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Get Out of Your Own Way so You Can Lead


Get Out of Your Own Way so You Can Lead

Many leaders want to lead more effectively; however, there’s often one thing standing in their way. What is that one thing? Themselves. In the pursuit of greatness, we often stand in our own way. We can be our own biggest enemies or at least roadblocks. What’s holding you back and keeping you from becoming a better and more effective leader for your team? Although you may feel like your challenges are unique, chances are, many other leaders have faced similar challenges. Today, will help you identify your roadblocks and offer suggestions to help you overcome them.

What’s holding you back?

Every one of us has baggage that keeps us from achieving greatness. This baggage is packed in a suitcase of fear. Fear is the most common thing that holds everyone back. The type of fear may vary by person. While some of those who lead fear failure, others fear success, rejection, or making mistakes.


One of the most common fears is the fear of failure. Many of us are afraid to fail. Some of us are so afraid to fail that we don’t even try. Even if it means we miss out on something great, we let our fear of failure prevent us from doing what we need to do to succeed. As a leader, you may fear being a bad leader. You don’t want to disappoint your team. After all, aren’t they a reflection of us? If they’re struggling to succeed, then that must mean that we are bad leaders. This is not true, however, it is the narrative that many leaders play in their heads.

To be a more effective leader you have to shed your fear of failure. One of the best ways to do so is to see failure as just another learning opportunity. We learn more from our failures than we do from our successes. That’s how we understand how to achieve. If it all came easily, then we wouldn’t know how to replicate the process.


Conversely, some people who lead aren’t afraid of failure, they’re afraid of success. This may sound silly to some, however, it’s a very real fear. Sometimes people fear success because they don’t want success to change them. They’re afraid that they’re going to become different people once they achieve success. Or, if they become a successful leader, people will want more from them. This may mean that they spend less time with their families or doing the things that they enjoy. However, success will only change you if you let it. Often, success just encourages you to do more of what got you there.


Sometimes people want to be leaders or more effective leaders, but they fear rejection. They’re worried that people won’t want to follow them. After all, what is a leader if they don’t have anyone following them? So, instead of putting themselves out there to lead, they stay in the background. Sure, they may wish they were at the forefront of leading their teams; however, they are scared that their teams might reject them. Of course, rejection is painful. However, you shouldn’t let the potential for pain prevent you from the opportunity to serve people and help them improve their lives.


Everyone makes mistakes. If you are human you’re going to make a mistake at some point in your life. However, many of us actively try to avoid making mistakes, out of fear. We do this in many ways. To lead more effectively we have to face them.

Overthinking our actions. Overthinking often leads to inaction because we’re so stuck thinking about all the different things that could happen and the possible outcomes that we forget to actually move.

Confidence. Confidence, or a lack thereof, can prevent us from effectively leading. We may not feel confident in our leadership abilities.

Self-limiting beliefs. Many people have self-limiting beliefs that prevent them from achieving success and fulfilling their goals. They don’t believe that they can do something, whether it’s because they lack the skills or the experience. As a result, this prevents them from moving forward.

No purpose. Your purpose gives you confidence in your abilities any desire to succeed. If you don’t have a purpose or a why, then you may be concerned about making mistakes that will impact how your team perceives you.

Perfectionism. Some people are so wrapped up in being perfect that they are petrified of making mistakes. However, in order to achieve what appears to be perfection you have to make mistakes along the way.

No vision. It’s hard to know where you’re going when you don’t have a vision or goals to help you get there. In order to set realistic goals, you have to be able to see where you want to go. This creates a target to reach.

No focus or motivation. Lacking focus and motivation is one of the biggest roadblocks that people feel, whether they’re new to leadership or are experienced leaders. We all face moments in time when we feel scattered or unmotivated. We know what we have to do, but we’re just not sure how to get there. As a result, we stay in one position unable to move forward.

Habits. For many, their habits hold them back. That is, they have habits that prevent them from achieving all they need to do each day in order to succeed and reach their goals. Whether it’s spending an hour scrolling aimlessly online or not suicide time each day to work on your business, these bad habits begin to have a negative impact on success and leadership ability.

Negativity. Negativity in one’s life can impact success . Whether it’s influences, meaning the things you read or listen to, or it’s the people we surround ourselves with, being around too much negativity can prevent us from achieving our goals and becoming more effective leaders. 

How to overcome the fear that’s holding you back

Boost confidence

If you want to overcome what’s holding you back the first thing you need to do is increase your confidence. Having confidence in yourself and your abilities is the key to achieving your goals. If you want to do anything in life you have to be confident in your ability to do it. Confidence helps to fuel your motivation and drive to become a more effective leader. And, confidence is contagious. If you feel confident in your leadership abilities and your ability to succeed, your team will also feel that confidence.

Reduce fear

Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do your fears. Do not fuel your fears with any more attention! Once you acknowledge them, take steps to discredit them. Oftentimes, we let our fears dictate Our Lives. This prevents us from achieving our potential. Look fear in the face until it goes away.

Stop overthinking

Eliminate overthinking from your list of daily activities. Many of us are caught in the cycle of overthinking every little thing that we think, feel, or encounter. Not everything has to be thought to death. Instead of thinking more, do more.

Remove your own roadblocks to lead

The best way to do all three, boost your confidence, reduce your fear, and eliminate overthinking, is to review your beliefs, choices, actions, and results. All of these things impact the next. That is, what you believe will impact the choices you make. The choices you make will impact the actions you take. And those actions that you take, will determine your results. 

If you want to improve your results, then you have to start from the top and assess your beliefs. What do you believe in? Your beliefs are a combination of facts and faith. Be sure to assess your attitude as well. Having a positive mental attitude will help you formulate beliefs that support your vision. When your beliefs in your vision are aligned then you’re able to take actions that will support them. This helps you prioritize your day so that you’re focusing on the most important things that will drive you to success. 

Your success and the success of your team depends on the choices that you make and the actions that you take today. Be sure that they’re aligned for success.

Teamzy can help you lead more effectively!

Regardless of what’s holding you back and lead more effectively, Teamzy can give you the tools to overcome it. From organization to online training programs, Teamzy offers many tools to help you stay on top of your business and help your team do the same. Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.