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Grow Your Network: Get People to Introduce You


Grow Your Network: Get People to Introduce You

As a social seller, you may be focused on ways to grow your network. In network marketing, the only way to succeed is to consistently focus on growing your business. That means talking about your business with everyone you encounter. However, for many social sellers, this can be exhausting. Sure, you know you need to talk about your business, but doing it all the time can feel like a lot, even if you love your business. The good news is, there is something you can do to take some of the pressure off of you. You can get others to introduce you to people they know who could benefit from your business. Doesn’t that sound great? The challenging part for many network marketers is figuring out how to get their networks to introduce them. That’s what we’re talking about today.

How to get people to introduce you so you can grow your network

The strategy for getting people to introduce you varies slightly based on their relationship with you and your business.

Your advocates 

Your advocates are the people in your network who you would consider your best people. More than likely, these folks are already introducing you to people they know. If they’re not, they would if they were asked to. Why? They already believe in you and your business. The truth is they want your business to succeed and are willing to help you grow your network through introductions to people in their networks. They’re likely shouting your praises from the rooftops. However, that may not be enough. 

Although some of the people they talk to about your business may ask to be introduced or may look you up themselves, most won’t. While they may make a mental note to get in touch, it’s easy to forget. An intention may lead to action but it isn’t action in itself. That’s why you need to ask your advocates to introduce you.

Benefits of an advocate’s introduction 

  1. Immediate trust. When an advocate introduces you, some of the trust the other person has for the advocate transfers to you. Trust is the foundation for a lasting relationship. Additionally, we are more likely to buy from those we trust. When your advocate introduces you to people on their networks, the other person’s guard is down. They’re excited to make a connection with someone who they trust also trusts. This allows you to build a foundation with them at a higher level than if you had just met a stranger.
  2. It’s easier to make the ask. Chances are there is a lot of mutual love and respect between you and your top advocates. You enjoy talking to them. These positive feelings make it easier to ask them to introduce you. For one, you know they’re likely to say yes. Additionally, they likely know some great people who are just like them. There’s no better way to grow your network than by replicating your current network.
  3. Work with more great people you like. We tend to hang out with people who have similar likes and interests as we do. When an advocate introduces you, you are connecting with more great people like them. This makes connecting with them much easier and more fun!

People in your network 

Others in your network may be willing to introduce you as well. Since they know and like you, they may be willing to introduce you to people they know who would benefit from your products and services. Often they are just like your advocates but perhaps you don’t know them as well or vice versa. However, they would be more than willing to introduce you if asked. The key is to ask and then show them how. Often, they will just give you the other person’s contact info. While this helps, it is more beneficial for them to make the introduction instead of having you just introduce yourself. 

Encourage them to make the introduction via text or Facebook Messenger. That way the other person sees that you’re connected; they don’t just have to take your word for it. This helps to build trust so you can grow your network. 

Tips for asking your network for introductions 

  1. Be consistent. Before you ask for introductions, it is important to connect with them on a consistent basis. They’re familiar with you and have come to expect to hear from you. If you haven’t been consistent in your communication with them, they might wonder who you are when you reach out.
  2. Just ask. Asking for an introduction can be anxiety inducing to most. However, it is best to just ask. Most people want to help you grow your business. Use the scripts to help you start the conversation and grow your network with an introduction. 
  3. Follow up. Although some people may have a name or two right off the bat, most will need time to think of a name. This is where following up becomes so important. For the week or two following the ask they’ll be thinking of who they can connect you with. When you follow up with them, they’ll likely have a name or two ready. If they do, ask them to set up the introduction. If not, keep following up as they may think of someone. 

People you meet 

Your business may not be the cup of tea for some that you meet. That’s okay. They may know someone who would benefit from you as a customer or as a team member. When you meet someone and present your opportunity, if they’re not interested, ask if they know anyone who might be. You never know, and it never hurts to ask. If they say they need to think about it, then be sure to follow up with them. You may find your biggest advocate from someone who wasn’t interested in the opportunity for themselves.

Tips for asking for an introduction 

  1. Practice your scripts. We developed scripts to make it easier to start conversations with people, whether they are strong advocates or new acquaintances. The more you practice the script for asking for an introduction, the easier and more natural it will become. The hidden benefit of practicing your scripts: the more you do it, the less nervous you’ll be.
  2. Start with your advocates first. Your advocates are excited to introduce you and help you grow your business. Asking them first will give you the confidence to ask everyone else for an introduction.
  3. Follow up. This is the most important step of the process. Most people won’t have a name off-hand, but they may in a few days. By following up you’re showing that you’re reliable, trustworthy, and keep your word. Even if they can’t think of someone right away, they will be more likely to when they know they can trust you.

Let Teamzy help you grow your network

We created Teamzy to make it easier and more fun to grow your network social selling. Organize your network, pinpoint your top advocates, get the scripts you need to ask for introduction and more. Plus, you can take online courses to help you connect with your network and sharpen your sales and leadership skills. If you’re not using Teamzy, what are you waiting for? Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.