Active Listening: How to Truly Connect with Your Network


Active Listening: How to Truly Connect with Your Network

Building strong relationships is paramount to success when you are a network marketer. A key component of building relationships is active listening. Beyond simply hearing words, active listening involves truly understanding what the other person is saying, engaging in thoughtful dialogue, and fostering a connection that goes beyond the surface level. That’s how you build strong relationships, which form the foundation of your network marketing business. So what is active listening and how do you use it in your daily life?

The Power of Active Listening 

Active listening is more than just a communication skill; it’s a mindset. When you actively listen to a potential team member or customer, you demonstrate respect, empathy, and a genuine interest in their perspective. This builds trust, which is essential to building lasting relationships and successful network marketing businesses.

The benefits of active listening

Active listening is just what it sounds like – you are actively listening to the other person. You’re not distracted or looking around or thinking about what you’re going to make for dinner – you’re listening to them and what they’re saying. Many of us are distracted.  We’re on our phones.  Or we’re letting our minds wander. We become distracted by people walking by or a text we receive. Although we all want to be heard, we find it hard to listen to those around us.  Active listening is the remedy. Here are some benefits of active listening.

Better understanding: By paying close attention to what others are saying, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of their needs, concerns, and motivations. This knowledge can help you tailor your approach to service. You can reach them the way they wish to be communicated with. 

Better connections: When people feel heard and understood, they are more likely to open up and share their thoughts. This can lead to stronger connections and more meaningful relationships. You can discover what they need and how your business can help. Or,  if your business can’t help, you can connect them with someone in your network that can. 

More trust: Active listening demonstrates that you value the other person’s opinion and perspective. This can help build trust and credibility, which is essential for long-term success in network marketing. In short, trust is your bread and butter if you want to develop and grow your business. 

Basically, active listening helps to improve your relationships…all relationships. Yes, you want to use active listening with those in your network, but you can also use it to improve ALL of your relationships. 

How to become a better listener

Develop and improve your active listening skills with practice. After all,  practice makes perfect. The more you practice, the more likely it is to become second nature. Here are some practical tips to help you become a more effective listener:

  1. Maintain eye contact: Eye contact shows that you are engaged and interested in what the other person is saying. So many of us are distracted by what’s going on around us and we’re especially distracted by our phones. This can make the other person feel diminished or even disrespected. We all want to feel important and appreciated. We all also want to feel heard. Make your network feel special.  Maintain eye contact to be present and show the other person that they matter.
  2. Nod and use nonverbal cues: Nodding, smiling, and other nonverbal cues can signal that you are paying attention and understanding the speaker’s message. Just resist the urge to say “uh-huh” constantly or nodding so much that you look like a bobblehead on a car’s dashboard. If you’re making eye contact and smiling and occasionally nodding, they know you’re listening.
  3. Ask follow-up questions: Show that you are listening by asking thoughtful questions that demonstrate your interest and understanding. Resist yes or no questions and ask open-ended questions that encourage the other person to share more. This helps you get to know them better so you can serve them at a deeper level.
  4. Don’t interrupt: Let the speaker finish their thoughts before responding. Interrupting can make the other person feel disrespected or unheard. Listen for a natural pause. However, if there isn’t one and you want to ask a question, saying, “Can I interrupt you for a second to ask…” This shows you respect the other person and are empathetic to them.
  5. Restate the other person’s main points in your own words to ensure that you have understood them correctly. Misunderstandings can arise when assumptions are made. By restating the other person’s points, you can ensure you’re on the same page and can address the question or issue at hand.
  6. Be empathetic: Seeing things from the other person’s perspective helps you understand their feelings better. You’re listening to understand the other person better and build the relationship. Showing empathy helps to grow the relationship. 

Who to practice on

Practice on everyone! Your team, your spouse and kids, your network, neighbors, etc. The key is to be present in the conversations you have with others. Focus on them! They are the star of the show. Even if you’re not looking to make a sale you are looking to improve the relationship. The more you practice, you’ll notice the more your relationships will improve. See what works and what doesn’t.  Then use what you’ve learned in those conversations with those in your network. You’ll improve relationships all around.

Active listening with Teamzy

Active listening is a powerful tool, but it’s not always easy to remember every detail of a conversation. That’s where Teamzy comes in. Teamzy is a comprehensive relationship management platform that helps you track interactions, notes, and important details about your network. By keeping your information organized, you can ensure that you’re always prepared to engage in meaningful conversations and provide exceptional service.

Teamzy can help you boost your relationships

Active listening is a powerful tool that can help you build stronger relationships, increase trust, and achieve greater success in network marketing. By focusing on understanding the other person’s perspective and demonstrating genuine interest, you can create a positive and lasting impact. So, the next time you’re having a conversation with a potential team member or customer, remember the power of active listening. And after you’ve connected with your network, don’t forget to update your Teamzy database with any information you learned. Keeping your database updated will ensure that you can offer the best level of service you can. Click here to learn more about Teamzy.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.