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Good Habits: Develop the Ones that Drive Success

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Good Habits: Develop the Ones that Drive Success

Your habits drive your success. That’s right; if you want to succeed, your habits will determine when and how you get there. But, it’s not just any habits that will get you where you want to go – you have to develop good habits. Good habits are the habits that keep you motivated each day to do what you need to do in order to build a thriving network marketing business. Are your habits good or are they holding you back? 

How to develop good habits

Good habits don’t just happen overnight. They take time to develop. Although some of us already have the beginnings of great habits that can drive our success, most of us need a bit of work. Here’s how to develop them.

What’s your mindset?

Like everything having to deal with success, it all starts with your mindset. If you have the mindset of success, you’re more likely to. With regard to habit, you have to want to make the change with your whole heart. It’s not something you can go halfway into. When you only give half of your focus, the habit is much less likely to stick. In short, you have to want it.

It helps to set an intention. How do you want to start your day? Think of it as a mini goal or target to reach. It can be anything from a word that will be your theme for the day to a phrase or mantra that will get you motivated. Whatever it is, make it a point to set your intention each day. That way, when it feels like your day is going sideways – as it can, especially when life gets busy – you can remember your intention and take back control.

For example, your intention could be something like “focus.” When you feel your attention being drawn by something else, you can remember your intention to “focus” to take your intention back. Or, it could be “faith”, faith in your abilities, faith in the strength of your network and faith that a higher power has your back, no matter what. When you’re feeling stressed or frustrated because your network isn’t responding as you wanted to, you can center yourself and fall back on your intention – faith.

Assess your current habits

First, start with assessing your current habits. What habits do you have that could use improvement? Do you have the tendency to lose focus easily? Are you overwhelmed by the tasks of the day? Do you procrastinate because you feel too anxious to reach out to people in your network, especially people you haven’t spoken to in months? 

These are all common “bad” habits. The good news is, they can be fixed. It takes time, but it is possible. 

Check your expectations

Next, assess your expectations. What do you expect your habits to do for you and what do you want to achieve with them? Although changing your habits is a start, you still have to put in the work to achieve success. Similarly, replacing a bad habit with a good one is hard. We’ve had our “bad” habits for a while and have grown comfortable with them. Replacing them with a good habit, even if we know that it’s best for us, can feel awkward and uncomfortable. 

Some habits that hold us back:

  • Being afraid of change. We know that we have to change in order to grow and thrive in life. However, we’re also creatures of routine and making changes goes against that routine. Once we understand that change is a vital part of life, we may begin to become more flexible to accepting it. The best way to accept change? Prepare for it. The good habits you develop help you prepare for the changes that come your way. While you can’t predict what changes will arrive on your doorstep or when they’ll occur, you can fortify yourself and your business to receive them. 
  • Not being true to yourself and your business. Many of us are natural people pleasers. We’ll say and do anything to make others like us. What drew you to network marketing may have been the relationship aspect of it. However, in relationships it’s natural to want to mold yourself to make others happy. This may not work in business though. In order for people to trust you, you have to be consistent and if you’re changing yourself to please others, your network may wonder where you stand. Although a growing network is important for your success, you don’t have to add everyone to that network. Focus your attention on the advocates who support your business and ask them for introductions to other great people like them. Why spend time trying to convince people who don’t get it, when you could spend your time building relationships with people who can benefit from your business and the services you offer.
  • Focusing on “should of” instead of “could be”. How many of us wish we had a time machine to do something over? Maybe we wish we had become network marketers sooner or perhaps we got off on the wrong foot with someone we want in our network and we wish we could go back to talk to them again. Unfortunately, we can’t go back in time. However, we take the lessons we learned and apply it to the future. Focusing on the past only keeps you from moving forward; it doesn’t change anything that happened. Instead, focus on what could be in your business. 
  • Being too critical or overthinking everything. Business takes thought and a critical eye. However, many of us turn that critical eye to ourselves, which leads to self-doubt. The more you doubt yourself, the less confidence you’ll have to build a strong and thriving network marketing business. And, the more you overthink, the more difficult it is to move forward and be productive. 

To combat these feelings, try to develop a positive mindset. Trust your abilities so that your network will trust them as well. Trust breeds trust. Make professional development part of your day, whether it’s watching a training video on Teamzy or reading a chapter in a book by a leader you admire. If you find yourself overthinking what you should say or at a loss for how to start connecting with your network, Teamzy offers scripts to help you get started. Review the scripts and practice them until you’re comfortable. This also encourages confidence when you need it the most.

What habits can help you succeed?

It helps to make a list of habits that can help you achieve success. If you’re not sure where to start, what are the habits you’d like to develop? Think about your mentors and the successful people you look up to, in both network marketing and beyond. What habits do they have that you would like to emulate? For example, do they swear by connecting with people in the morning? Schedule your Power Hour for the morning. 

Connect your habits to your goals

Your habits will help you achieve your goals. So, it helps to set goals that make your habits easier to adopt. These aren’t long-range goals, typically. Instead, these are short-term goals that help you create the daily habit. Since it takes a few weeks of doing something daily to reinforce the habit, set goals to help you do so. Luckily, you have Teamzy in your corner to help you create your habits for success. Teamzy makes it easy to review your goals, see your progress, and recommit to them daily. And, while you’re developing the habits, it helps to write daily reminders, whether it’s on a sticky note or your to-do list, to help you remember.

Incorporate your new good habits into your plan for success

Success doesn’t just happen, you have to plan for it. Sure, sometimes it seems as though success happens for many people overnight. What you don’t see is the years of hard work and commitment it took to get there. And, the good habits that helped them achieve their goals. 

As you develop better habits, incorporate them into your success plan. For example, if you want to ramp up connecting with your network, add another Power Hour to your week. Get in the habit of doing that additional Power Hour. Or, if you have trouble remembering to do a Power Hour in the first place, set a goal to complete a Power Hour every other weekday. Over time, it will become a habit, as natural as remembering to brush your teeth.

Teamzy can help you develop good habits for success

We developed Teamzy to make it easier for network marketers to build the foundation for thriving businesses. From setting goals to connecting with your network daily to improving skills with video training, Teamzy has the tools you need to build a strong network marketing business. If you’re not using Teamzy yet, what are you waiting for? Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.