How to Thrive Outside of the Comfort Zone


How to Thrive Outside of the Comfort Zone

We’re well into the autumn months and heading into winter. The chilly temperatures outside and shorter days may make us want to put on our comfiest pants, cuddle under a blanket, and binge stream our favorite series. However, while this may make us feel better temporarily, it’s no way to grow a business. After all, we’re heading into one of the busiest times of the year for most network marketers. With the upcoming holiday season just around the corner, this is the time to achieve your goals and set yourself up for a great 2022. Not only that, but it’s also the best time to grow your business and your network. But first, you have to break out of the comfort zone.

Unfortunately, many network marketers take a cue from the season and begin to close down at this time of the year. Instead of working hard to complete their Power Hours, they do activities that won’t build their businesses. They may even reduce the number of Power Hours they do each week, saying that they’re just too busy or don’t feel like it. Or, they may say they don’t want to bug the people in their networks; after all, they’re busy, too.

Then, when the new year begins, they may wonder why they feel so far behind the others on their team (you know, the ones who continued to work hard in the home stretch of the year to set their businesses up for success). They look on as they watch the networks and businesses of their team members grow and flourish and wonder what their secret is. The secret is that they busted out of their comfort zone and looked for ways to capitalize on the season to serve their networks and grow their businesses.

Breaking out of the comfort zone

Like your favorite cozy pants, the comfort zone is where you feel safe and comfortable. Nothing can go wrong in the comfort zone! You’re able to do what you’ve done in the past to grow and build your business. It works for you. Some network marketers will stay in the comfort zone and maintain their business. Notice I said “maintain.” It’s impossible to grow your business when you’re in the comfort zone. And, if you’re fine with keeping your network a certain size, then that may work for you. After all, what you’ve done so far has helped you build the foundation of your business. Be aware, though, that this may cause your business to plateau or even stagnate if your network shrinks. However, if you want to reach more people and build a thriving network to serve, it’s vital to get beyond that comfort zone. It’s time to get uncomfortable. 

Why it’s vital to get out of the comfort zone in order to grow

All growth takes place outside of the comfort zone. It doesn’t matter whether it’s personal or professional growth or even physical growth. If you want to advance in any area of your life, you have to get uncomfortable.

Many people set goals to run a 5K. You may have set this goal yourself. Once they’ve set the goal, they begin to train to achieve it. Training involves running. If they’re not used to running, they may start out trying to run a half-mile or a mile several times a week. In the process, their muscles begin to burn and ache, often in the day or so after they’ve run. Although it feels uncomfortable, this aching is essential to muscle growth. It means those leg muscles are growing and developing as well as gaining strength. The more they run, the stronger their muscles become and the longer the distances they’ll be able to cover more comfortably. Yes, I said comfortably, because as they get used to running a mile or two, the easier it becomes. Suddenly the definition of comfortable changes and includes what was once uncomfortable. Before long, they become more confident that they can run longer distances with ease. And, that’s when they may set new goals to run 10Ks or half marathons. What was once super difficult has become much easier because they got out of their comfort zone, laced up their sneakers, and pushed beyond the growing pains. Had they not embraced the discomfort of growth, they’d still be wondering “what if…” 

The same is true for business

Do you think Amazon would be where it is today if Jeff Bezos said, “I’m cool will only selling a few books here and there”? No way. He went beyond his comfort zone and now the company sells pretty much everything and he’s taking flights to space. Talk about getting out of your comfort zone!

Businesses have to grow in order to meet the ever-evolving needs of their customers and the market at large. Although some businesses stay along their paths and never seek to grow, they often stagnate and go out of business. Costumers will only stay loyal for so long; once a business can’t meet their needs, they’re off to find one that can. 

Why growth – and getting out of the comfort zone – is so tough

Although growth is essential in business, many network marketers fear it. Not only does growth force you to get out of your comfort zone, it also forces you into the unknown. In the comfort zone, you know what will happen and feel as though you can control the outcome. Outside of the comfort zone, there’s just a big question mark.

Will the gamble pay off?

Many people fear leaving the comfort zone because they’re afraid they’ll fail. They don’t want to try something new for fear that it’ll land like a lead balloon. Failure is a painful experience – it bruises your ego and makes you not want to risk as much again. Plus, no one wants to fail publicly and see the (often imagined) fingers pointing. However, failure is important to success – they go hand-in-hand. No one has achieved success without failing a few times first. Yes, failure is a horrible bundle of disappointment; however, it provides the best lessons to help you on your journey to success. How else are you supposed to figure out what works and what doesn’t? And, just because you try something new doesn’t mean it’ll automatically fail. It might just succeed.

What if I succeed before I’m ready?

The fear of success has leveled many network marketers. They’re afraid of what will happen if they grow too big. Will they have time for the most important people in their networks? How will their businesses change? Or how will their lives change – will they still have time for those they love? 

Many of us think that we must be ready to reach success. What if we grow before we’re ready – will we sabotage our businesses and lives? There is no magical time to achieve success. You prepare for it by putting in the work and building a strong business. It’s that simple.

How to break out of the comfort zone 

Are you ready to burst out of the comfort zone? Here’s how.

Focus on your own development

Grow your mind and your business will follow. Fill your mind with the positive, business-oriented information you need to build a thriving business. Read books with advice to help you grow. Books that are written by people who have been in your shoes and built thriving businesses. Or, listen to audiobooks or podcasts. Sign up for courses that help you take your business to the next level and give you the skills you need to serve your customers, prospects, and team even better.

Lean into a coach and mentor

Notice the word “and” in there. You need both, especially if you want to achieve your ambitious goals. A coach offers an unbiased perspective when you need it the most. Sure, they’ll be your biggest cheerleaders when you succeed, but they’ll also keep you accountable when they see you slacking off. If something isn’t working, they’ll offer advice to help you fix it and brainstorm ideas to help you kick your business into high gear. They’ll give you the nudge you need to get out of your comfort zone.

A mentor comes with a wealth of experience that you can tap into, especially if you’re new to business and network marketing. You have a problem or something you’re struggling with – they’ve been through it. They can explain what they did and what they would do differently if faced with the same challenge again. Additionally, they’ll share what worked for them. Use what works and adjust it to your circumstances.

Use Teamzy

Teamzy offers the tools you need to build the foundation for a thriving network marketing business. Import your network, set goals, and keep in touch with everyone in your network. What’s more is we’ve created training and video lessons to help you build a network marketing business you love. Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.