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How Do You Define Success?


How Do You Define Success?

If you’re like many people, the year has thrown many unique challenges your way. However, despite this, you may be well on your way to achieving your goals. In fact, many network marketers have seized the opportunity to focus on their businesses and maybe even make the jump to network marketing full time. Success is in sight!

What is your definition of success?

Everyone’s definition of success is different. While one network marketer defines success as having a huge network and even bigger net worth, another network marketer may feel successful if they can put away an extra $500 a month or pay for a family vacation outright. Success is not one size fits all, or even one size fits most. It all depends on your Why and your overall goals

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.”

– Maya Angelou

This has become even more relevant this year when normal life paused with the spread of COVID-19 and stay-at-home orders. The additional time spent with loved ones caused many of us to reassess our priorities and maybe even our personal and professional goals. For network marketers, this pause meant that the people in their networks were not only available but also more eager to connect with them. Many network marketers have not only grown their businesses but have also deepened their relationships with the people in those networks. This leads to a stronger business and increases the chances of achieving their goals. 

As humans, we crave connection, and this is especially true at this time. We want to reach out and connect with people we know and care about. Additionally, we want to support one another at this time and buy from businesses we know and trust. Your network knows and trusts you and would be excited to hear from you!

Embrace the opportunity to build a successful business

While some see challenges, others see opportunity. Specifically, the opportunity to reach out and reconnect with people, especially if you haven’t contacted them in a while. Hey, life gets busy, and the busier we get, the more difficult it is to stay in touch with people. How many times do you say, “Oh, I should get in touch with so-and-so” and then totally forget? Or, maybe you notice that someone in your network has posted an update on social media and you remember wanting to contact them weeks ago? Time flies past us when we’re overwhelmed and overcommitted. However, the past few months have created the opportunity to slow down and reach out to people just to say hi.

If this is a lesson you’ve learned, why not share it with your team?

Inspire your team to achieve success on their own terms

As a leader, your team looks up to you to keep them motivated and inspired, especially when they’re feeling out of sorts or just frustrated. They may feel frustrated because they’re off-course in reaching their goals or they fear that they’re not on the right path to success. This is an opportunity to explain to them that success looks different for everyone, and it’s normal to feel frustrated or disappointed when our expectations don’t match reality. Most of us have had to adjust our expectations and understand that 2020 hasn’t turned out to be a normal year… and that’s okay. The upside is that it’s created an opportunity to hit the ‘reset’ button and slow down. 

Share your experiences

Life feels a bit easier when you know that someone else is going through the same thing you are. Let your team know that they’re not alone if they’re struggling. Share what you’re struggling with too. If you’ve overcome the struggle, share how you did it; if not, brainstorm ideas to help you all get through the storm together.

Keep them inspired

Is there a quote, book, movie, podcast, or song that inspires you? Share it with your team. We all need a lift from time to time and entertainment is a great way to get it. When you connect with them, share it, and encourage them to read, watch, or listen.

Stay in touch

Make it a point to follow up with them, especially if they’re feeling frustrated or off-track. This allows you to build a relationship with them and lets them know that you’re on their side. 

Be a role model

One of the best ways to show your network how to tackle challenges and achieve success is to model the behavior you want to see. It’s not enough to tell them to connect and follow up with their networks; you have to do it too. Each time you connect with them, especially if you do so consistently, they begin to understand how relationship marketing works. They see how the strategy fits together and can take cues from you about how to use it with their own networks. 

Happy people don’t go through life collecting recognition, they go through life giving it away.”

– Ed Mylett

The more you reach out to your team and model relationship marketing, the more confidently they will be able to use it as well. The more confidence they build, the more success they’ll see (whatever their definition of ‘success’). Before you know it, you’ll be leading a happy, successful team! In turn, they’ll share what they’ve learned with their teams and the cycle will continue. 

Build a business on love

Relationships are at the core of relationship marketing. The stronger your relationships are with your network, the stronger your business will be. How do you build strong relationships? 


Consistent contact is essential for building relationships. You have to reach out to your network, whether you send them a text or message via a social media app, or an email. You don’t have to write a long message; just reach out, say “hello” and wish them well. That’s it. If they reply, that’s great. If they don’t, that’s okay, too. Even if they don’t reply, they know you’re thinking of them and will appreciate the sentiment. You may have even brought a smile to their faces! 

Connecting also includes following up. The follow up seems to give many network marketers the most trouble. Often they forget to follow up or they don’t want to seem like they’re bothering the other person. Let’s get this clear – when you follow up, you’re not bothering anyone. Instead, you’re showing the other person that you care enough to check back in with them. 

Teamzy makes it easy to stay connected with your network. Once you’ve organized your network, Teamzy uses its algorithm to let you know who to contact and when. All you have to do is sign in and reach out to your network – that’s it! Next stop, success!

Give without remembering and always receive without forgetting.

Ask for introductions

As you connect with your best and favorite people in your network, ask them to introduce you to other great people like them. What better way to build a business than by building a network full of wonderful, supportive people? The key is to ask your advocates first; after all, they’re already huge supporters of you and your business; they’d love to introduce you to great people just like them. All you have to do is ask. If you’re not sure what to say Teamzy has scripts to use verbatim or as a starting point to put your own spin on it. Although you may feel nervous at first, don’t worry, you won’t sound “salesy” and before long, you won’t feel nervous at all. 


Whenever you connect with someone in your network, look for the opportunity to serve. What are their pain points? Are they going through something that you can help with? Do they just need someone to check in with them and bring some sunshine into their days or do they need the name of a good roofer? Your network is more than just sales potential; they’re the people you care about. If your business can help, that’s awesome. However, also look for ways you can leverage your network to help. 

Share the love with your team

This entails more than modeling relationship marketing to your team; it also means keeping in touch with and connecting with them on a regular basis. This allows you to listen for ways to help and serve them and ease any pain points they may be experiencing. Always take the time to check-in and connect. 

Let Teamzy help you achieve success!

Teamzy was developed to help network marketers connect with their people and help them run their businesses more efficiently. Simply log in daily and start making people’s days. In just an hour a day, you can build your business and be well on your way to achieving your goals. Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.