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Let Teamzy Help You Grow Your Business


Let Teamzy Help You Grow Your Business

Whether you’re new to network marketing or have been doing it for a while, one thing is for sure: you’re focused on growing your business. A growing business is a healthy business. Even if you would like your network to stay the same size as it is currently, you still have to continue to add people to your network. That’s because some people will drop away, so you need others to take their place. Growing a business, especially a new one, is a challenge. However, there are tools available to help you do so. One of these tools is Teamzy, the CRM we developed that is so much more than just a CRM. Let’s delve into the ways that Teamzy can help you build and grow your network marketing business.

Growth tip: Build trust

Trust is at the core of relationship marketing. It’s also at the core of the relationships that make up your network. Although many of the people in your network are people who you have established relationships with, perhaps they are family and longtime friends, it’s still essential to build trust with them on a business level. The more people trust you the more you’ll grow your business. How do you do that? Through consistent contact. Your network wants to know that you appreciate them and our contacting them for more than just business reasons. You’re contacting them to help build trust and the relationship. 

You want to be their go-to person to talk about whatever product or service you’re selling. For example, if you are in the fitness industry, and they are considering running their first 5k, you want them to think of you. You want them to reach out to you for any health or fitness tips that you have that can help them achieve their goal. Or if you are in the skincare industry, and they are looking for a great moisturizer or something to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, you want them to think of you and reach out to you for a recommendation of a good product to use. You become their go-to person by building trust and staying top of mind. They know that they can reach out to you for a good recommendation or suggestion. 

Since you are an expert in your industry, they trust that you know what you’re talking about. And, this makes them more likely to tell their friends about your business because they know that you will provide their friends with the same high level of service that you offer to them.

Growth tip: Prioritize your time

One of the most common complaints that network marketers have is that they don’t have time to do it all. They feel that they don’t have time to build their business, or that it takes a long time to grow their networks. What if I told you that you could build your network marketing business by focusing on it for an hour a day? Often, unless they have huge networks, most network marketers can grow their networks in less than an hour a day. The key is to reserve an hour of your day in your schedule to focus on your business and only your business. This becomes more difficult in the age of distractions. People become so caught up scrolling on their phones or doing something else that they are unable to focus on the task at hand, which is building a business.

How to prioritize your time

So how do you prioritize your time when you have distractions and other demands seeking your attention? Teamzy was created to help network marketers organize their networks and stay on task. The dashboard tells you what you need to do and who to contact every day This allows you to focus your time instead of wasting time wondering who to contact first. Before Teamzy, many network marketers kept their network information in spreadsheets, index cards, or notebooks. Although this helped them organize the information, it did not give them insight into who to contact and when. They had to guess. And guessing takes a lot of time. When this information is in front of you every day you can get straight to it and then start doing what you do best, connecting with people.

What if you connect with everyone you need to connect with that day in less than an hour? If you have time left over, that’s time to work on improving your skills so you can connect at a deeper level with more people. Use this time to take an online training program, read a book from a prominent business leader, or write in a gratitude journal. Whatever you do make sure that you are working on your business.

Growth tip: Consistent contact

Every business has evangelists, that is people who are quick to share their love of the business with others. Your network marketing business is no different. Who are your evangelists? Who are your top advocates for your business? Once you know who they are, these are the people who you want to contact consistently most often.

Consistency is a challenge for most network marketers. Although they may know that they need to connect with their network regularly, they may not know how often to do so. As a result, they may not connect with them as regularly as they should. Consistent contact is essential for building trust. Your network needs to know that when you say you’re going to do something you will. This means you all connect with them or follow up with them when you say you will. Where many Network marketers have challenges is in following through with following up. They don’t want to seem annoying or like a burden or like they’re bugging the other person. 

Unfortunately over the years, traditional network marketing has made many people think of being pushy salesmen. When relationships are the key to building your business you want to avoid being seen as a pushy salesman. However, following up is not pushy; following up is an act of love. It shows that you care enough about the other person to reach back out to them to see how they are, to answer their question, to address a concern, or just to make their day. It’s through this consistent contact that your network will learn to rely on you and you will build trust. As a result, people in your network, especially your top advocates, will be more likely to introduce you to others that they know who would appreciate the service that you provide. 

Teamzy helps you stay consistent by giving you a list of people to connect with each day. This list comes from the information that you put into the system. You will connect with your top advocates more often than you connect with others in your network. But rest assured, that you will connect with everyone in your network at some point throughout the year. And, if you’re not sure what to say, Teamzy has scripts to use to help you get the conversation started.

Growth tip: Introductions 

Introductions allow you to grow your business. A complaint that many network marketers make at some point in growing their businesses is that they have contacted everyone they know and can’t possibly grow their networks anymore. This is simply not true. The people in your network know other people who you may not be familiar with. This is your opportunity to encourage them to introduce you to these folks. The best way to get them to introduce you is to ask.

But, how do you ask?

Many network marketers are nervous to ask the people in their networks to introduce them. They don’t want to seem pushy. However, to network you have to ask for introductions. The best source of these introductions are your top advocates. Chances are, these folks are already seeing your praises to the people that they know. The key is to have them introduce you to them. Often, it’s not enough for someone to just recommend you and your products or services to someone they know. That means that the other person has the responsibility of contacting you if they wish to purchase something from you. An introduction creates a connection between you and the potential customer or prospect so that you can talk to them about the products and services you offer. This creates a direct line between you and the other person. 

Tap into your network

Your advocates will introduce you to other people that they know if only asked to do so. Don’t be scared or nervous about asking them this. They are likely more than happy to do it as well. They will also likely introduce you if asked to do so. And if they don’t, don’t worry about it as other people in your network are sure to be happy to introduce you to the people that they know.

If you’re not sure what to say to get others to introduce you, Teamzy has Scripts that make the process easier. Remember, introductions allow you to add more people to your network who you would not have met otherwise. This helps you grow and sustain your network.

Growth tip: Follow up

We said before that following up is an act of love. It’s a way to show your network that you care and are concerned about them as more than just customers but on a personal level as well. Many of the people in your network will have questions about your products or services. If you’re unable to answer their question right away I need to find an answer, be sure to follow up with them soon after. This shows that you take them seriously and you want to deliver great service. Or, if they say they need to think about it, following up shows good due diligence and allows you to share your expertise.

Teamzy makes it easy to follow up by allowing you to set the time and date on which you wish to do so. These will show up on your dashboard. What do you connect with the people on your list, go to your follow-up list and begin following up from there. Teamzy also has scripts to use if you’re not sure what to say. Following up allows you to grow your network.

Grow your business in less than an hour a day

Teamzy makes it easy to grow your business in less than an hour a day. More than a CRM, Teamzy allows you to keep your network information organized and easily accessible, while also giving you the tools you need to build your business each day. We offer scripts and additional online training to help new and experienced network marketers keep their skills sharp so they can deliver the highest level of service to their networks. If you’re not using teams what are you waiting for? Learn more about how Teamzy can help you grow your network marketing business.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.