple of months, more often for those in your network who are strong advocates of your business.

Ask for an introduction

When they respond, ask them to introduce you to people in your network who would be interested in your business or your opportunity. Many people would be eager to introduce you but just aren’t sure how to go about doing so. By asking them for an introduction, you move this request to their top of mind, so even if they can’t think of anyone right away, they will continue to think about it in the days after. Then, don’t be surprised when they get in touch and say, “I have the perfect person for you.” If they introduce you to someone, be sure to thank them for being loyal advocates of your business. If they can’t think of anyone, that’s okay, too. Continue to keep in touch and they may think of someone in the future. You never know, they could become your business’s biggest advocates.

Lead with love: serving your team

Your team’s success impacts your own. One of the best ways to help ensure their success is to help them build relationship-based network marketing businesses. How? By modeling the behavior you wish to see. If you want them to reach out to their networks consistently, then reach out to them consistently as well. If you want them to become experts of the industry, share your knowledge and where you learn it. Let them know that you prioritize your business and encourage them to do the same. Also, be honest about the struggles of juggling a growing business with all of the other demands of your life. They’ll appreciate your honesty and will feel less alone. 

All of these are small ways to provide service to your team. They are also eager to succeed, but many may need to be shown how. After all, they know they have to connect with their networks on a regular basis; however, they may not have the skills or tools to know where to start. Encourage them to join Teamzy so they can access their networks, right at their fingertips. Also, encourage them to commit to personal development and watch the training videos at Teamzy University. For even more skill development, enroll in Elite Business Bootcamp as a team. Not only is it a great way to improve motivation, but it also gives you and your team the skills and tools they need to connect with their networks, expand their connections, and create strong network marketing businesses. 

Introductions from your team

Then, ask them to introduce you to people who would like to join your team. Not only does this help you expand your team, it also gives them a model to follow when they talk to their networks. Once they see how you ask them, they can follow your lead and replicate it the next time they speak to people in their networks. They’ll see that they don’t have to sound salesy or pushy to increase the size of their networks; they have to be genuine, with a heart of service and the confidence to ask. 

Success tip: Practice makes perfect. If you or someone on your team is nervous about asking for an introduction, practice together. Use the scripts to get started and practice until it feels natural. 

Spread the love

Building trust is a continuous process, not only with any new people in your network, but also with your biggest advocates and long-time members of it. Just like a thriving plant, you have to nurture your relationships if you want them to continue to live and grow. The people in your network need to know and feel confident that they’re not just another sale; instead, reassure them that you appreciate them and seek to serve. 

No matter what, when you lead with love, serve with heart. Each time you connect with someone in your network, a current customer, a prospect, a team member, or someone you’ve just been introduced to, look for ways to help and serve. Listen for a need that you can fill or someone you can introduce them to who can help them. Even if they’re not interested in what your business has to offer now, it doesn’t mean that they won’t become strong business advocates later on. Keep service at the center of your business and you’ll be rewarded with strong relationships and a growing business. 

Let Teamzy help you serve your network and team

Teamzy is more than a CRM designed for network marketers; it also helps you grow a thriving business. Simply import your network and sort your relationships – Teamzy will do the rest. Each day, when you log into your Dashboard, you’ll get a list of people to contact. Work through your list – connecting with each person – and track your progress. The more you connect, the more opportunities you’ll find to serve, and the stronger your relationships will become. What’s better than that? 

Teamzy also contains scripts to use to get the conversation started with everyone in your network, videos to watch to help you improve your business skills, and the opportunity to connect with other ambitious network marketers and improve your business with Elite Business Bootcamp. Click here to learn more about how to lead with love.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.