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What to Do While You Build Your Business


What to Do While You Build Your Business

Network marketing is an exciting and growing industry. Those who become network marketers often have the same dream when they get started – to become wildly successful and make a lot of money so they can live the life they’ve always imagined. It’s fantastic to have goals! However, it’s important to realize that overnight success actually takes months and years of consistent work. Now, that doesn’t mean you need to work on your business 24/7. However, it does mean you have to put some work into building your business on a daily basis. 

Although they may realize the work involved in building a business, many network marketers get discouraged when they first start out. The business isn’t growing fast enough, people aren’t responding as quickly as they had hoped, and they’re just not sure who else to add to their networks. They’re frustrated that things aren’t moving at the rapid pace they had imagined. This is why so many give up network marketing – they don’t give their businesses a chance to thrive. 

Frustration is understandable, but it doesn’t mean you have to give up. If you’re new to network marketing, here are a few tips to get you through this time. (And, if you’re an experienced network marketer who’s hit a plateau, these tips may help you, too!)

Be patient while your business builds

They say patience is a virtue; however, it’s tough to feel virtuous when it seems as though your patience isn’t paying off. It feels even worse when everywhere you look, other network marketers are hitting their numbers and reaching their goals with ease. What’s their secret?

First, not everything is what it seems. Sure, it looks as though other network marketers are hitting their numbers with ease, but what you don’t see is all the hard work they’re putting in. Perhaps they’ve set super ambitious goals and are spending hours connecting with people in their networks. Maybe they’ve chosen to focus on the people in their networks who are they’re best customers or advocates and have tapped into their networks for more great, interested people. 

No one sees behind the curtain of success; we only see the finished product. Even those who are dubbed “overnight successes” often spend months and years toiling away, putting a lot of work into their businesses on a consistent basis. They have ups and downs and experience plateaus, just like anyone else. The difference is they keep going, no matter what. They put in the work, patiently working away to get the results they want.

Success tip: Although it may take time to grow your business, your patience will pay off. Instead of focusing on the time it’s taking to grow your business, focus on connecting with your customers, prospects, and team members each and every day. Login to the Teamzy Dashboard to see who to contact each day.

Build successful habits

The process of building your business from scratch provides you with a tremendous opportunity – you have the time to build the good habits that are critical to lasting success. So many network marketers, even successful ones, don’t have good habits. Although they may have achieved success, it’s difficult to maintain it unless you have these habits in place. 

Connect with your network

The people in your network at the start of your business are usually the folks you have the best relationships with. Taking the time to shower them with attention in the beginning reinforces those relationships and turns them into your biggest advocates. And who better to help you grow your business than your biggest advocates? These are the folks you can easily ask to introduce you to people they know who can benefit from your business. Chances are, they’d loved to help you out; all you have to do is ask!

Do your Power Hour daily

A Power Hour is 60 minutes of time that you set aside daily to connect with people in your network. You don’t have to connect with all of them; however, you will contact several based on how you’ve categorized them in your database. 

Get in the habit of logging into Teamzy and reaching out to people daily. Sure, in the beginning you may only reach out to a few people. However, as your network grows, the number of people you’ll need to reach out to each day will grow as well. Getting in the habit of connecting with your network daily will take the thought out of doing it – you’ll automatically pull out your laptop or tablet and get to work. It’ll also make it less overwhelming to do when your network begins to grow exponentially. The biggest advantage is that you’ll be able to use the scripts and perfect your messaging in a way that works best and most naturally for you. 

Figure out what works for you

The best part of running your own business is that you can set your own schedule. The worst part is there’s no one there to hold you accountable to make sure you do it. You have to be your own boss. That means making a schedule that works for you and everything else you have going on in your life. 

In network marketing, you don’t have to set aside eight hours a day to work on your business. In fact, we recommend setting aside just 60 minutes to do your Power Hour. However, it won’t get done unless you make your business a priority. 

Invest time in activities that build your business

When you create your to-do list each day, put a star next to the top two priorities of the day. Once those are complete, you can move on to the next most important thing on the list until you’ve crossed everything off. 

Break it up

If finding 60 minutes of your day to do a Power Hour is a challenge, break it up into smaller, more manageable segments. For example, four 15-minute segments or two 30-minute segments. This ensures you get it done without it making a huge impact on your day. 

At first, your Power Hour may not even take a whole hour. Once you’ve completed your connects and follow ups, you’re done for the day. However, we do recommend dedicating some of your time to personal growth and development. Read a chapter of a book by your favorite successful businessperson, read a few articles in a business magazine or listen to a business-centric blog. 

Reward yourself

It takes time to build a habit so be patient. Reinforce your progress and celebrate the small victories. Reward yourself after a week of consistent productivity and daily Power Hours. This will keep you motivated to repeat the process in the weeks ahead.

Build a business that lasts

If you want to grow your business in a hurry, adjust your goals, at least temporarily. Lower the goals you’ve set and increase your prospects for the time being. This will increase the amount of people you’ll connect with daily, which puts the emphasis on growing your business. 

When you grow your business, you want to spend your time connecting with people. Initially, this includes the people in your network; however, as you deepen your relationship with them, you’ll want to connect with more people just like them. The best source of that is your best customers, prospects, and distributors, so be sure to ask them to introduce you to people they know who can benefit from your business. 

Don’t give up!

The first few months are the hardest in any business. But, they also provide the best opportunity to build the framework of the business you want to lead. It’s the best time to connect with people, build relationships, and establish the habits and routines you’ll rely on as your business grows and becomes more successful. And, by doing the work now, you’ll begin to build the lasting habits that will continue to serve you even after you’ve reached your goals and achieved success. 

Teamzy can help you stay consistent

Teamzy was developed to help network marketers build relationships while they grow their businesses. With your goals in mind, Teamzy creates a list of people to contact daily. Simply work through the list, make people’s days and be sure to log your progress. Over time, not only will you develop great habits, but you’ll also see the results of all of your hard work. If you’re not using Teamzy, what are you waiting for? Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.