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Supercharge Your Business


Supercharge Your Business

Although the end of the year is still a few months away, that’s no reason to slow down now. Whether you’ve taken a look at your goals and you’re way ahead of the game, or you’ve looked and you need to get back on track, now is the time to kick your business into overdrive. Supercharge your business now and you’ll be glad you did when the new year starts. Here’s how!

Supercharge your business tip 1: Focus on growth

Growth is essential if you want to succeed. Whether you’re new to network marketing or you’ve been at it a while, you may be focused on growing your network. After all, even if you’re happy with the size of your network, you still have to continue to add people to it for it to remain healthy and vibrant. 

Grow your business

To grow your business, it’s important to replicate your network. That is, you want to add more people to your network who are like your top advocates. After all, they’re the core of your business. The better you serve them, the more likely they’ll be to introduce you to others like them (but more on that later). 

When you fill your network with strong advocates, not only will you build a strong business, but you’ll also build a business of people you enjoy serving. They say if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. The same is true when you build a network marketing business with a network filled with strong advocates. You’ll spend each day doing what you love and connecting with people you enjoy connecting with. What better way to build a business?

Grow your mind

To supercharge your business, you have to supercharge your mind. Your business is limited by one thing – you. If you think small, your business will remain small. That’s why we encourage network marketers to create ambitious goals. We want you to grow successful and thriving network marketing businesses so you can serve your advocates and your network well. However, you may not have the skills and expertise to achieve those big goals just yet. To do so, you must grow your mind. That is, you must continue to learn and improve your skills and yourself. 

Teamzy offers video training programs to help you do so. From short training programs to multi-week programs, we’ll give you the skills and knowledge to help you take your business to new levels. 

But, training isn’t enough. It’s important to commit to personal growth, including books, articles, podcasts, etc. that will give you insight into success and your industry. Learn all your can about your industry so you can answer your network’s questions and serve them better. Additionally, learn from other successful business leaders through biographies and memoirs written by and about them. In addition to learning from their successes, learn from their failures as well. The most successful people have endured the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. The difference between them and those who have quit is that they saw the failure as an event, not a reflection of them personally. They learned the lesson and used it in their business. Luckily, you don’t have to make the same mistakes they did; you can learn from their mistakes. If you’re not sure where to start, Google the names of business leaders you look up to, or ask your coach or mentor for a recommendation. 

Supercharge your business tip 2: Connect and follow up with your network 

Connection is the key to relationship marketing. The more you connect with your network, the stronger the foundation you’ll build. The stronger your foundation, the stronger your business.

Seek to make the days of everyone you connect with. Reach out regularly and consistently. Remember, consistency breeds trust. The more your network trusts you, the more likely they are to buy from you and/or join your network. 

When you begin using Teamzy, you’ll upload your database and sort them into categories. Teamzy uses those categories to figure out when and how often you’ll connect with each person in your network. Some you’ll contact monthly; others will be every few months. This allows you to get in front of your best advocates in a way that doesn’t seem pushy or overbearing. You’re not connecting with people too much; you’re connecting with them just the right amount. You don’t have to feel like a pushy salesperson; you’re staying in touch with everyone just enough to build trust and a strong connection. 

Don’t forget to follow up

Following up is an act of love. So many times, we say we’re going to do something and then we don’t. Think about a time when someone said they were going to call you and didn’t. How did you feel? Likely, you felt disappointed and maybe even trusted the other person less. The same is true of your network. When you say you’re going to connect with someone with an answer to their question or with more information, and then you don’t, they’re less likely to trust you again. 

One of the reasons many network marketers don’t follow up is they feel like they’re being intrusive. Another reason is they just simply forget. Whatever the reason, it’s important to overcome it and make following up a priority. If you feel you’re being intrusive or a pest, remember that you’re serving them by providing information or an answer to their question. It’s good service, not bugging them. 

If you forget to follow up, make following up a priority and set reminders. Teamzy makes it easy to remember by allowing you to set a reminder to follow up. The reminder then appears on your Dashboard when it’s time to follow up. Once you’ve worked through your connects for the day, continue on to your follow-ups. Then, you’re done for the day. 

Supercharge your business with this Follow-up tip: If you’re nervous about following up, remember “Following up is an act of love.” Say it repeatedly until you feel more confident, especially before you start your follow-ups. 

Supercharge your business tip 3: Ask for introductions

The holiday season is right around the corner – seriously. Now is the time to show your expertise to your network. Each time you connect with them is an opportunity to plant the seeds that will be ready for harvest around the holidays. Part of connecting with them is talking about your business: what you sell, the services you offer, and why you LOVE what you do. This can happen in the course of any connect or conversation. At some point it will be your turn to talk about what’s going on in your life – this is your chance to talk about your business!

Now, many network marketers get anxious talking about their business. They don’t want to sound salesy or pushy. The truth is, if you don’t talk about your business, no one will know about all the great things you have to offer!

The good news is, that there is a way to talk about your business without it seeming pushy. In fact, Teamzy has a short video training program to help you build this skill.

Once you’ve shared what’s going on in your life and business, ask them if there is anyone they know who would appreciate the service you provide. Although you want to focus on asking for introductions from your top advocates, be sure to ask everyone you connect with. After all, you never know where your next great customer, prospect, or team member will come from! 

What happens after you get an introduction?

When you receive an introduction, first, be sure to thank the person introducing you. After all, they’re supporting your business! Then, reach out to the person you’ve been introduced to and see if you can answer any questions or give them information. And, this is important – don’t forget to follow up with them. Continue to follow up until you’ve made contact, then continue to build the relationship. Be sure to add them to your network so that you can connect with them on a consistent basis and build trust. Over time, they may become top advocates or team members in your business. 

Teamzy can help you supercharge your business this fall and beyond!

We created Teamzy to make it easy and fun for network marketers to build thriving businesses based on their relationships. Follow the system and you’ll be well on our way to supercharging your business all season long. Get the tools you need to thrive in network marketing. Click here to learn more. 

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.