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Leadership: What is Your Vision for Your Team? 


Leadership: What is Your Vision for Your Team? 

What do you want for your business? If you’re like most network marketers, you would like financial and professional success, as well as a growing team. No matter what your experience in network marketing, whether you’re new to the business or I’ve been in it for a while, success is possible. You just need to have the vision to get there. In this week’s leadership blog, we are going to help you find your vision so you can create tangible goals and a great team that you wish to lead.

What is a Vision and Why is it Important?

The most successful leaders have a vision for their businesses. This vision allows them to not only set personal and professional goals, but it also allows them to selectively grow their teams. To succeed, you have to know what you’re aiming for. 

A vision is a clear and vivid picture of what you want your business and team to become. Put another way, what do you want your business to look like? It’s not necessarily what you have now; it is what you aspire to have at some point in the future. The clearer your vision, the clearer the goals you’ll be able to set to achieve success. It’s impossible to achieve something that you have not identified yet. Having a clear vision will allow you to focus on what is important, prioritize all aspects of your business, and ensure that you do not waste time in your pursuit of a thriving business. So how do you find your vision? There are a few questions to ask yourself that will help you find and refine your vision.

How to Create the Vision for Your Team

The following is a list of questions to ask to help you narrow down the vision of your team. Keep in mind that your answers are all thoughts and ideas to articulate and communicate with your team. 

What do you want your business to look like? 

When you first decided to become a network marketer, you likely had a vision of mind for your life in your business. Perhaps it was a fantasy that you would be wealthy and successful. Or, maybe you envisioned being able to comfortably pay all your bills every month and take a family vacation somewhere other than a relative’s house. Consider this your initial vision for your business. However, as you’ve begun to build your business, this fantasy has likely morphed into a vision of what you would like to see in your business. So what do you want your business to look like? How big do you wish your network to be? How much would you like to grow in the next year, or even the next 5 years? Picture your business now and a few years into the future. What does it look like? Who’s on your team? Have you achieved success by your definition? Write it all down.

What are the ideal characteristics of your business? 

Next, think about the ideal characteristics of your business. How big is your business? Is it on a rocket ship trajectory of fast growth? Or, are you seeking slower growth over time? Would you like to serve a huge network or would you like to keep it smaller and more intimate?

What does your team look like? Be descriptive! 

Thinking about what your team looks like will allow you to focus on who you want to recruit. What is your vision of your team? How big would you like your team to be? Do you want a large team that is constantly growing or would you like something smaller and more manageable? Are you looking for sales-focused overachievers with ambitious goals to double their numbers every month? Or are you looking for team members who are looking for extra income to provide for their families? Maybe you want to build a team that is a hybrid of both. This is your time to decide what your team will look like.

What are the ideal characteristics of your team? 

What is your team like? Are there characteristics that you would like your team to have? It’s not enough to say that you want a knowledgeable, warm, service-focused, hard-working team. For example, do you want a team full of faith-loving people who are focused on serving everyone in their networks? Do you want to attract people who are focused on constantly improving their knowledge of the industry and sharing that knowledge with their networks? Will your team be focused on completing three or more power hours every week? What you see you will attract so be sure that you are specific.

What is the desired culture of your team? 

Culture is vital to your business. What sort of culture do you want to develop for your business? Do you want a culture of caring and service? Do you want a team that works hard and plays hard? Take the time to hammer out what you want the culture of your business to look like. People are drawn to business cultures that reflect their values, especially younger Network marketers and those who may be escaping toxic corporate cultures. Develop a culture that you and your team can be proud of.

What are the values you’d like to build your business and your team around? 

What are the values of your business? These days values are one of the most important parts of developing a thriving business. So, what are your business values? What are the values that you would like to build your team on? Service, faith, work-life balance, knowledge, and love are all values that you can build your business around. The stronger your values are, the more likely you will be to attract team members who also value those things. When your team buys into your values you will have a happier and more productive team. People want to work with folks who value the same things that they do. We feel more fulfilled when our values are respected and even encouraged. If you want to build a happy and productive team, be clear about your values.

How will you feel when you have your ideal and desired business?

Imagine one day in the future, you’re looking back at your business and you’ve achieved all of your ideals and created a business that meets and exceeds every expectation that you have. How will you feel? Describe the feelings that you have at the moment. This can motivate you to help you continue to build the business and team you imagine. Don’t be surprised if it dovetails with your why. Your vision, your goals, and your why complement one another and may be very similar.

Once you have your vision, it’s time to set goals for your business. You know what you want to achieve, what you want your team to look like and behave, and the values you want to build your business. Now it’s time to take the next step to set goals for your business to make this vision a reality. Over time, it helps to review the notes that you’ve taken as you’ve responded to the questions to help you reconnect with your vision. You may find yourself refining your original vision as you grow your business.

Teamzy Can Help You Fulfill the Vision of Your Team

Login to set your goals, if you haven’t already. With your vision in mind, you can set goals that you are excited to achieve. Now is the time to start building a business that you love. Find out how Teamzy can help.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.