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Set Success Goals for 2022


Set Success Goals for 2022

It’s that time of year again – the time to set success goals for the year ahead. Although you may have been thinking of ideas for the last few weeks, now is the time to put pen to paper and write down your success goals and your plan to achieve them. If you want to thrive in the year ahead, now is the time to plan for your success.

Why do you need success goals?

Goals are targets you’d like to achieve over a set period of time. Think of it as a way to move your business and life forward and to make the life you wish to lead a reality. Without goals, you have nothing to aim for. How will you know if you’ve achieved success if you’re not sure where the target is?

Although many set goals for the coming year, it’s encouraged to also set goals that require a shorter period of time to achieve, such as the next three months. Often, these goals are smaller milestones for your larger annual goal. You can also set BHAG – or Big Hairy Audacious Goals – which are super ambitious goals that require several years to achieve. 

Often our goals are interrelated. For example, you may set a BHAG to achieve in the next seven years. You may create annual goals that help you move closer and closer to achieving that major goal. Additionally, the goals you set throughout the year may be smaller milestones designed to keep you on track toward the larger goal as well. In short, if you want to create a business and life you love, success goals will help you get there.

How to set success goals you’ll achieve in 2022

Setting goals begins with a long, honest look at your business and what you’ve achieved. 

If you’ve never set goals before, take a moment to think about what you’d like to achieve in your business. Think about your Why and the role your business plays in helping you get there. Then, assess what you’ve accomplished so far. What is a reasonable and achievable goal you’d like to set in the year ahead? 

If you’ve set goals before, think about the goals you created in the last year or two. Although we encourage reviewing your success goals each quarter, if you only remember to do it once a year, now is the time. 

Review your goals

  1. List your success goals. Place a checkmark next to the ones you achieved and circle the ones you did not.
  2. What went well this year? Write down the factors and activities that helped you achieve your success goals. For example, if you added another Power Hour to your week and, as a result, saw an increase in sales, write it down. This is something you’ll want to keep up in the year ahead.
  3. What could use improvement? If you missed or nearly missed a goal, assess what happened. Did you experience a setback during the year? Did you lose motivation or feel as if you hit a plateau in your business? Do you feel like you could sharpen your skills or spend more time developing your professional skills and knowledge? Can you think of ways to expand your network so that you can reach more people?
  4. What can you do to get closer to your long-term goals or your BHAG? Once you’ve assessed how last year went, you can begin to strategize for the year head. Do you need to prioritize your business daily so that you can be sure to complete your activities? Would adding another Power Hour to your week help you achieve more of your success goals? These are just a few suggestions. There are many other ways to get closer to your goals. If you’re not sure what you can do, ask your coach or open up the discussion with your team and brainstorm ideas. 

Set SMART success goals

When you set goals, make them SMART.


Specific goals are full of detail. Go into as much detail as possible. Don’t just say you want to increase sales – say you want to increase sales by 10% each quarter.


Metrics help you keep track of your progress. If you want to succeed, you have to know your numbers and keep track of them. This gives you a clear picture of where you stand in regard to achieving your goals and may help you stay accountable.


It’s hard to achieve your goals on your own. That’s where accountability comes in. Find someone who can hold your feet to the fire to help you stay on track. This ‘someone’ can be a coach, or it can be someone on your team. The point is to have someone who will make sure you stay committed to your goals.


Your success goals should be within the realm of your ability in regard to knowledge, time, and resources. Yes, your goals should be ambitious, but make sure they’re achievable as well. For example, you may want to triple your sales this year, but if it was difficult to prioritize your business this year, this may not be a realistic goal (although it might be a BHAG). Instead, keep that goal a long-range goal, but create goals that are more tangible for where you are right now.


A goal should have a deadline. How long do you need to achieve your success goals? Can you achieve it in a year or will it take longer? Set the time accordingly.

Stay motivated to achieve your success goals

It’s all well and good to set goals now; however, in a month or two, many people say “Goals? What goals?”

If you want to achieve your success goals this year, you have to remember them year-round. A big part of this is staying motivated. 

Connect your goal to your Why

Often our goals and our Why go hand-in-hand, we may just not realize it. The key is to make the connection. Just as we recommend keeping a visual reminder of your Why, tie that visual to your goal. The more you connect the two, the easier it is to keep your motivation up.

Practice good habits

Your habits play a role in your success; make sure they’re helping you achieve it. One habit to get into is doing a Power Hour several times a week. During your Power Hour, you’ll connect with your network, including your customers, prospects, and distributors. Ideally, you’ll connect with your network daily, especially if you have ambitious goals. However, if that’s not possible, aim for three times a week to help you stay at the top of your network’s mind. The good news is, Teamzy makes it easy to do your Power Hour each day. Simply sign in and go to your dashboard. Your Teamzy Dashboard provides a list of all the people you need to contact each day to achieve your success goals.

Commit to personal development

If you want to develop your business, you have to develop your mind. Seek out information that can help you expand your mind and your business. Read books or listen to audiobooks or podcasts by and about business leaders. Ask the successful people you admire what they’re reading or listening to. Sign up for training courses that will help you build your skills. The more you learn, the higher your motivation will be.

Teamzy can help you reach your success goals

Whether you’re new to setting success goals or you do it annually, Teamzy can help you achieve the goals you set in business and in life. From letting you know who to contact to keeping track of your numbers to helping you set your goals, Teamzy can help you stay on top of it all. Teamzy also offers training programs intended to help you take your business to the next level. Click here to see how Teamzy can help you achieve your success goals in 2022.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.