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Goals: End the Year Strong


Goals: End the Year Strong

We’re in the fourth quarter of the year. If you set goals in January, you may be wondering how close you are to reaching your goals. Even if you’ve been regularly assessing your goals, you may still wonder how close you are to achieving the goals you set for 2022. After all, 2023 is right around the corner.  Before you can even think about setting goals for next year, you must see how close you are to reaching them this year. Finish the year strong by following these tips…

How to Review Your Goals

A goal review is the most important thing you can do for your business’s success. While it is important to set goals, it is vital to review them periodically. How will you know how close you are to achieving your goals unless you look at them regularly?

Remember as you are reviewing the goals that you still have 3 months to achieve your goals, so if you’re not as close as you had hoped, you still have time to achieve your goals. 


When you review your goals, do more than just look them over. Instead, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is the goal realistic this year?
  • Are you doing what it takes to achieve your goals?
  • If you’ve fallen off track, what can you do to get back on track?
  • Do you need to recalibrate your goals?

This will give you an idea of where you are right now.. then you know where you are succeeding and where you need to ramp up your activities in this last quarter. What if you’ve already reached your goals? Start setting yourself up for a great 2023! 

“Your true success in life begins only when you make the commitment to become excellent.” 

-Brian Tracy

Assess your goals

Assess your progress and come up with a plan for how you’ll achieve them. What do you need to do between now and the end of December to achieve your goals? 

If you’re not sure, here are some questions to ask:

Do you need to add another Power Hour or two to your week? Although we recommend doing a daily Power Hour, we understand if you can only do it once or twice a week. However, if you want to reach your goals, especially if they are ambitious, you need to do at least 4 a week. Fit it into your day each day. If you use Teamzy, consult your dashboard to who you need to contact each day. 

Do you need to add more people to your network? If you want a thriving network, it needs to continue to grow. Do you feel as if you’ve already added all the people you know to your network? That is how most network marketers feel at some point in their lives. Rest assured, you can still grow your network. How? Ask your top advocates in your network. They are already singing your praises; now is the time to ask for an introduction. Many network marketers are nervous to ask for an introduction. If you feel awkward, practice your scripts until you feel more comfortable. Remember, your network is rooting for you!

Do you feel you need to learn more? It’s not that you know everything; it’s that you want to learn more. Whether you feel as if you’ve leveled off in your business or you just thirst for more knowledge, it’s always a good time for more training. Get more training and development. Teamzy has various training programs to help you improve your business and boost your skills. Make it more fun by enlisting your team to join you. 

Correct your path toward reaching your goals

If you need to correct your path, now is the time to do it. After all, you still have a few months to get back on track. If you’re close, ramp up your activities. Add another Power Hour to your week so you can reach out to more people in your network. Ask for more introductions from your advocates. Connect with your advocates. Whatever you need to do to get closer to your goals.

What if you’re way off track? There is still time to get close to achieving your goals, if not outright achieving them. However, if you’re still other sure if you’ll achieve your goals, even after ramping up activities, consider reviewing your habits. Are your habits getting in the way of your success? Are you prioritizing your business or putting it on the back burner? If your business is not a priority, it’s time to make it one. Make time each day to work on your business. Remember, you only need an hour or less to reach out to all the people you need for the day. Set aside time, whether it’s in 15-minute increments or a full hour at a time.

“If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.”

Plan to achieve your goals

Consider what you need to do this year to set yourself up for next year. Whether you’ve exceeded your goals or you’re trying to get closer, start thinking about what you want to accomplish in the coming year. It could be continuing your goals and taking that next step in your business. Perhaps you want to level up your goals a notch for next year. Or maybe you have a longer term goal and you want to incrementally level up. If you have the good habits to move you ahead, continue to create more ambitious goals.

What if you missed the mark this year? It happens. Perhaps something unexpected happened this year that made working on your business impossible, such as a medical setback or other emergency. You have two options. If you feel you can reach the goal next year, set the goal again. Then work toward setting the stage to achieve them next year. If you’re not sure you can reach it (perhaps you were too ambitious this year) adjust it so that it is more realistic this time around. 

What would you do differently?

Be sure to take a lesson from any setbacks you encountered this year. Even if you’re not close to achieving your goals, there is so much to learn from what you’ve been through so far. 

If you’re on track to reaching your goals…

Keep it up! Continue to make your business a priority, do your Power Hours, and grow your network by asking for introductions. You’re on the right track so continue to do what you’re doing; it’s obvious that it’s working.

If you’re close, but may not reach them by the end of the year…

Assess what happened and then think of ways to avoid those challenges get in the year ahead. If your business became less of a priority as the year wore on, make sure to keep it a priority this year. Create a to-do list with your business as a priority and starred or circle it so you can be sure to do it. 

If you won’t come close to reaching your goals…

Figure out what happened. If you were too ambitious, try to set more realistic goals in the year ahead. Often in our excitement, we overestimate what we can achieve in the year ahead. Perhaps your one-year goal into a longer-term 5-year goal. Then, you still have the goal but you can break it into smaller goals that you may be able to achieve within a shorter amount of time. 

Teamzy can help you achieve your goals

We created Teamzy to make it easier to build a network marketing business. Part of that is making it easier to set goals and track your progress toward them. Once you’ve set your goals, Teamzy uses them in its algorithm to let you know how many people you’re going to contact each day. That way you’re always contacting the right number of people to help you achieve your goals. Once you make your business a priority, it will be easier to achieve your goals. Not using Teamzy? What are you waiting for? Click here to get started.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.