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Why so many people are interested in network marketing


Why so many people are interested in network marketing

The past year has been challenging for everyone. However, in addition to having the opportunity to reconnect with friends and loved ones online and with our immediate families at home, more people have begun to rethink their jobs and careers. For some, they didn’t have a choice. The closure of offices, schools, shops, restaurants, and more caused them to cut back on hours or lose their jobs entirely. As a result, they’re beginning to consider home-based businesses. It’s a possibility that allows them to make money on their own terms. Since they may feel uncertain about the future of the business they were in, they may be interested in starting a home-based business. They feel it will give them more control over their finances. That’s why many are turning to network marketing.

LIke many network marketers, I used to work in an office. Creating a home-based business allowed me to feel more secure about my income. Additionally, there was the additional benefit of being able to spend more time with my family and having more control over my time. Instead of spending more than eight hours a day building someone else’s business, I could spend less than an hour of my time building my own business. No wonder so many people are interested in network marketing!

Starting a network marketing business with heart

If you’re already a network marketer, you understand where people are coming from. The reasons they have for wanting to start a network marketing business may be similar to yours. Perhaps you wanted to make money on your own terms or build a business based on service where you could help others. Or, maybe you also lost your job or had your hours cut and you wanted to add to the finances of your household. 

Here are many of the reasons people are interested in getting involved in network marketing.

People want more work-life balance

One thing to come out of the last year is more people are prioritizing work-life balance. They don’t want to spend their whole lives in an office, working long hours to build someone else’s business. Many feel that if they’re going to spend long hours working on a business, it should be their own. 

Over the last year, many of us have spent more time with our family and loved ones and, in most cases, we’ve enjoyed it. As things open up and more people go back into the office, they’re curious about the opportunity to build a business of their own that would allow them to spend time with their loved ones. 

Network marketing allows people to build businesses based on the relationships they’ve developed over the years. It provides the opportunity to nurture and grow these relationships while creating new opportunities to build relationships outside of their networks. In addition to helping your network, you’ll also have the opportunity to help people within their networks, if you ask for introductions. There’s not a more fun way to build your network. 

People want to find meaning in their work

When you’re building a business, especially a network marketing business, it won’t feel like work. Since you’re building the foundation on developing and deepening relationships with people you know and like, who know, like and trust you, you’ll find that you enjoy connecting with them. You want to find out how you can help them and if your business can help at all. Additionally, you’ll enjoy becoming the hub of your network; the person your network goes to when they need a product or service, or the recommendation of someone who can help with their particular problem. This creates a more fulfilled feeling. Additionally, you’ll find more meaning in your work. 

When you work at a job, it can be difficult sometimes to see the meaning in what you’re doing. Often, we feel like we’re just another cog in the wheel, producing results but not necessarily seeing the results themselves. Many become frustrated at their progress and lose motivation. However, when you work for yourself and you’re growing a business, you’re the star of the show. You rely on yourself to get things done and build the foundation of a strong network marketing business. Although this can also feel daunting, it gives you the motivation to work on your business daily and achieve your goals.

However, the best part is, you don’t need to spend more than eight hours a day working on your business. When you use Teamzy, you can connect with your network in less than an hour a day. That gives you more time to do the things that give your life meaning, whether it’s spending more time with loved ones, volunteering, or committing to professional development.

Developing the heart to help and serve others

At the heart of a thriving, relationship-based business is the heart to help and serve others. The gift of service is a special one, and to build a business based on that desire to serve is noble. You want to help others, regardless of whether it ends in a sale.

Where many network marketers go wrong is making each connection with someone all about selling. They use traditional sales methods to push for the sale, regardless of whether or not the other person wishes to buy. In the past, this has led to people feeling alienated by network marketers and the industry as a whole. However, when you put the relationship first, and go into your interactions with a heart to serve, the other person can see that. They appreciate that you’re not pressuring them to buy anything. As a result, may become one of your top advocates. 

How relationship network marketing works

Relationship marketing is just what it sounds like – it’s building a business based on the relationships you have with the people you know. Taken to the next level, when you’re ready to grow your business more, it’s asking for your best advocates to introduce you to people who can benefit from what you’re offering and building relationships with them. How is this done?

Making someone’s day

Just as all relationships begin with “hello”, you can build upon those relationships by making someone’s day. People are hungry for connection, especially now. We all want to get out and socialize with one another and talk and connect. Whether someone is an acquaintance or a good friend, the first thing you can do is reach out and make their day. Say “hi”, see what they’ve been up to, and wish them a great day. It’s that simple. If you’re worried that you may be bothering them, don’t be. We’re all eager to connect and even if they don’t respond right away, they’re glad to hear from you!

Looking for ways to provide value

One of the best things you can do for your current and potential customers and team members is to add value. Depending on your industry, post links on social media to useful info you’ve found valuable as you’ve grown your business. Perhaps you’ve just finished a book and it totally changed your life or at the end, you were just wowed by it – post a link on social media. 

Another way to add value is to host virtual events or connects with your network. Organize a book club or a goal accountability club, host an information night with a topic related to your industry (e.g., “How to create a soothing environment” if your business is decor related or “How to find time for fitness” if your business is related to health and fitness). The pandemic made it easier to host virtual events online. This makes it easier for people to join you without having to travel or leave home. 

People may be more responsive

We’ve already mentioned that people may be more social these days. That also means that they’re more likely to respond to your messages. This is especially true if they’ve been thinking about starting their own network marketing businesses. If they have questions or a general curiosity, let them know that you’re happy to answer their burning questions. Even if they just want to say “hi” this is the time to build those relationships. 

People are used to receiving their essentials at home

Auto-ship has been a lifesaver for many people during the past year. The natural extension of that is that many people have become more open to buying from people they know and trust, rather than nameless, faceless retailers. That’s where you come in. If you’re selling a product, now is a great time to explain the different shipping options available to your customers.

Teamzy can help you build a thriving network marketing business

Take the lessons you’ve learned over the last year and get out and connect with people. Build the foundation for a strong network marketing business that can survive whatever life throws at it. Teamzy can help you build a business, whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in network marketing for years. Click here to learn more. 

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.