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Get Inspired to Meet Your Goal


Get Inspired to Meet Your Goal

Those goals you set in January may be a distant memory, especially if you haven’t checked in with them in a while. Although we recommend reviewing your goals regularly, life gets busy and it’s hard to remember to do so. It’s also normal for your motivation to wane over time. However, you’ll want to kick your motivation into high gear if you want to reach those goals by the end of this year. Maybe you had goals to double your income or double the size of your network. Are you inspired to make these goals a reality? Whatever your goals, one thing is for sure: staying inspired and accountable can make all the difference. Here are some tips to help you get and stay inspired to achieve your goals, and help others do the same.

Share your goals with others to boost accountability

First things first, don’t keep your goals a secret. They’re meant to be shared far and wide. It’s tempting to keep your goals to yourself, especially if they’re ambitious and you’re scared to fail. The potential for embarrassment can drive us to work in secret. Here’s the thing: when you share your goals with others, you’re placing a bet on yourself and recruiting others in the process who can help keep you accountable. People help your bet come to fruition.

Think of it this way: you’re including people in your success. If you tell your team that you are trying to increase your sales by 30 percent, they’re going to check in on you. They might send you little reminders to connect with your network or send introductions your way. It’s no longer your covert project, you have your support system in place. And, if you fall off track or have a setback, your support team is there to lend an ear, offer advice, and get you back on track again. 

People want to see you succeed. Often you just have to let them help you do so. No one succeeds on their own. There are always others in the background to help. Create a support system to help you along the way. After all, the most successful network marketers have people to hold them accountable, you should too!

Create an accountability group

Why stop at sharing your goals with one or two people when you can create an entire group of goal-getters? Starting an accountability goal group is like forming your own personal cheerleading squad. Everyone in the group is there to support, motivate, and hold each other accountable.

Your group can be made up of team members, other network marketers, or friends who have their own goals. The beauty of it is that everyone is working towards something different, but you all have the common thread of striving for improvement. Your team may be ideal accountability group partners since you’re all network marketers who are working toward something similar, but in the end, goals are goals. We all need a little help to reach them.

You don’t even have to limit it to business goals; you can also set personal, financial, or health and wellness goals as well. Whatever you’re striving for, the process of reaching the goal is similar. And, it helps to have other goal-getters around you as well to help you reach them. 

You can catch up weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly to discuss progress, setbacks, and plans to overcome goals or create more ambitious goals in the future. It’s a great way to stay on track, share information and strategies for overcoming setbacks, and get inspired by the progress of others. Being one another’s cheerleaders can help you build trust and strengthen your relationship.

Share what inspires you

Inspiration can come from the most unexpected places. Maybe it’s a book, a podcast, a blog, a YouTube channel, or even a conversation with someone in your network. When you find something that lights a fire in you, share it with your team or accountability group. Then, ask them to do the same. 

Not only does this share the inspiration to light a fire under others, but it also motivates others to share their favorite sources of inspiration or motivational tips. Your team might have their own sources of motivation that they rely on to get them moving and striving. Sharing what inspires you and encouraging others to do the same creates a rich pool of resources that everyone can dip into and contribute to. It helps to keep a list of inspirational ideas somewhere sharable, like in a Google doc.  This way, everyone can refer to it when they need to.

Consistently follow up with your team or accountability group

It’s easy to set a goal and then forget about it or lose steam after a few weeks. Following up with your goal progress and seeing where others are on theirs, can keep you on track and provide a sense of urgency. Knowing you have a call or appointment to share your progress with your team or accountability group can be a powerful motivator to make progress toward your own success.

Celebrate your wins, no matter how small, and don’t be afraid to talk about your struggles. Encourage others to do the same. Remember, everyone in your accountability group is there to support you, not judge you on your goal or progress (or lack thereof). Your follow-ups provide opportunities to get advice, get inspired, and refocus your efforts.

Keep it up

The key to staying inspired and reaching your goals is momentum. Once you’ve got it, don’t lose it. Keep sharing your progress with your team or accountability group, and don’t be afraid to adjust your goals if you need to. Although adjusting your goal should be done sparingly, if you’ve fallen way off course or experienced a big setback, recalibration of the goal will make it more likely that you will reach it. 

The most important thing is to keep moving forward. Even if you experience a setback, it’s important to just keep going. Adjust your course to get back on track and lean into your accountability group or team for further support.

Teamzy can help you stay inspired and reach your goals

Getting inspired to reach your goals isn’t always easy, but it’s definitely possible with a little help from your team and Teamzy. With Teamzy, you’ll always know how close you are to achieving your goals. And when you share your goals with your team or an accountability group, you can get inspired and inspire them to reach theirs as well. So, what are you waiting for? Click here to learn more about how Teamzy can help inspire you to reach your goals.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.