Being a network marketer can bring a range of emotions – excitement, anxiety and motivation. This is all…
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How to Sell During the Holidays without Being Annoying
The holiday season is right around the corner. It’s THE time of the year to increase your sales,…
What to Post: Educating Others
So far, we’ve covered the first three letters of HIRE – Help, Inspire and Relationship – the acronym…
What to Post: Building Strong Connections on Facebook
So far, we’ve shared how to Help and Inspire customers, prospects, and distributors with our online posts and…
What to Post: How to Inspire
Now that you’ve brainstormed ideas to help your customers, prospects, distributors and followers – and, no doubt, put…
What to Post: Helping is the New Selling
You’ve probably heard time and time again that social media can help you build trust with your customers,…
5 Steps to Stay Motivated with Purpose
In the last post, we encouraged you to discover your Why, your reason for going into business in…
Why People Quit Before They Get Started
Be honest, how often have you wanted to quit your business in the last week? The last month?…
4 Ways to Build Trust with Your People
Who’s in the mood for a riddle? What takes time to build but only an instant to damage? …
The 3 Things to Master in a Relationship-First Based Business
What if selling didn’t feel all gross and icky and was actually fun? What if selling was actually helping…
Crush Your Power Hour
Show us your routine and we’ll tell you if you’ll succeed. No, we’re not psychic; we can just…