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Focus: How to Stay Disciplined, Even When it’s Hard


Focus: How to Stay Disciplined, Even When it’s Hard

We all have those days when we’re just not feeling it. Our attention is elsewhere. Everything is demanding our attention. We just don’t feel like doing anything productive and want to succumb to the distractions around us. Instead of working, we want to go to the beach or lake or the woods – basically anywhere but at home in front of the computer or tackling the chores and responsibilities on our lists. Your focus is gone.

Although it’s normal to give in to distractions every now and then, it becomes a struggle for network marketers who want to give in to distractions every day. In order to succeed, it’s important to figure out a way to ignore the distractions and feed your focus. How do you discipline yourself to stay focused?

What is discipline and why it’s vital to business

Discipline is training yourself to forgo the fun for now until you’ve finished your responsibilities (that includes your Power Hour and following up with your network). It’s the ability to focus on what’s important and charging through to get it all done before giving in to the distractions. It’s starving your distractions so you can feed your focus.

In order to grow, your business needs attention. It needs work. Although breaks are important – we’re strong advocates of them – you have to work hard as well. Your business will grow in proportion to how much focus you give your business. When you give into distractions too often, business can only stagnate. 

Focus tip: Commit to your business

In order for relationships to thrive, you have to commit to them. That includes the relationship you have with your business. It’s not enough to start a business and set goals; you have to work on your business daily and focus on the activities that will help it grow. It’s like any relationship – if you leave it alone and ignore it, it won’t be as strong as it could be. 

Many network marketers only partially commit to their businesses. They see it as a hobby or a way to make some extra money. There’s nothing wrong with this. It is a way to make extra money to supplement the family’s income. 

However, if you see yourself as a small business owner and have created ambitious goals for your business, you have to spend time working on it. You have to commit to spending time working on it daily. That doesn’t mean you have to spend a whole 8 hours on it, like you would a typical job; an hour or less per day will do. The point is you have to make the commitment to working on your business and make it a priority each day.

Focus tip: Make a date with your business daily

If you want to achieve your goals and run a successful business, you have to make it a priority every day. Decide on a time in which you’ll spend working in your business, that is, doing your Power Hour. Keep in mind that 1) typically it’ll take you less than an hour, unless your network is huge and 2) you can break it into smaller time pieces, if necessary. If spending a whole hour on your business at once seems impossible, break it into smaller segments, such as 2 30-minute blocks or 4 15-minute blocks.

During that time, work on your business. At Teamzy, we tried to make it easy and fun to work on your business. Sign into your Dashboard and see a list of people to contact each day, as well as a list of people to follow up with. You don’t have to waste time wondering who to talk to! And, if you’re not sure what to say, use the scripts we provide to get the conversation started. We have a script for every occasion that you can use verbatim or use as inspiration to craft your own message. 

Since professional development is important to growing your business, spend some time improving your skills with the training videos and courses we offer. We’ll give you the tools to serve your clients even better!

Schedule your day

It’s not very exciting, but if you want to get everything done, you have to schedule your day. Write out a to-do list and list out everything you need to get done that day, including your Power Hour. Then circle your top two priorities (hint: one should be your Power Hour). Once you complete those, move through your list and tackle the next two most important things. Before you know it, you’ll be done and you’ll feel awesome because you accomplished so much!

Focus tip: Know your numbers/where you stand

The most successful network marketers are sure about one thing – where they stand in their businesses. If asked, they can tell you how many sales they’ve made, how many prospects they’ve added to their networks, and even how close they are to reaching their goals. 

They’re not some kind of superhero – they’re just on top of their business and in charge of their success. Knowing your numbers not only shows you’re committed to your business; it also provides much-needed motivation when you’re feeling scattered or uninspired.

You don’t need to know every number, but you should have a rough estimate of where you stand. You, should know how many…

  • Sales you’ve made this week/month
  • Prospects you’ve added to your network
  • Prospects you need to add to reach your goals
  • Sales you’ll need to close to stay on track
  • People you need to contact each day to reach your goals

The good news is Teamzy makes it super easy to know all of these numbers. Just login and see where you stand. Take a look every week for motivation and perspective.

Focus tip: Remember your Why

Your why is your reason for getting involved in network marketing in the first place. Although you may think it’s at the top of your mind, it’s easy to lose sight of it, especially when your get busy or when you’re just not feeling motivated.

But, remembering your why can help you get and stay motivated. It allows you to reconnect with your reason for pursuing network marketing and can give you that boost of enthusiasm necessary to continue on your journey to achieving your goals. 

If you have your Why written down or posted, take a few minutes to read it over and think about it. Travel back to when you set that intention and decided that that was going to be your reason. How were you feeling? What did you envision? Are you where you expected to be on your path to fulfilling your Why and achieving your goals? Answering these questions allows you to hone in on what’s important and get motivated to keep going.

Focus tip: Surround yourself with accountability

Who holds you accountable? Is it your spouse or your team? Do you have someone, perhaps another network marketer, who can hold your feet to the fire and ensure you’ll do what you say you’re going to?

Accountability is huge when running a business, especially network marketing. Luckily, you have a team of other network marketers who can keep you motivated and vice versa. Choose someone on your team who can help you stay accountable to your business – you’ll do the same for them. Then, hold one another accountable to doing your Power Hours each day. You can choose to do them at the same time or promise to send a text to one another when you’ve finished it. 

The other benefit of having an accountability partner is you’ll have someone to bounce ideas off of, especially when you’re faced with challenges. You can talk about where you’re struggling and offer one another advice to work through it. Just as you may enlist a friend as a workout buddy to help you get stronger or get in shape, an accountability partner can help you make sure you complete your business activities and stay committed to your goals. After all, you don’t want to let them down – if you skip out on your Power Hour, they may be tempted to as well. Working together makes you both stronger.

Stay on track with Teamzy

Teamzy was designed to help you stay focused on your goals while you build your network marketing business. By making it easier to build a network marketing business, we help to eliminate the common roadblocks to success. Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.