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Are You Tracking Your Numbers?


Are You Tracking Your Numbers?

What are your numbers? If that question makes you scratch your head and think for a minute, you need to start tracking your activity numbers. (However, if you can rattle off your current numbers, congratulations, you’re well on your way to success!) 

Many network marketers don’t track their numbers,  either because they don’t know to or they don’t think they need to. Unless they have a background in sales, they may not think to do so. Your numbers tell you how close you are to achieving your goals and reaching success. Need more convincing? Read on…

Why should you be tracking?

Tracking numbers is more than an extra step many network marketers don’t want to take.  It’s a roadblock of success if they don’t. They are overconfident in their memories. It is common to be overconfident about our ability to remember things and remember them accurately. They say, “But I know how many calls I’ve made and messages I’ve sent today.” It doesn’t matter if they’re first starting out or have huge databases, you have to track your numbers.  

If you don’t track your numbers, you’ll find it difficult to achieve success. If you don’t know what you’ve done, how can you be sure what more you need to do to build a successful business? Additionally, tracking allows you to see what works and what doesn’t in your approach to your business. Then you can pivot and do something else or change up your script. Tracking your numbers allows you to spot patterns. For example, let’s say more people respond in the spring, you may ramp up communication at the end of the next spring. Another example is you may notice you get a better response from your network in the afternoon rather than in the morning. In this case, you may want to move your Power Hour to the afternoon instead.

So, what am I tracking?

 Network marketers often wonder what they need to track.  You’ll start with the activities of your Power Hour. Who did you contact? How many people did you contact? Did you follow up with new customers or prospects? These are all things to track. You want to know how many people you’ve connected with in order to see how close you are to meeting your goals. 

You also want to know how many new people you’ve connected with and how many introductions you’ve made or need to make in order to reach your goals. This will let you know how close you’ll be to achieving success and your goals this year.

How to track your numbers

Although tracking your numbers may seem tedious, the most difficult part is remembering to do so. How do you do it and do it consistently?

Make it a habit

The first step in tracking your numbers is getting in the habit of tracking them. Good habits are hard to develop as many of us have discovered when making personal goals. They say it can take several weeks for a good habit to set.  In the meantime,  it’s important to work hard every day at remembering to do the activity, in this case,  tracking your numbers.

So how do you remember? Set reminders. Write yourself a sticky note and stick it on your computer or you set an alarm on your phone to pop up when it’s time. Make it big and loud, the louder the better, especially if you have trouble remembering. Once you’re in the habit of tracking your numbers, you can delete the alarm or reminder since you won’t need it anymore (although it may be smart to turn it back on if you have to take time off from your business for vacation, etc.) 

Make tracking a priority

If you don’t deem tracking your numbers important, you won’t do it. It’s that simple. So, make it a priority in your day. This goes along with setting the reminder or alarm. When you create your to-do list each day and place a star next to you connecting with your network, make a note to track your numbers. If you use Teamzy, this will be easy. You’ll just log the contact in Teamzy when you reach out. If you’re still using note cards or a spreadsheet, you’ll want to note your numbers somewhere.  Either way,  you’ll want to make sure you remember to track your numbers. Making it a priority will help (and if you’re not using Teamzy, what are you waiting for? Make building your network marketing business easier and more fun with Teamzy!)

The key is to make tracking a priority so that you ensure you’ll do it. If you have ambitious goals or expectations for your business, tracking will help you get there. Tracking gives you an edge and allows you to always know where you stand in your business. 

When should you start?

There’s no time like the present! Whether you’re new to network marketing or you’ve been doing it a while, it’s never been a better time to start tracking your numbers.  Sure,  we’re getting close to the end of the year so you might not get an accurate assessment right away; however,  you will build the habit before you set goals and start working toward them next year. You’ll get in the swing of things and will be ready to plan for this time next year when the busy holiday season is upon us.

What if I forget to track for a day or two? 

If you miss a day or two, don’t give up. Just log it when you remember. There will always be times when remembering to log your numbers is a struggle.  And that’s okay.  What’s important is that you log them when you do remember them and build the habit so that forgetting isn’t an option. Make it part of your Power Hour to make it even easier to remember.

Forgetting for a day or two isn’t an issue if you do it once you remember. It becomes an issue when you don’t go back to it at all. If you forget, log your numbers when you can and set reminders to help you become consistent.  Consistency is key – it shows you’ve made your goals and your business a priority. Your success becomes a priority as well. 

Tracking numbers is even easier with Teamzy

We’ve made it easy to keep track of your numbers and your overall progress. After you’ve imported your database and set your goals, Teamzy will let you know who to contact each day. All you have to do is log into your Dashboard and start reaching out to people. That’s it. Then, be sure to log it so you can keep track of your progress toward your goals.

Every time connect you make with your network via text message, Facebook messenger, etc., log it in to Teamzy. This includes any follow-ups you’ve scheduled with advocates, team members, customers, or prospects. Remember to log any part of your business, from initial messages and follow-ups to any other communication with your network. Log, log, log! When you’re working on your business, be sure to log your activities.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Teamzy makes it easy to build a network marketing business you love that allows you to do what you do best – serve your network! If you’re not using Teamzy you’re missing out on a system that is more than a CRM, it’s a fun way to build your business. Get access to training programs,  scripts, goal setting tools and so much more while you sort and organize your database. Improve your chances for success with Teamzy. Click here to learn more. 

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.