Motivation: Boost Your Motivation and Get Back on Track
Are you struggling to stay motivated? You’re not alone. With spring upon us, it’s tough to stay focused. Add into the mix the fact that motivation can be fleeting once you’ve set your goals for the year, you may be fighting to get your focus back. Sure, you have a growing list of customers, prospects, and distributors to contact, but it’s hard to get started when you’re feeling unmotivated or just off your game. The good news is you do not have a 9 to 5 job where you have to sit at a desk all day, whether you’re motivated or not. As a network marketer, you can do everything that you need to do to grow a business in an hour or less. Today we will help you boost your motivation so that you can build your network marketing business in an hour or less a day.
Where did your motivation go?
Sometimes it’s easy to know why you’re feeling unmotivated. Other times, it’s hard to pinpoint the reason. If you’re not sure, run through this list to figure out why.
What could it be?
- Are you tired?
Sleep, and lack thereof, has an impact throughout the day. You can’t think straight when you’re not sleeping well. To be on task, you must prioritize rest and get enough sleep. The number of hours of sleep you need may vary. Try to get into a routine where you go to bed and get up around the same time each day. This can help minimize sleep disruptions and make you more productive during your waking hours.
- Are you burned out?
Life is busy and we tend to get caught up in that. As a result, we spend our time overcommitting which leaves us feeling burned out. If you feel like you are burning, the candle at both ends, figure out why that is. Have you filled your days with too many tasks that you can’t get done? Are the less important or time-consuming tasks preventing you from achieving the tasks that help you drive your business?
- Are you overcommitted?
Do you find yourself saying yes to everything? Or do you find yourself saying yes to requests and favors that you don’t have time for and don’t really want to do? Even if you don’t mind doing the task there are only so many hours in the day in which to do them. Often many of us feel that we have infinite time in a day to accomplish everything. In reality, our time is finite. When you overcommit, you don’t have time to focus on what matters, including your business. Committing to unimportant things prevents you from spending your most productive time on important tasks.
Get a motivation surge
Get your motivation back on track!
Make time to take a break.
Although it seems counterintuitive, rest is essential for your focus and success. Feeling tired is one of the biggest reasons we feel unmotivated. After all, it’s hard to rally when you just want to take a nap. Many people, not just network marketers, feel that if they spend all their time working on their business it will grow. While working on your business is important, you don’t need to work on it 24/7. What they find out is that instead of growing their business, they’re becoming unmotivated. A bit of rest can help you grow your business. Take some time every day to focus on something that you want to do that helps to refill your cup. This will help you clear your mind and focus on the task at hand when you return.
Just say no
How many times have you wanted to say no, but instead yes comes out of your mouth? As a result, we become overcommitted and eventually succumb to burnout. For many of us it’s hard to say no. Maybe we are people pleasers who feel bad turning down a request. Or we just don’t want to let someone down. Or we feel that if we don’t do it, who will? However, when we overcommit ourselves, we’re letting ourselves down and eventually those around us as well.
Say no to things that don’t align with your priorities or bring you closer to your goals. When you invest your most important resource – time – into doing the unimportant thing, you take vital time away from the activities that matter. Don’t rob what matters of your best resources.
Do a goal review
What goals did you set in January? Chances are, if you’re like most people, you haven’t given them a second thought since. Review your goals regularly to refuel your motivation. Get into the mindset you had when you set them. This will help you rekindle your motivation to achieve them.
Connect with your network for a super boost of motivation!
Network marketing thrives on building genuine relationships and serving your network. It’s about giving your all to customers, prospects, and distributors, following up, staying connected, and genuinely caring. Who are your biggest advocates? These are the cheerleaders of your business. When you are feeling unmotivated, log into Teamzy and see who you need to contact for the day. After you review your list of names, select the person who is your biggest advocate. Or if they’re not on your list, reach out to them anyway. This is the person you want to contact first. They are the most likely to respond and the ones who will give you that motivational boost you need.
What about those who don’t respond?
While most appreciate your dedication to building the relationship, some won’t respond as expected. They might reject your offers, ignore you, or react in ways you don’t anticipate. It’s often not malicious. Often it is simply that they just don’t have the time to respond or they simply forget.
Delayed responses don’t necessarily mean disinterest. People have busy lives, filled with work, family, and personal challenges. They might not be ignoring you; they simply might not have had time to reply. It’s not a personal attack on you or your business. This is why it’s so important to follow up. You can loop back around and connect with them, hopefully, when they have more time.
How to build your business when your motivation is low
The quickest way to boost motivation is to put in the work. Get started and the rest will follow.
Nurture your strongest relationships. Prioritize connecting with those you genuinely enjoy interacting with. These positive connections can be incredibly uplifting, especially when you’re feeling less confident. Reach out to your advocates, favorite customers, prospects, and distributors – these interactions can boost your spirits and reignite your passion for your business.
Don’t lose heart with those who haven’t responded yet. Their silence doesn’t necessarily indicate disinterest. Follow your Teamzy Dashboard’s recommendations for follow-up, and they’ll likely respond eventually.
Concentrate on your biggest supporters. Provide exceptional service to your top customers and distributors. And don’t hesitate to ask them for introductions to others who might also benefit from your business.
Teamzy can help you keep your motivation high
Teamzy takes the guesswork out of your business. You’ll always know who to reach out to and when. Not sure what to say? Teamzy has you covered with scripts that work. Log in to see your dashboard each day and reach out to the people on your list each Power Hour. Be sure to log your activities so that you can track your progress toward your goals. This can also help boost your motivation when you see how close you are to achieving your goals. Remember that your motivation will return. Keep going until it does. If you are not using Teamzy yet, what are you waiting for? Click here to find out how it can help you grow your business.