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Growth: How to Commit to Your Business This Year


Growth: How to Commit to Your Business This Year

If you’re like most network marketers, you want to grow your business this year. After all, how can you reach your ambitious goals this year if you aren’t consistently adding people to help to your network? While it’s one thing to set the intention to grow a network, it’s quite another to put a plan into action. In fact, where many network marketers get hung up is committing to their businesses enough to follow through on their plans for growth in the first place. You can’t wish for growth; you have to commit to putting in the work required for growth to occur.

Whether you’re new to network marketing and want to grow your network or you’ve been at it a while and want to take your growth to the next level, here’s how to commit to your business growth this year.

Growth tip #1: Prioritize your day

If you want to grow your business, you have to make your business a priority each day. You’ve gotta do what you need to do to help it grow and thrive. The first step is to make your business the top priority of your day. 

You lead a very active and busy life. You have lots of other commitments beyond your business. However, if you want your business to provide for you, it’s essential to make time to work on it. Success doesn’t just happen, even if the most successful people make it seem that easy. The one thing you can count on is that they grew their business and achieved success by making their business a top priority each day. Sure, they took time off here and there; however, most days, they were connecting with their networks and asking for introductions. They were following up with new customers and prospects and listening for ways to help everyone in their networks. Were there days they didn’t feel like doing the work? Sure, but they had their sights set on success, which allowed them to focus on what mattered – building the foundation for a strong business. 

How to prioritize

Prioritizing a skill – one that takes practice. Each day when you write your to-do list, be sure to include your daily Power Hour. Not only that, circle it, underline it, write or type it in another color – whatever it takes to make it stand out to you. Then, when morning comes, make sure you make time to do your daily Power Hour and connect with your network. If you’ve decided to do it at 10 am, then be sure to do it at that time. If you’re planning to do it later in the afternoon, again make sure you’ve cleared your schedule for that time. No excuses, no distractions. 

It’s super easy to be distracted by everything else in your life that you put off doing the activities that help you build your business. However, it’s vital to figure out what’s important and what isn’t. If you want to reach your goals this year and build a thriving network marketing business, working on your business each day needs to be your priority. 

Growth tip #2: Nurture your relationships

Every time you reach out to your network, you’re nurturing your relationships with your network. Whether you reach out monthly or a couple of times a year, every contact helps you stay top of mind. But, it’s more than that. Connecting with your relationships gives you the opportunity to get to know them better and listen for ways to help. You begin to understand what they’re interested in and how you can serve them on their journey to achieving their goals in life. At times, your business may be able to help. Other times, you may be able to connect them with someone in your network who can help. What better way to serve than by helping others?

All this nurturing leads to the best outcome – business growth. The more you reach out and follow up, the more opportunities you have to connect with your network. Over time, not only will you get to know them, but you’ll also have the opportunity to show off your skills and expertise in your industry and your business. This builds trust, which is the foundation for any business relationship. Once you’ve built trust, your network will be more comfortable introducing you to other great people just like them who will appreciate your business and the opportunities you can provide.  

How to nurture your relationships

The first step is to reach out. The second step is to do so consistently. Many network marketers have trouble with the second step. Becoming consistent is hard. You have to account for each connection you make and the outcome and plan when you need to follow up with them again. Although some network marketers have created their own systems involving index cards and spreadsheets, many often just don’t know where to begin. That’s why we created Teamzy, to make it easier for network marketers to consistently stay in touch with their networks, which encourages business growth. Simply upload your network’s information and classify them; Teamzy does the rest. Your Dashboard will let you know who to contact each day in order to achieve your goals. Simply connect with everyone on that day’s list and you’re done/ You can even set your own follow-ups to ensure you stay in touch and top of mind with your network and prospects. Teamzy takes out the guesswork so that you can focus on doing what you do best – connecting with and serving others. 

Growth tip #3: Make space for your success

One of the reasons people don’t grow their businesses is they’re scared of success. You read that right; they’re scared to succeed. They may worry about how they’ll help everyone in their network if their network grows too big. Or they worry about disappointing everyone by letting them down if they can’t serve them all. Some network marketers may want to stay small and not grow too much. They see their business as a side hustle and want to keep it that way. That’s fine in some respects; however, over time, even those who wish to stay small will discover that in order to keep their businesses going, they have to add new people to their networks from time to time. 

As a result of fear of the unknown, many network marketers refuse to make space in their lives for their businesses to thrive. This limits their opportunities to grow, both their business and their own marketable skills. Even if you want to avoid building a network that is “too large” for your own taste, that doesn’t mean you should avoid making room to succeed. 

Success is personal for everyone. What your definition of it is will be totally different from your team’s definition, and that’s okay. While you may aspire to one level, others on your team will each aspire to something different. The key is to make space for your definition of success, and whatever that definition is, it must include some growth.

How to make space for success in your life

First, decide what success means to you. It doesn’t have to be six figures and a new car every day. It could be building a small rainy day fund or making a difference in the lives of your top advocates. 

Once you have that in mind, think about how you can make space for it in your life. This could be the act of making time for your business each day. Or it could include committing to your own personal growth so that you’re able to give your best to your network. Additionally, it could be dedicating your energy to your business, day in and day out. Whatever way you wish to make space, do so. Your business with thank you and you’ll begin to encourage growth in all forms.

Growth tip #4: Tap into your why and connect it to your business

Why did you become a network marketer? Like our definitions of success, our reasons for getting into the industry vary by person. Although there may be common underlying themes, our reasons for pursuing network marketing are personal. They’re also your Why. 

Having a Why is the best motivation you’ll have for wanting to build and grow your network marketing business. It’s the reason you do what you do each day in order to achieve your goals. You can tap into it at any time, especially when you need that extra motivation to pursue business growth. 

How to use your Why to grow your business

Your Why provides the motivation surge you need to do a daily Power Hour, reach out to your network, or follow up with new customers or prospects. It gives you the opportunity to share your skills and expertise with others and serve them better. 

If you’re not sure what your Why is, we have the tools to help you find it. Already have a Why? Keep it where you can be reminded of it daily. An image representation of it or words on a note can remind you of what you’re working towards and for each and every day. This will drive you to succeed and encourage you to seek growth opportunities for your business, whether it’s asking for introductions from your biggest advocates or making that initial connection with a new prospect.

Teamzy takes the guesswork out of business growth

Growth is essential to the success of any business. Luckily, Teamzy makes it easier to stay on top of what you need to do to grow your business. From tracking your activities to helping you set goals to helping you consistently stay in touch with your network, Teamzy makes it easy and fun to build the foundation for a promising network marketing business. Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.