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Overcoming Challenges and Setbacks in Network Marketing


Overcoming Challenges and Setbacks in Network Marketing

Although network marketing offers a lot of freedom in the possibility for success it also has its challenges. From fear rejection to managing your time effectively, and becoming an expert in your vertical,  many network marketers, both new and seasoned,  experience challenges from time to time. The key to overcoming any challenge is to become resilient and persevere in spite of them. Let’s delve into the common challenges network marketers face and offer tips to develop a resilient mindset.

Common challenges network marketers face

Whether you’re new to network marketing or you’re a seasoned professional, you’re going to experience challenges. Although the challenges may change as you gain experience even the most successful people experience challenges. What are the most common ones that you will face?

Fear of rejection 

The fear of rejection is something that Everyone experiences in this business. Often it’s the anxiety around reading rejection that can be the most striking. Some network marketers, especially new ones, are most scared of rejection. After all, they don’t want to burn bridges and negatively impact their relationships and their networks. The anxiety can become so consuming that they feel unable to reach out and connect with their networks. They worry about what they’ll say, how they’ll say it, the tone they’ll use and more. 

In reality, the process of asking for introductions or business isn’t that much of a challenge, especially if you have good scripts to rely upon. Since you’re connecting with people who you already have a relationship with, the chances of a harsh rejection are much lower. Your network cares about you so if they’re not interested. Chances are they’ll be nice about it. The benefit of this is that you’ll know where you stand. Then you can focus on the people interested in helping you grow your business.

How to face it:

  • Trust in your skills.
  • Rely on the script
  • Focus on relationships

Time management

Without a system, it can feel like a challenge to get it all done and be effective and productive every day. Initially, many network marketers rely on spreadsheets or index cards to help them sort their databases. They try to keep on top of who to contact with a sticky note or another reminder. While the intention is good the execution makes it easy for people to fall through the cracks. When you are developing relationships with people, you want to make sure that no one falls through the cracks. If you want to be productive you need a system. Teamzy makes it easier to keep it all together. More than a CRM, Teamzy offers tools to help you build relationships with the most important people in your network and your team. Set aside up to an hour each day, or at least several times a week, to reach out and connect to the people in your network. Teamzy uses the information that you input including your goals to create a list of people to contact each day. You’ll never let anyone fall through the cracks again!

How to face it:

  • Rely on a system.
  • Commit to a daily Power Hour

Developing expertise

When you run a business it’s important to know what you’re selling. This means becoming an expert in your industry as well. As in business itself. Growing your own personal knowledge is as important as growing your business. In fact, as your business grows in size. You’ll want to make sure that your expertise grows as well. That’s why it’s so important to become voracious about information pertaining to your industry. Your network sees you as the expert and they rely on that expertise when they ask you questions. Know your product inside and out, understand current trends in your industry, and look for ways to increase your knowledge every day. 

If you feel you don’t have time to read, listen to audiobooks or podcasts which can help you improve your knowledge. Seek out experts in your business in the freeways to happen to their expertise. You could introduce yourself to them or if they have a podcast or blog. You can learn more that way.

How to face it:

  • Commit to personal development,
  • Seek out experts.


As you can experience you may find it challenging to recruit and grow your team. A successful team is essential to success. Successful teams don’t just happen, they take a lot of work and attention. However, the key is to create a foundation of great people who align with your goals and values. The secret of recruiting great people is to recruit people who meet these criteria and display leadership abilities themselves. 

Once you have the start of a great team it’s important to nurture them. Much like a garden. You can’t just plant flowers and expect them to grow beautifully. You have to water and fertilize them regularly. Your team needs tending as well. From providing encouragement to offering advice and suggestions for their own personal growth, You can help them develop into successful network marketers. 

How to face it:

  • Ask for introductions
  • Be patient
  • Follow up!

Developing a resilient mindset

Although you may have a plan to address challenges the results may not be immediate. That’s where resiliency comes in. Resilient people have faith in their abilities and the confidence in their expertise to know that things will work out. Although it’s easy to become negative when challenges arise the most resilient people maintain a positive attitude.

Positive affirmations

Positive affirmations help people fight negativity and maintain a positive mindset. They are sayings or quotes that can motivate and inspire people to maintain their perspective. Positive affirmations allow people to snap out of the poor me’s and into a more productive mindset.

Develop a learning mindset

 Developing and maintaining a learning mindset means that you look for opportunities in any setback or challenge that you may experience. Instead of dwelling on what went wrong, you focus on what you can do better next time to avoid the situation. This is powerful because it puts you in a more proactive role as the captain of your own destiny.

Get a mentor

A mentor is somebody who has been there before. They’ve been in your shoes and understand the challenges that you are facing as well as the ones to come. Although they may hold your feet to the fire to make sure that you are accountable to the goals that you’ve set, they mostly serve to offer advice and guidance along your path to success. They will share their own stories with you so that you can learn from their challenges and mistakes as well as their successes.

Focus on accountability

If you want to get back on track, accountability is key. If you have an accountability partner then explain the situation to them and explain your path moving forward. They can help to make sure that you stay on track. Further, accountability puts you in a proactive mindset.

Teamzy can help you thrive in the face of challenges

We created Teamzy to make it easier to build your relationships while you’re building a strong network marketing business. We give you the tools you need to stay on track and grow yourself while you grow your business. Teamzy helps you stay productive while you face any challenges or setbacks. Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.