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Love: The Secret Ingredient for a Successful Network Marketing Business


Love: The Secret Ingredient for a Successful Network Marketing Business

Many people want to know what the secret ingredient is for creating a successful business. Many people think that it is working tirelessly and non-stop. Others think that it is all luck with a little bit of work involved. Although there may be some luck involved and lots of hard work, the reality is that the most successful businesses have one thing in common: love.

What’s love got to do with success? People enter into business because they love the industry, and they love the people that they want to help, or they just love the idea of working for themselves. Love is central to everything that they work on. It is the reason why they get up in the morning and work so hard on their businesses. Love is what will keep them going even when times are tough. It allows them to serve their networks and enjoy the process. So how can you have more love in your business?

Serve from the heart

Service is the ultimate act of love. When you serve others, you are showing that you love them. To you, there is more than just a potential sale or source of a lead, they are the core of your business. Many people got into network marketing because they enjoy serving others. That is, they enjoy seeing a need and looking for a way to fill it. This can take many forms. It could mean recommending a product or service of yours that could help them. Or, it could mean recommending someone in your network who may be able to help. 

For example, if they are looking to get in shape, and your business is a health and wellness business, then you may recommend a product or service that you offer that can help them reach their goals. However, if your business is more beauty-based, but you have a friend who has a health or wellness business, then you may recommend your friend to the person in your network. More than recommending the business, you may wish to make an introduction. This not only serves to connect two people together, but it also shows each person how to introduce you to people in their networks. However, you choose to serve those in your network, make sure it is from the heart. Remember you have their best intentions at heart.

Look for opportunities to spread love 

Service is another word for love. When you look for opportunities to spread love, you’re looking for opportunities to serve everyone in your network. Often, people won’t expressly tell you what they need. This is why you have to open your ears and listen for a need that you may be able to help fill. In the example above, the person did not say can you introduce me to someone who can help me get in shape. Instead, they happened to mention that they wanted to get in shape. It is then up to you to decide to connect them to a product that can help or to someone that you know who can fill that gap. The person will be surprised and delighted that you took it upon yourself to help them with the need that they expressed. This is not something that they expected. They will appreciate your care and concern. Be sure to follow up with each party to see if there are other things you can help with.

Connect with your network

Connecting to your network is another act of love. Each time you connect with your network you build trust and also build the relationship. One of the best ways to build trust is to consistently connect with your network. This doesn’t mean contacting everyone every day all the time. This means connecting with each member of your network on a regular basis according to your relationship with them. This means that you will contact your advocates more often than you will connect with people who you just met and added to your network. This is on purpose. It allows you to comfortably connect with your network without feeling like you’re bugging them or annoying them. This also allows you to stay top of mind of the top advocates in your network. These are the people who are the core of your business, whether they are always buying your products or services or they’re connecting you with people in their networks. Chances are if they’re helping to drive your business there are people who you enjoy connecting with anyway. So it works out that you’re connecting with them on a more regular basis.

So what do you say to your network to help you build stronger connections? 

We have scripts that can help you get the conversation started if you’re not sure what to say. Practice reading over and saying the scripts out loud so that they sound natural. It helps to say them in front of a mirror or in front of a loved one. Once you get comfortable with the scripts, you can adjust them for the person you’re talking to or for your own natural communication style.

Also, get in the habit of listening for cues that the other person is expressing a need, many of us aren’t active listeners. That is, instead of listening to what the other person is saying, we are focused on what our response will be. The key to active listening is staying present at the moment and focusing on what the other person is saying. Are they mentioning a need that you can fill? Can you introduce them to someone in your network who can help? These are the two questions to think about during the conversation. Although you may be able to answer these questions during the conversation, it might be best to think about it after the conversation so that you can focus on the conversation at the head and then take time to think about how you can help.

Following up is an act of love

Although following up is an act of love, many Network marketers don’t do it. Why won’t they follow up? Sometimes they just forget. After the conversation is over, they know that they made the call or extended contact, but then they forget to follow through and follow up with an answer to the question or comment that the person had made. Other times, we don’t want to seem annoying by reaching out again. They may not understand that the person wants to hear from them and so reaching out again to follow up is not bugging or annoying them.

The most successful network marketers are the ones who follow up and do so consistently. If a person asks a question or has a comment, they set aside time to reconnect with them in a few days, or within the time frame suggested by the other person. Following up provides them with the opportunity to show their character as well as their expertise in the industry in which they do business. This allows them to continue to build trust with their networks. Rather than bugging the other person, the other person appreciates that the network marketer took the time to reach out again and remembered to answer the question that they had. Instead of feeling like just another sale, they feel like an important part of the person’s business. As a result, trust is built as the relationship improves.

Don’t forget your team

Although it’s important to share the love with your network it is also important to share the love with your team. Make it a point to consistently connect with your team in order to find out how you can help them succeed. They may be struggling in certain areas in which you excel or in an area where you have overcome a challenge. Similarly, they may be experiencing challenges that others on the team may be experiencing as well. Together you can brainstorm possible solutions to help everyone thrive. By sharing the love with your team, you can show them that you care.

Teamzy can help you share the love in your network

Teamzy was created to help network marketers build strong, thriving businesses. It is more than a CRM, it is an invaluable tool to help you build your business. Keep track of all of your network’s information, set goals, track goals, plan your day, and easily do the activities that help you build the foundation for a strong business. Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.