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Time Management: Get More Out of Your Day


Time Management: Get More Out of Your Day

Do you sometimes wish you had more hours in the day? We all do at one time or another. Unfortunately, it is impossible to add hours to the day; however, it is possible to be smarter about how we use the hours we do have. No, you don’t need to scrimp on sleep to get it all done. You just have to improve your time management. Not sure where to start? We’ll show you how….

Time Management: How to Get More Hours Out of Your Day

“It’s not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about?” — Henry David Thoreau

What are your priorities today?

Sure, you may have 700 things on the list for the day, but not every one of them is important. There are probably only a handful that must be done today, or even tomorrow. Read over your list and circle them. These are your priorities for the day, and truly the only things you need to get done. 

What if you have way more than a handful of tasks? What if everything seems like a priority that you have to get done today? Rest assured that not everything is a priority. Yes, it may be important, but it may not need to get done today. Review your list and look for the time-dependent tasks, the ones you have to get done today. Hint, one of those tasks should be your Power Hour. If you want to create a thriving network marketing business, you have to connect with your networks each day. That means reaching out, making their days, and following up when you say you will. It’s that simple. 

“The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.”

Stephen R. Covey

Schedule your day

If you want to make sure you get things done, you have to schedule it into your day. Think of it v as making an appointment with yourself. You wouldn’t break an appointment, would you? You wouldn’t let a distraction prevent you from making that appointment. In fact, you’d likely clear the deck so you can be sure you’ll make it, right? 

Unfortunately, we are all guilty of letting less important things hijack our days. We don’t need to scroll through social media right now, but we justify it as important. What if you miss something? We tend to rely on filler tasks that prevent us from getting the more important things done. Then we wonder why we don’t get to the most important tasks on our list. 

If you schedule it into your day and write it on your calendar, you’re more likely to get it done. Many people avoid doing this because they don’t want to feel restricted. However, scheduling your day gives you the freedom to spend the rest of your time however you want. And, you’re more relaxed because you don’t have important tasks looming over your head. You’ll get it all done and leave people wondering your secret.

So, start blocking out parts of your day and make your time a priority. Set aside time to work only on your most important tasks. For example, a schedule may reflect that from 10 – 11 am, you’ll do a Power Hour and from 7 – 8 pm, you’ll pray or meditate. If you have another appointment or something comes up, you can move your schedule around. The most important part is that you’ll work on the most important tasks of the day… then get to the rest. 

Ignore distractions

Distractions are all around us, and they can impede our time management. Whether it’s social media or a squirrel outside, we’re often distracted by anything that grabs or demands our attention. The challenge is to try to ignore those things so you can get everything done. It isn’t easy. Even if you’re super motivated, it’s still easy to let those distractions win and take over our days. So, how can you ignore them?

“Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.”

Jim Rohn

Reconnect with your goals

If you find yourself getting distracted, review your goals. What are you striving for? What are you trying to achieve? When you reconnect with your goals, you are better able to focus on what you need to in order to honor your priorities. 

Maintain a positive attitude

Positivity can get you places and help you overcome any distractions. When you have a positive attitude, you’re better able to ignore distractions in order to focus on what you need to get done. 

“Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent, and not enough time on what is important.”

Steven Covey

Just do it

Your distractions won’t be offended if you ignore them. So just ignore them. Look past them. Focus on the tasks that matter. After all, it’s those tasks that will drive you to succeed. And, it will help you improve your time management skills.

Do a Power Hour

One thing you need to make time for daily is your business. Although we all want our businesses to succeed, it can’t if we don’t or time into it. Often, we’ll say we don’t have time to connect with our networks when in reality we’re too wrapped up in the distractions of the day. If you want to succeed, you have to spend time connecting with customers, prospects, and distributors in your network. 

Your Power Hour is a 60-minute block of time in which you work on your business. No interruptions, no social media or web surfing, no staring out the windows and daydreaming, no thinking about what you’ll make for dinner tonight. You’ll sign into Teamzy and connect with the list of people you need to contact that day. That’s it. Once it’s done, you’re done, unless you have other tasks to do for your business. 

Your Power Hour is flexible. You can spend a full 60 minutes on your business. Or you can break your Power Hour into smaller segments, like 2 30-minutes segments or 4 15-minute segments. The only thing that matters is that you spend that time focused on your business.

Unless your network is huge, it won’t take you the full hour to contact everyone. If that sounds like you, use the time to work on yourself. Read industry or business-related articles, books by business leaders, etc. Use the time to work on yourself and it will definitely pay off in your business as well. The important thing is to commit to your business. 

“One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular.”

Tony Robbins

Let Teamzy Help You Will Your Time Management

If you want to get more out of your day, we can help! Teamzy makes it easy and more fun to keep your business organized so you can get more done. Not sure where to start or who to contact in your network? Check your Teamzy Dashboard. Not sure what to say to your customers, prospects, and distributors? We have scripts to get you started. Want to improve your skills as a business person and build a thriving network marketing business? Check out our video training programs to help you get and stay at the top of your game. Improve your time management and get more out of each and every day! Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.