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Success 2023: Get more out of your Teamzy CRM


Success 2023: Get more out of your Teamzy CRM

Did you know that your Teamzy CRM can help you achieve all of your goals on the path to success this year? It’s true. Teamzy is more than a CRM; it is an important tool designed to help you build your network marketing business. In addition to keeping your network at your fingertips, our CRM was developed to help you set and track your goals, plan your day, and build the skills you need to thrive in your industry. If you want to achieve all of the goals that you’ve set for 2023, here’s how to harness the power of Teamzy.

Success tip 1: Keep your network up to date

 Building a strong foundation for a network marketing business relies upon a current network. To achieve success, you have to keep your network up to date. Many network marketers input their network information and then forget about it. It is important to periodically update it to ensure that the information is up to date. Has someone in your network moved? Have they added to their families? Have they switched jobs? These are all important things to update. It’s also important to learn more information whenever you possibly can so that you know how to more effectively serve them.

As you’re reaching out to connect with them, it helps you ask if any information has changed. This is especially true for those in your network who you connect with less frequently than your top advocates. After all, a lot can happen in the few months between connects. They may have moved or changed jobs. Although you may know of a change because you’re acquainted with them and the people that they know, it helps to verify the information.

How to verify information

Many of the most successful network marketers make an appointment to verify information every time they connect with someone in their network. One way to ask if the information is current is to listen when the person is talking. They may mention in conversation that they or their husband has started a new job. This is your opportunity to ask them what their new job is and where they work now. Or, if you see on Facebook that they’ve shared happy news, such as a new baby in the family, then you can ask them for a little bit more information. Another way to find this information is to ask in conversation. You may say “do you still live over by the high school?” They may say yes or no. If they say no, ask where they moved to. 

How often should the information be verified?

This is a good question and one that is completely up to you. While some network marketers may want to verify information each time they speak or connect with someone in their network, others may only do it every few years. If you have a large network, You may wish to verify information when you speak with someone, especially if you only connect with them once or twice a year. Overall, it is a good idea to verify information at least once a year. This ensures that your network stays vibrant and current.

Don’t forget…

Update the information in Teamzy. It’s easy to get the information and then forget it. This is why it’s so important to update the information as soon as you get it. Although we like to think that we have strong memories, in reality, The Hectic nature of our days makes our memories less reliable. So, as soon as you find out new information, be sure to update your network.

Success tip 2: Log in daily

Teamzy can’t help you if you don’t log in every day. It’s not enough to just subscribe to the CRM; you have to log in and do your activities each and every day. Luckily, our CRM makes it easy and fun to build a foundation for a strong network marketing business. Using your network and your goals, an algorithm gives you a list of people to contact each day. All you have to do is simply log in, review your list and start connecting with the people on that list. It sounds easy, but many network marketers don’t do it. Why? 

There are many reasons why a network marketer may not log in to their CRM. Very often it is because they have not made connecting with their network a priority on their to-do list. In order to become an effective network marketer and build a thriving business, you have to make your business a priority.

When you create your to-do list for the day, be sure to include logging in to your CRM and connecting with your network. Then put a star next to it or circle it to make it a top priority. When you make your business your top priority for the day, you’re less likely to succumb to the distractions that pop up throughout the day. You’re more likely to get what you need to in order to thrive and achieve your goals. Once you’ve done your Power Hour then you can move on to other things on your to-do list. By circling or placing a star next to your business activities on your list, you can be sure that it will stay top of mind so you can get it all done. Only when you’ve made your business a priority are you able to achieve success.

Success tip 3: Take advantage of the benefits

Teamzy is more than a CRM, it has a host of benefits.


We’ve created scripts that can help you connect with anyone in your network. Whether you’ve just been introduced to them or your lifelong friends, we have the scripts to help you start the conversation. Scripts are especially helpful when you’re first starting out in network marketing and you feel awkward about talking about your business. The scripts help remove this awkwardness. We advise that you not only read the scripts and use them but also practice them. The more you practice your scripts, the more comfortable you will be using them. Scripts are not only great for connection prompts over email or text, they’re also good for conversations you may have in person with your network. Once you become more comfortable using the scripts, you can adapt them to the situation and even your personal communication style.

Goal setting and tracking

Goal setting is essential for success. However, many people set goals at the beginning of the year and then forget them until they have to set goals again at the end of the year. This defeats the purpose of setting goals in the first place. Luckily, Teamzy makes it easy to set goals and keep them top of mind throughout the year. In addition to using your goals to create your daily list of people to contact during your Power Hour, Teamzy helps you make and track goals you are excited to achieve. Easily access your goals so you can review them each week, each month, or however often you need to in order to keep them top of mind.

You can also see the progress you’re making toward achieving your goals so that you can make the necessary corrections before the end of the year. For example, if you are behind on achieving your goals, You may wish to add another Power Hour to your week. Or, if you’re easily hitting your targets, you may wish to create more challenging goals. Whatever your goals are, Teamzy makes it much easier and more fun to achieve them.

Professional development programs

In order to thrive in business, any business, it is essential to keep your skills sharp and to stay on top of current trends and the latest news in your industry. For many, this takes the form of professional development. In fact, those who are most likely to achieve success also commit to professional development. Although you may have a host of strengths that you tap into every day, it’s essential to keep your skills sharp and to learn new skills that can help you connect better with your network.

Online training programs allow you to sharpen these skills and develop new ones. In some cases, training programs that involve a social element, such as our Business Boot Camp program, allow you to connect with other highly motivated network marketers. You cannot only improve your skills, but you can also learn from others who may be facing similar challenges as you. If you want to meet the changing needs of the people in your network, it is important to commit to personal and professional development. Take a peek at what we offer.

See how Teamzy can help you build your network marketing business

If you’re not using Teamzy what are you waiting for? Click here to find out how Teamzy can help you build the foundation for a strong network marketing business.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.