Success Tip: Help Your Business Thrive in 2021

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Success Tip: Help Your Business Thrive in 2021

The new year is here! Are you excited to begin on your journey to leading a thriving and successful network marketing business? 

Many network marketers only dream of leading a thriving business; however, if they want to make it a reality, they have to make plans and put in the work. The journey to success is full of speed bumps, detours, and unexpected hills. The better prepared a network marketer is, the more they’re likely to handle any challenge that comes their way. 

“You become a master of your life when you learn how to control where your attention goes. Value what you give your energy and time to.”

If you want your business to thrive this year, do the following.

Success tip: Set goals

If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you get there? Goals give you something to aim for on your journey to success. Goals come in all shapes and sizes. There are the big hairy audacious goals (BHAGs) that are the goals you dare to have even if they seem out of reach right now. They’re long-term goals that you plan to achieve over the course of several years. 

There are year-long realistic goals, which are the goals you plan to reach within a year’s time. These are more realistic and will take you the year to achieve. Your business goals fall into this category – what do you want to achieve in a year? How many sales do you want to make? By how much do you want to grow your network? And, how much do you want to grow your income?

To achieve this goal, you’ll create smaller, shorter term goals that you’ll reach along the way to your annual goals. For example, if you want to increase your sales by 20% this year, set a goal to increase sales by 5% by March, 10% by June, and 15% by September. Before you know it, that ambitious goal of 20% is within reach by the end of the year. 

Of course, it’s important to create some slam-dunk, short term goals to reach along the way. These are goals you’ll reach within 2 weeks. They seem small, but they get you on course to achieving those much bigger goals. For example, you could make it a goal to reach out to 3 more people each week. Now, on its face, three people isn’t a lot; however, by the end of the month, you’ve reached out to 12 people. By the end of the year, that’s 144 people in your network who are on track to becoming strong advocates for your business.

Success tip: Prioritize your business

Everyone who starts out in network marketing has big dreams of success. They dream of all the sales and money they’ll make doing what they love – helping people. However, many of them will fail to do this one thing that is critical to building a successful business: They won’t make their business a priority. 

It sounds so simple, doesn’t it? Just make your business a priority. However, it’s easier said than done when life gets involved. All of a sudden, everything becomes a priority every day and it’s difficult to decipher what to focus on. 

Power hour

The good news is, your business doesn’t need to consume 8 hours of your day like a regular 9 to 5 job. In fact, all it takes is an hour or less. The Power Hour is 60 minutes of time you set aside to focus on your business. During this time, you’ll log into Teamzy and connect with the customers, prospects, and distributors on your Dashboard. Once you work through your list, watch a short video training at Teamzy University to boost your skills and your motivation. If it takes less than an hour, it’s even better! The larger your network, the more likely it’ll take the full hour.

If you don’t have a full hour to spend on your business, break it up into smaller segments of time. Do you have 30 minutes, twice a day? Or 15 minutes throughout the day? Make it work for you, but do make sure you do it. Then you can get to the rest of the items on your daily to-do list. 

Success tip: Do the work

Some days this is the hardest part. Life happens and some days it’s everything you can do to just make a to-do list. You’re not motivated, you’re overwhelmed, or perhaps you just don’t feel like reaching out that day. It’s normal to feel all of these things occasionally. However, the most successful people do the work anyway.

At this beginning of the year, when you’re brimming with motivation and excitement, it’s easy to put in the work in your business. However, as the months pass, it may become more of a challenge to get motivated. 

The secret of motivation is to fill your cup daily, not with coffee (though that helps) but with positive, inspirational things. Start your day with an inspirational quote or mantra. Keep a photo of your Why nearby where you can see it. List what you’re most thankful for each day. Read an article or a chapter in a book about an inspirational business leader. All of these things boost your motivation and prepare you to start the day.

Then, commit to doing the work every day. An hour a day is all it takes to begin building a successful network marketing business. Sure, there are some days when something comes up – either you or a loved one is sick, something comes up, or you just want to take a day off. It happens. However, you must ensure you get back on track and back to work as soon as you can so that you don’t get out of the habit of working on your business. 

“If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn

Success tip: Embrace challenges

The path to success is rarely smoothe. Every network marketer encounters challenges and setbacks along the way. While many quit, others – the most successful network marketers – face those challenges and rise above. 

Instead of feeling down when you encounter a challenge, take the opportunity to find the lesson in it. For example, does it seem as if no one in your network is responding to your messages? That’s frustrating! You may begin to doubt your communication skills and wonder why you’re putting in the work if no one seems to care. What you must realize though is that people are busy. They have their own lives. While they may not respond right away to your message, they’ve surely seen it and appreciate that you’ve reached out. You made their day by making them feel important and seen. They may reach out with a message when they get time or they may apologize profusely for not getting back sooner if you run into each other at the supermarket. Even if they don’t reach out, you’re building the foundation of a relationship by continuing to reach out and make their days. 

Success tip: Reward yourself

It’s easier to stay motivated and keep plugging along if you reward yourself periodically for a job well done. Let’s be clear – the size of the reward should match the size of the task. So, if you hit all of your Power Hours for two weeks or reach each milestone, give yourself a little reward.

Teamzy can help you get on the path to a thriving network marketing business

We developed Teamzy specifically to help network marketers thrive while building businesses doing what they do best – connecting with people. Teamzy is more than a CRM designed to help you keep your network in order; it’s also a powerful business tool designed to help you set and reach goals so you have the opportunity to build a strong and thriving network marketing business based on love and relationships. We’ll let you know who to contact each day based on where they fall in your network so you’ll reach out to your advocates more often. If you’re not sure what to say to the people in your network, we have scripts for you to use. 

Teamzy also allows you to set goals and view your progress toward reaching them. You’ll always know how close you are to achieving your next milestone and your medium- and long-term goals. It’s your one-stop-shop for business success. And, if you want to sharpen your skills, we have a variety of video trainings to help. We have your back at every stage of building your network marketing business. Click here to learn more. 

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy Network Marketers be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners.