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It’s Time for Your Midyear Goal Check-in!


It’s Time for Your Midyear Goal Check-in!

It’s that time of year again! We’re midway through 2022 – it’s time to review our goal and see how close we are to achieving the goals we set in January.

A goal check-in is a regular exercise we recommend to network marketers. Most people set goals in January and then forget about them until the end of December when it’s time to set goals again. Not only do they never review their goals to see how close they are to achieving them, but they never give them a second thought at all. As a result, at the end of the year, they’re left scratching their heads wondering why they didn’t reach their goals. The answer is simple – they never bothered to take the time to review their goals regularly. 

Why is it important to review your goals?

Reviewing your goals is critical to your success. Whether you have ambitious plans for network marketing domination or you want to build a business that achieves success on your terms, it’s so vital to set SMART goals and review them regularly.

Keep goals top of mind

First, reviewing your goals helps to keep them top of mind. One of the biggest challenges business leaders and network marketers have is remembering the goals they’ve set, especially if they don’t review them on the regular basis. Keeping your goals top of mind helps to ensure that you’ll achieve them. This not only includes posting them in a location where you’re sure to see them daily – on the bathroom mirror, on your phone or on a sticky note on your computer or office nook – but it also includes taking the time to read them over and remember what they mean to you. Why did you set that goal? What do you hope to achieve by reaching it? The more connected you feel to the goal, the better your chances of achieving it.

Gain perspective

Reviewing your goals allows you see how far you’ve come during the year. In January, did you expect to be where you are right now in terms of your business? Seeing where you are in regards to your goals can help you improve your overall perspective on your business. It’s hard to see where you’re headed when you feel like you’re in the weeds all the time, reaching out to connect with your network and doing follow ups. However, when you take time to come up for air by reviewing your goals, you can see how all that hard work is paying off.

Correct your course 

If you’re falling short of where you expected to be, take the time to figure out why. Did you experience a setback earlier in the year that kept you from working on your business? Or, perhaps you lost motivation a few months in and it impacted your daily activities. Whatever it is, now is the time to take steps to get back on track. You have plenty of time before the end of the year to correct your course by creating a plan of attack. 

For example, if you’re falling short of your sales goals, add another Power Hour to your week to help you get back on track. For many network marketers, this means adding another Power Hour temporarily until your back on track. Others may consider adding another Power Hour permanently because the number they were doing during the week wasn’t enough to reach their ambitious goals. 

Or, perhaps you’re falling short of your goal of adding people to your network because you’re uncomfortable asking people to introduce you. There’s an easy remedy – more training. Teamzy offers additional training to help you have those conversations about your business with anyone (without feeling awkward or like an aggressive salesperson). 

The idea is to identify what you can do differently to make the rest of the year a slam dunk in terms of achieving your goals.

How to do your midyear goal check-in

To conduct your goal check-in, ask yourself the following questions:

Am I on track?

This is the most important question. Be honest – are you on track to reach your goals? If you keep doing what you’re doing, will you be celebrating your success in December or will you fall short? 

If the answer is “yes”, then congratulations! Keep it up!

However, if the answer is “no” it’s time to brainstorm ways to get back on track. How far are you from achieving your goals? Do you need to ramp up your activities from now until the end of the year to meet it? 

If you’re far off track, it’s time to consider revising your goal so it’s achievable. In January we’re often feeling so motivated that we can take on world. However, after a few months reality sets in and we realize that the goals we set were too ambitious. Ambitious goals are great, just make sure they’re still achievable given your knowledge and skills right now. If you love the goal, make it a longer term goal, perhaps a two-year or three-year goal. Over the course of the next few years, you’ll gain the skills and experience necessary to achieve it. But, for now, revise it so it’s more achievable for where you’re at right now.

Where can I improve?

If you’re falling off-track, this question is key. Finding areas of improvement is critical to getting back on track to achieve your goals. Do you need to practice the introduction script more so that you’re more comfortable asking your best people to introduce you? Do you need to change up the scripts to sound more authentically you? Perhaps you need to carve out time to do your Power Hours consistently during the week?

This is your opportunity to find ways to get your business back on track so you can achieve your goals by the end of the year. What is holding you back? Where can you improve?

Even if you’re on track, it’s smart to think of ways to improve on achieving your goal. Perhaps you want to ramp up your activities so you achieve it sooner and coast into the end of the year. Or, maybe you’ve realized that you can set more ambitious goals so you want to set yourself up for success next year. Everyone can find some area of improvement, whether it’s doing more activities or improve skills in some way. 

How can I prepare my business if a setback occurs?

Challenges can arise at anytime. You may be on track now but experience a setback in the fall which pushes you off-course. Although it’s impossible to avoid setbacks and challenges, in many cases, it is possible to insulate your business from their most devastating impacts. This is why many people who are killing it achieving their goals still ramp up production at certain times of the year. 

Most businesses experience an ebb and flow of business depending on the time of year. For example, if your industry is health and wellness related, your busy time may be after the holidays (when people are trying to get in shape and burn off all the delicious sweet treats they ate) and before summer (when people are trying to get in shape for the pool or beach). If you’re on track to reach your goals, but business will predictably slow down for a few months, take the opportunity to plan for when it picks up again. Sow the seeds now so you can harvest when the time comes. 

If you’re not sure when your busy and slow times are, ask your team, especially those who have been network marketers for a while. They’ve likely noticed that there are certain times of the year when business is booming. Ask when those times are, if you haven’t been in business long enough to notice them yourself. Then, start to prepare. This will help you stay on track when those times comes. 

Maintain perspective

Whether you’re well on track or are falling behind, it’s important to maintain perspective. Nothing is permanent. If you’re off-track now, you still have time to get back on track before the end of the year. Similarly, if you’re ahead of the game now, don’t rest on your laurels. Keep putting in the work so you can be sure you’ll achieve the goals you’ve set.

Teamzy makes it easy to always know where you are in terms of achieving your goals

Teamzy not only helps you set goals, it also keeps track of how close you are to reaching them during the year. Once you’ve set your goals, Teamzy will use them to let you know who to contact each day. Do your activities and you set a strong foundation to achieving your goals this year. Teamzy tracks your progress so you’ll always know where you stand. Click here to learn more. 

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.