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It’s Time for a Goal Check-in


It’s Time for a Goal Check-in

Have you checked in on your progress toward reaching your goals? If you’ve forgotten or haven’t had time, here’s your reminder! A goal check-in is your time to review the goals you’ve set and your progress toward them. 

As a network marketer, you know it’s important to set goals. We all set goals in January with the best of intentions. In addition to being confident that we’ll achieve them, we’re sure we’re going to work hard toward them all year. However, a few weeks into the year, we often begin to forget about them. By the end of the first quarter – now – it begins to become even easier to drift away from our goals. 

“If you’re bored with life – you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things – you don’t have enough goals.”

–Lou Holtz

Goal check-in step 1: Review your goals

However, when you take the time to review your goals regularly, you keep them top of mind. This could be as simple as just reading them over on a weekly or biweekly basis. This keeps your goals top of mind so that you’re much less likely to fall off track. 

Although many of us are super focused on achieving our goals, it’s so easy to fall off track. This is especially true if we don’t have the habits in place to help us succeed and/or we don’t abide by a system that makes it easier to maintain these habits to succeed. In reality, setting the goal is the easy part – bringing them to life is more challenging. It takes patience and time to make it happen. That’s why a goal review is so essential.

How to review your goals

No goal check-in is complete without asking yourself the following questions:

  • Are you on track? Initially, you may think you’re doing fine. However, once you review your numbers, you might have a better impression. Log into Teamzy to view your progress so far this year. You can also compare your progress this year to last year to assess your progress toward your goals. 
  • Are your habits conducive to your success? Habits are tricky things. They take time to adopt and reinforce, but are super easy to lose. All it takes is a few times forgetting them and you’ll have to start again. Review your habits to see if they’re habits that will help you succeed or if you need to replace them with habits that will. 
  • Are you planning to take time off this summer or otherwise take a short break from your business? As we discussed in the last blog, if you plan to take time off, you have to plan for it in your business. Planning for it in your business is important to helping you stay on track. It allows you to make up for the time in the weeks leading up to the planned vacation rather than having to play catch up when you get back. This gives you more control over your time and your business. 
  • Is there a busy period or lull ahead in your business? Business is cyclical. Sometimes it’s busy, other times it’s slow. If you can plan for these natural ups and downs in the cycle, you can run your business more efficiently and plan for challenges in meeting your goals. Although in a perfect world, your business would be busy each month, it doesn’t always work that way. However, you can use these lull moments to plant the seeds for future business by connecting with your network and reconnecting with people you haven’t contacted in a while. 

It is not enough to take steps which may someday lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Goal check-in step 2: Are you on track or in danger of falling off track?

This is the most important question and the reason for your goal check-in. You can review your numbers to see if you’re on track to reaching your goals. 

If you’re on track…

You’re doing well! The important thing is to keep up this momentum throughout the rest of the year, especially if you’re coming up to a natural downtime in business. Be sure to stick to your good habits and keep doing what you’re doing. 

If you want to further refine your progress, review what you’re doing right and where you can improve. If you think you can improve by reorganizing your network and honing more advocates, then that’s an area for improvement. Or, if you want to improve your habits even more, think of ways to do so and commit to them.

If you’re in danger of falling off track or have fallen off track…

Now is the time to correct the course! Re-evaluate your habits to see if they’re holding you back. One habit is doing a daily Power Hour. Your Power Hour is the time you dedicate to working on your business and building relationships with your network. It’s the time you spend building connections to everyone in your network, from your best advocates to the people you’ve just been introduced to (ideally by your best advocates). 

Often we fall prey to the distractions of daily life. If that sounds like you, find ways to fight those distractions. Luckily, we’ve covered that in a blog posted a few weeks ago.

If you’ve fallen off track due to unforeseen circumstances that have impacted your business, take a look and see how you can get back on track. Add another Power Hour to your week and then set a goal and commit to doing it. If you need to add more people to your network in order to grow it, start asking your top advocates for introductions. It’s possible to get back on track; you just have to know what you need to do and get it done. 

Goal check-in step 3: Recommit to your goals

The last step of your goal check-in is to recommit to your goals. Now that you’ve spent time assessing your progress and reminding yourself of the goals you’ve set, it’s time to recommit to those goals.

Visualize yourself achieving your goals. You probably did a visualization exercise when you first started crafting your goals. The same visualization exercise will help you reconnect with the thoughts and the feelings you had when you initially set your goals. This will help you boost your motivation to succeed.

Make a plan. You’ve probably already made a plan to achieve your goals. A plan includes all the activities you need to do each day to achieve your goals, including your daily Power Hour and connecting to the people in your network who really drive your business. 

Prioritize. One of the biggest reasons people don’t fulfill their goals is they don’t make their businesses a priority in their days. Instead of doing their daily Power Hour, they focus on doing a less important activity that won’t move their businesses ahead. If you want to achieve your goals and build your business, you have to prioritize each day. Circle the one or two things on your list that you have to complete that day (this includes your Power Hour) and then get to work. Once you’ve completed those things, move on to the next most important thing on the list. 

Goal check-in bonus: Stay on track with Teamzy

We created Teamzy to make it easier to reach the goals you’ve set for your business and life. Login to Teamzy each day to see who you need to contact, update your network’s information, set and revisit your goals, watch training videos and more. All you have to do is upload and sort your database and input your goals. Teamzy will do the rest to keep you organized. That way when you login to your Dashboard, you can get to work right away instead of wondering where to start. Click here to learn more. 

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.