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Set Your 2021 Goals Now

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Set Your 2021 Goals Now

A new year is upon us. In a few short weeks, we’ll turn the page of the calendar and welcome a new year. This marks a natural new beginning toward another chance to reach the goals we may have missed in 2020 or set even more ambitious goals to reach.

For many, 2020 did not go as planned. For some network marketers, the pandemic meant a boost in business. Since people were home, these network marketers noticed an uptick in people replying to their messages and staying in touch. For others, the year was full of new challenges and setbacks and they may not have reached the goals they set in January. Regardless of how the year panned out, now is the time to set goals for the year ahead that will bring you closer to your dreams. 

However, before you begin writing down your goals for the future, take some time to perform a goal review.

Review your goals

If you don’t know where you’ve been, it’s difficult to set your course for success. The only time many people think of their goals is in January. However, the most successful network marketers review their goals throughout the year to see if they’re on track or need to do something to get back on track. 

Although goals should be reviewed at least once a quarter, they should definitely be reviewed at the end of the year before you create new goals. This allows you to create specific and tangible goals that will push you forward toward your long-term, or 5-10 year, goals. This is especially true this year when network marketers may have had to adapt to more challenges and changes than usual. 

What to review

You know you need to review your goals, but what do you focus on? Here’s a list to get started.

  • What goals did you reach? List the goals you achieved this year.  
  • What goals did you miss? List the goals you missed this year and note how close you came. 
  • What was your secret to success in 2020? Write down what you did well in the pursuit of your goals. For example, if you increased sales by 20% this year because you did your Power Hour every day, write it down. This will help you plan and stay motivated in the year ahead, especially on the days when it’s difficult to rally and do your Power Hour.  
  • What can you improve for next year? If you missed reaching a goal, you don’t have to forget about it. The goal isn’t impossible; it just has to be recalibrated. Think about why you missed the mark:
    • Were you thrown for a loop by a challenge or setback and you never quite recovered? 
    • Were you overwhelmed by the additional demands around the home and your business had to move to the backburner? 
    • Did you lose motivation midyear and didn’t get your mojo back until recently?
    • Do you feel like you’ve hit a plateau in your business and you’re just not sure how to move forward?
    • Are your habits holding you back? For example, if your Power Hour hasn’t become a regular habit, it may be a good idea to make it one in 2021.
    • Do you need to find ways to expand your network so your business can grow?
    • Do you need to improve your skills and commit to personal and professional development?
  • What do you need to achieve next year to bring you closer to your long-term goals?

Once you have answers to these questions, it’s time to work on your 2021 goals.

Dream big – Start small – Act now

Dream big

Do you have a BHAG, that is, a Big Hairy Audacious Goal? I mention the importance of having a BHAG in my book, Power Hour Boss. BHAG is a term coined by Jim Collins in his book, Built to Last, and it’s a goal that is so big that when you achieve it, it changes your world. Collins cites the example of NASA’s moon landing, which sounded impossible at the time, but once it was achieved, it changed everything. 

What’s your moon landing? What goal do you have that is so big that if you achieve it, it’ll totally change your world?

Visualize the life you want to lead

If you’re not sure what your BHAG is, take some time to visualize. Visualization is a powerful tool to help you focus on what you really want in life. It can help you narrow down your Why as well as help you see what you should be striving for. 

It’s easy to do. Find a quiet spot and imagine the life of your dreams. What do you see and feel? Describe everything. 

Now that you see your life, ask yourself the following question: If there were no limitations, what would you want to achieve? Write down several things; the list is endless!

“If people aren’t laughing at your goals, you’re not dreaming big enough.”

– Darren Hardy

Start small

Set long-term goals

Once you have a list of BHAGs, choose one. Then, think of a long-term goal associated with it. For example, if you want to lead a thriving and successful network marketing business, a long range goal could be to hit a specific financial target. 

Break down the long-term goals

Once you have a long-term goal to aim for, break it up into smaller pieces. If you want your business to pull in a specific amount of money in five years, set smaller, incremental financial goals in the years leading up to it. 

Additionally, if you want to make more money, you’ll have to increase your sales and team size as well. Set goals that allow you to increase your sales and team size by a specific percent each year in order to reach your goal.

If you’re not sure where to start, login to Teamzy. Teamzy helps you set your goals for 2021 and beyond. Additionally, it makes it easier to achieve your goals by tying them to your network. Each day you’ll get a list of people to contact, based on your goals and how they’re sorted in your network. You’ll never have to wonder who to contact or how many people to contact each day.  

Make ‘em SMART

If you want to make your goals easier to achieve, make sure they’re SMART – Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Realistic, and Time-based. 

Specific means well-defined and clear. Fill in the details. It’s not enough to say you want to increase business; instead say you want to increase it 20% by 2022. 

Measurable metrics allow you to keep track of your numbers so you can stay accountable. 

Accountable. Have someone hold your feet to the fire to ensure you stay on track. It could be a spouse, a mentor, or a friend.

Realistic means it’s within your ability of resources, knowledge and time. Although you should set ambitious goals, make sure you can achieve them.

Time based means you’ll achieve the goal within a certain timeframe. It’s the deadline you give yourself to achieve it.

Act now

Now that you’ve set your goals, it’s time to create a plan to turn them into reality. Regardless of your business goal, there are a few things you can do to make them all a reality.

Make your Power Hour a habit 

A Power Hour is the hour or less a day you spend working on your business and connecting with people in your network. Teamzy creates this list daily so you can save time and be more productive. Try to commit to an hour every day. If that’s not possible, break it into smaller increments, such as 2 30-minute blocks or 4 15- minute blocks – whatever is easiest for you. 

Ask for introductions

If you want to grow your network, the best way to do it is to ask your topic advocates to introduce you to other great people like them. When you connect with them, ask if they know anyone who could benefit from your business or the opportunity you offer. If they do, ask them to introduce you. If not, let them know that if they think of anyone, you’ll be happy to meet them. This allows you to stay top of mind while increasing your database.

Commit to personal development

Training is a surefire way to improve your skills and make you a more successful network marketer. Teamzy offers a variety of motivational and tip-centered training videos to help you master network marketing and improve your skills. Additionally, Elite Business Bootcamp gives network marketers the skills they need to build thriving, successful businesses. 

Let Teamzy help you set your 2021 goals

Teamzy helps you set and track your goals. Review your numbers to see where you stood in the past year and use them to help you create new goals for 2021. Then update your goals in Teamzy and it will use those goals to create a list of people to contact each day. Work through your list daily and you’ll be well on your way to success in 2021!

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.