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Self Care: Have You Made Time for it Today?


Self Care: Have You Made Time for it Today?

Self care is more than a buzzword – it’s something you have to do regularly in order to give those around you your best. Unfortunately, when life gets busy, it’s the first thing on the chopping block. Who has time for self care when you have a business to run, a family to manage, and a million other things you’re responsible for on a given day? What makes it doubly unfortunate is that when life gets hectic, that’s when you need self care the most. If you’re throwing your hands in the air and saying “I just don’t have time to take a break now”, read on to find out how you can incorporate self care into your day without falling behind on your to-do list.

Self care is vital for network marketers

As a network marketer, you spend time checking in with others and looking for ways to serve. You aim to make someone else’s life a bit easier and are always looking for ways to do so. It could be with your products or services, or by introducing them to someone who can help. Additionally, you’re likely the backbone of your family; the person who makes sure everything is running smoothly, even when life feels chaotic. And, you may have a full or part-time job, in addition to your network marketing business, that keeps you busy. Even during a pandemic, when the world slowed down, you were still navigating a busy life and juggling it all.

However, it’s difficult to keep everything going when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. The same care and concern we show to others can be difficult to show ourselves. For some, even the thought of it causes stress: What happens if someone needs you while you’re taking time out for self-care? 

But, if we want to succeed and reach our potential, it’s essential to take time out for self-care. No excuses – we need a break. We need to take time to replenish our energy and focus. And, we need time to reconnect with why we do what we do. After all, if you don’t time to nurture yourself, you’re just punching a one-way ticket to Burnout. 

How to make time for yourself

If you want to do something, you have to plan for it. And, that includes self-care. After all, you plan your day and write down all the tasks you need to achieve. One of those things you need to include is time to take a rest and breathe. 

Now, if you’re like many people, you may feel guilty doing that. You may feel selfish taking time out to rest and take a moment for yourself. That little voice in your head may nag at you and begin listing all the things you could be doing instead. It’s tempting to listen to it and keep working through that list instead. However, rest assured, it will all be waiting for you after you’ve taken a moment for yourself. The good news is that after you’ve rested, that list will feel less ominous and overwhelming. In fact, you’ll be able to approach it with new vigor and zeal. 

Self care practices to add to your daily routine

What you do is up to you. The key is to do something that makes you feel rejuvenated.

Do something you enjoy

You spend so much time doing for others, this is your time to do something for just you. Go for a run or walk around the block. Read a chapter of that book you’ve started but can’t find time to read. Work in the garden or work on a craft project, Or, just do nothing – absolutely nothing. This is your time to do as you wish.

Put away your gadgets

It can be stressful to be plugged into our gadgets all time. Between social media and text, it can be difficult to just take a break. As a network marketer, you rely on social media and text messaging to connect with your customers, prospects, and distributors. You may feel as if you can’t unplug from it from time to time. What if you miss a message from a customer or someone needs you?

Chances are, they can wait five minutes or ten minutes or however long you want to unplug. This is not time to scroll through your social media streams or respond to texts. Turn your phone off or put it away where you won’t be tempted to check it. Then, close your eyes and breathe. Look around and rest your eyes on something in the distance (this little activity may help your eyesight as well). Head out to your garden or deck and just enjoy the sunshine. Listen to the birds singing and the noises of your neighborhood. 

While you do this, relax your body, starting with your shoulders. We spend so much time each day hunched over our phones and computers. It almost feels normal to sit with our shoulders up to our ears. However, that tension isn’t okay for our bodies. When you unplug, take the time to clear your mind of clutter and observe your breath. 

Spend time with the people you love

Spending time with those we love can do wonders for our energy and overall spirit. And, the best part is, you don’t have to travel far, in most cases to do so. Take a walk around the block with your spouse or go for a bike ride with your kids. Help them work on a puzzle or play a boardgame. It doesn’t matter what you do, just spend time together. After all, they’re likely part of the reason you work as hard as you do each day. 

Celebrate your wins

As you strive to reach your goals, don’t forget to celebrate your daily victories. It doesn’t have to be the major victories either, such as the prospect you converted or the sale you made. Celebrate the daily wins, including doing your Power Hour one more day than usual this week, following up with your customers and prospects, and asking one of your advocates to introduce you. These are all things worthy of praise and appreciation. 

The more you celebrate, the more motivated you’ll feel to complete more things on your list that deserve celebration. It’s like a continuous cycle of success. 

How should you celebrate? That’s up to you to decide. Just be sure it’s in proportion to the victory you’re celebrating. That is, a week-long vacation might be a bit much for completing a week of Power Hours; however, it may be just the right thing for meeting an annual goal. 

Making self care a habit

It’s not enough to do it once. You have to do it regularly, just like we tell you to do your lead-generating tasks and follow ups. Schedule time daily for self care and make it a priority.  That is, make sure you actually do it. 

Although it’ll feel strange at first, over time you’ll be happy that you take time out daily just for you. You may find that you’re less stressed, less overwhelmed, and generally happier. And you may have a more positive disposition as well as you go through your day. On the challenging days, having time scheduled in for self-care will help you power through. After all, you can work through anything if you know that you have time coming up to relax and just breathe. 

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We designed Teamzy to make it easy and fun for network marketers to build their businesses. Teamzy has the tools you need to build and grow your business by leaning into your relationships and serving the people in your network. In addition to helping you stay organized, Teamzy has scripts to help you connect with your network and training courses to help you grow your skills as you’re growing your business. Just login to your Dashboard each day, and you’ll have everything you need at your fingertips. Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.